RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

aikemirv;1591130 said:
I have to ask. What type of Gambling is not allowed by NFL players?

All? Can they not go into a casino?

Can they not bet on a horse race?

They are allowed to gamble in casinos (but not on football or it may be any sports)
aikemirv;1591130 said:
I have to ask. What type of Gambling is not allowed by NFL players?

All? Can they not go into a casino?

Can they not bet on a horse race?

They are not suppose to be involved with any type of gambling.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591094 said:
Little was arrested for DUI previously to killing that lady by being very drunk and running a red light. After killing someone he was arrested for DUI again. Not only does he not care that he might kill people but he has killed people and still does the same thing.

He has only spent 90 days in jail and currently is on an NFL roster making a paycheck.

Michael Vick kills dogs.

He is looking at a year and a possible lifetime ban.

Hey if you want to clamor about animal cruelty more power to you but if you cannot understand how human life is more important i really do not know what to say. Youre value system at that point is so completely different than mine if that is the case.
There's validity to your position on the manslaughter/animal cruelty thing.

Re: convicted criminal playing football, there was also a different commissioner back then. I tend to thing Goodell would view it differently based on the events of the past several months.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591103 said:
That is true.

Either the Feds case is not as strong as it appears or it will be too costly and open up huge cans of worms in terms of race relations/southern culture of dog fighting or whatever. There is a reason they will give him one year and a reason he will take it. Neither has a really strong case.

I don't know. To this point, all I've heard reported is what Vicks defense team is asking for. I don't know that I've seen a report stipulating what the Gov't is offering or will consider.

I don't know that the US Gov't does or doesn't have a strong case. I guess we will see.
5Stars;1591127 said:
Yeah, but you like to dress up like a woman!!

its just a fantasy at this point :p:

ive got this pic of my brother with balloons up his shirt from when we were kids, he's got one hand on his hips and the other playing with the back oh his hair, its hillarious. all in good fun.
BigDFan5;1591121 said:
As soon as he is suspended by the NFL the falcons have a right to file a claim to have his signing bonus returned to them. That number is around 28 million dollars they can recoup leaving Vick alot less happy

Don't forget that the IRS may want to talk to Mr. Vick........

Don't forget that VA's AG is trying to climb the political ladder and the state charges will not be covered under any federal plea, just a heckuva lot easier to prove.......

Hypothetically, the only way Vick may see the field again is if he has some "blackmail". Vick - "suspend me for life and I'm naming dozens of other active NFL players involved in the dogfighting subculture".
CanadianCowboysFan;1591073 said:
He was probably told by his lawyers to deny. Nothing wrong with doing so in my view.

fortdick;1591080 said:
I knew you would be here to back pedal. Now it is his lawyers' fault he pleaded not guilty, eh?

You have been wrong a along and now you are trying to salvage something from it. Would have been best if you had not even posted for a while.:lmao2:

:hammer: x 1,000,000,000,000
FuzzyLumpkins;1591094 said:
Little was arrested for DUI previously to killing that lady by being very drunk and running a red light. After killing someone he was arrested for DUI again. Not only does he not care that he might kill people but he has killed people and still does the same thing.

He has only spent 90 days in jail and currently is on an NFL roster making a paycheck.

Michael Vick kills dogs.

He is looking at a year and a possible lifetime ban.

Hey if you want to clamor about animal cruelty more power to you but if you cannot understand how human life is more important i really do not know what to say. Youre value system at that point is so completely different than mine if that is the case.

um-fuzzbucket - didn't i say i didn't know all the facts? didn't i say i'd need to know more before i could say anything concrete? YET EVEN WITH THESE disclaimers people still put words in my mouth.

freaking amazing.

now - let me ask you this. if you find out a loved one died in an accident from a drunk driver - yes. you have every right to be upset and mad at that person for allowing themselves to be distracted while driving.

now what if the accident was because they were trying to dial a cell phone? is the death less painful? would there be less anger to a moron dialing a phone vs. driving?

i can see someone having an unintentional accident and needing to pay the price for that. if it happens again exponentially increase the penalty - i have no problem with that.

but vick wasn't drunk when he killed dogs. time and time and time and time and time again, was he?

i don't think you can compare the two because they're two different scenarios.

but like i said, are you less angry at someone on a cell phone vs. being drunk while driving who caused an accident?
StanleySpadowski;1591143 said:
Don't forget that the IRS may want to talk to Mr. Vick........

Don't forget that VA's AG is trying to climb the political ladder and the state charges will not be covered under any federal plea, just a heckuva lot easier to prove.......

Hypothetically, the only way Vick may see the field again is if he has some "blackmail". Vick - "suspend me for life and I'm naming dozens of other active NFL players involved in the dogfighting subculture".

Cool...go get them too. Who cares! If you are going to clean the bathroom, don't just clean the tub and sink, clean the toilet also...
Hoov;1591119 said:
Regarding lying....

If i am the type of person to commit a crime in the first place, then evidence is pointed to my involvement, of course i am going to lie my pants off to try to get out of paying for it. What have i got to lose, so then if i eventually plead guilty or "come clean" there is not going to be much more of a penalty for lying about my involvement (im not talking about lying in court), except that some people will call me a liar, but in comparison to what i am already going to endure or go through for comitting the crime - what is the big deal if pople call me a liar on top of that.

If i commited a crime, i would lie about doing it all the way until my sentence is announced, and even then i might lie and say i was unjustly accused, unless i was caught redhanded.

i guess it comes down to personal integrity, of which vick has none. if you lie to save your hide then you're already a low-life who put yourself in a bad situation. you can compound it by allowing the world to know you're a liar or you can come clean initially and save what's left of your word.

my word means a lot to me - to some i guess it doesn't mean a thing cause of how the "system" is setup.
FuzzyLumpkins;1590979 said:
he only did 90 days. kinda makes me wonder about this country's priorities really.

kill a person get 90 days kill a dog and you get a year.

A dog? More like several dogs but this indictment isn't about killing dogs, it's a conspiracy charge for his alleged role in a dog fighting venture. You post reeks dishonesty to make your point.
StanleySpadowski;1591143 said:
Don't forget that the IRS may want to talk to Mr. Vick........

Don't forget that VA's AG is trying to climb the political ladder and the state charges will not be covered under any federal plea, just a heckuva lot easier to prove.......

Hypothetically, the only way Vick may see the field again is if he has some "blackmail". Vick - "suspend me for life and I'm naming dozens of other active NFL players involved in the dogfighting subculture".

The IRS should leave Vick alone. If he has to pay back millions in signing bonus, the IRS is going to be digging deep to come up with the share they took!!!
03EBZ06;1591181 said:
A dog? More like several dogs but this indictment isn't about killing dogs, it's a conspiracy charge for his alleged role in a dog fighting venture. You post reeks dishonesty to make your point.

he hates dogs anyway if i remember correctly. or just doesn't care for them. something along those lines.
iceberg;1591166 said:
i guess it comes down to personal integrity, of which vick has none. if you lie to save your hide then you're already a low-life who put yourself in a bad situation. you can compound it by allowing the world to know you're a liar or you can come clean initially and save what's left of your word.

my word means a lot to me - to some i guess it doesn't mean a thing cause of how the "system" is setup.

I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".
iceberg;1591166 said:
i guess it comes down to personal integrity, of which vick has none. if you lie to save your hide then you're already a low-life who put yourself in a bad situation. you can compound it by allowing the world to know you're a liar or you can come clean initially and save what's left of your word.

my word means a lot to me - to some i guess it doesn't mean a thing cause of how the "system" is setup.
yes, but you are also not going to commit the crime. People commiting most crimes already have dishonered their personal integrity once they commit the crime, so whats a lie tacked on ?

If i decide to go rob a storeowner with a gun, i dont have much integrity or care for the man i am robbing, so why would i be ashamed to lie ??

If i have integrity i will not rob the storeowner in the first place.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".
I've gotten some tickets and gotten off of some tickets for being honest. I know what I did and I know why I got pulled over and I'll tell the truth and accept the consequence.
Hoov;1591196 said:
yes, but you are also not going to commit the crime. People commiting most crimes already have dishonered their personal integrity once they commit the crime, so whats a lie tacked on ?

If i decide to go rob a storeowner with a gun, i dont have much integrity or care for the man i am robbing, so why would i be ashamed to lie ??

If i have integrity i will not rob the storeowner in the first place.

Unless you are Jean Valjean in Les Miserables who had honour but had to steal a loaf of bread for his hungry nephew I believe.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".

Damn I do that, if I'm in the wrong I will admit to it. Last time I was pulled over was about 4 years ago and when the cop pulled me over and asked if I knew why he pulled me over I said yes I was going a bit over the speed limit. His response: well I'll give you a warning this time.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".

no i say "speeding"? if i really don't know i say so. but i've rarely been pulled over and NOT known what i was doing wrong. i got pulled over, i was doing XYZ that i shouldn't have been doing, fess up and move on. no, i've not lied about it. i pay my fine and move on.

Hoov;1591196 said:
yes, but you are also not going to commit the crime. People commiting most crimes already have dishonered their personal integrity once they commit the crime, so whats a lie tacked on ?

If i decide to go rob a storeowner with a gun, i dont have much integrity or care for the man i am robbing, so why would i be ashamed to lie ??

If i have integrity i will not rob the storeowner in the first place.

and yes, i do agree with you on this one, hoov. they do go together.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591200 said:
Unless you are Jean Valjean in Les Miserables who had honour but had to steal a loaf of bread for his hungry nephew I believe.

then admit it and work off the crime with the owner. : )

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