RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".

if I know why i am being pulled over i admit it, heck once I saw a cop turn around behind me and I pulled over before he hit his light cause I knew I did wrong
CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".

OMG! And what good would that do? You think the cop is going to say, "well, if you don't know, that's good enough for me. Sorry for stopping you, bye and have a nice day"!

For a supposed Solicitor & Barristor your rational is all messed up! You talk about commiting criminal activity, now you are talking about lying? :rolleyes:

If I make U-turn and the cop ask me the "rote" question, I will answer, "Yes, Sir...I do know why..." There is a greater chance of just a warning ticket vs. a traffic ticket if you're honest the the cop. If you act like a weasle trying to get out of something, he's most likely not going to give you any break for lying to him when he clearly know you know!

You're strange...very strange...

(at least you have done one thing right, you became a Cowboy fan)!

CanadianCowboysFan;1591200 said:
Unless you are Jean Valjean in Les Miserables who had honour but had to steal a loaf of bread for his hungry nephew I believe.
There is always the exceptions to the rule.

Here's a powerful quote i read one time.

Some disobey the law because they are not fit for it, some disobey the law because the law is not fit for them.

The context was from a spiritual point of view, there are those who break the law because they are ignorant, careless and self-centered. And then there are persons who answer to a higher code within themselves and at times the law is too binding for such an individual.

It was basically for a previous time in history when individual freedoms were not so protected and valued as they are today, but there are still circumstances where this applies.
Doomsday101;1591201 said:
Damn I do that, if I'm in the wrong I will admit to it. Last time I was pulled over was about 4 years ago and when the cop pulled me over and asked if I knew why he pulled me over I said yes I was going a bit over the speed limit. His response: well I'll give you a warning this time.

Must be the lawyer in me, I say no, and then dispute the ticket, hoping either to make cop look foolish in court or that he doesn't show up and I get out of the fine. At worst, I put off paying the fine for a year, rather the money in my pocket than the govenment coffers.
I am in the camp that believes both Vick and Little should be bound together and then turn Vicks dogs loose on them. Maybe thats the next reality show.
BigDFan5;1591209 said:
if I know why i am being pulled over i admit it, heck once I saw a cop turn around behind me and I pulled over before he hit his light cause I knew I did wrong

I once got pulled over for speeding but because it was mother’s day and my mom was riding with me so DPS let me go. Another time on Thanksgiving the officer asked why I was in such a hurry and I told him I was driving to Dallas to see the Cowboys play and he let me off. In over 30 years of driving I have received 1 ticket and I was honest with him that time as well. I just figured these guys have heard every story under the sun and he is only doing his job so heck I might as well be honest with them. Lying or copping an attitude with them only pisses them off.
Doomsday101;1591221 said:
I once got pulled over for speeding but because it was mother’s day and my mom was riding with me so DPS let me go. Another time on Thanksgiving the officer asked why I was in such a hurry and I told him I was driving to Dallas to see the Cowboys play and he let me off. In over 30 years of driving I have received 1 ticket and I was honest with him that time as well. I just figured these guys have heard every story under the sun and he is only doing his job so heck I might as well be honest with them. Lying or copping an attitude with them only pisses them off.

No kidding what is lying going to do? The policeman knows 90% of people KNOW why they were pulled over, saying I dont know means you get the ticket for sure, honesty may sway them a bit into a warning
CanadianCowboysFan;1591215 said:
Must be the lawyer in me, I say no, and then dispute the ticket, hoping either to make cop look foolish in court or that he doesn't show up and I get out of the fine. At worst, I put off paying the fine for a year, rather the money in my pocket than the govenment coffers.

I'm an honest person and as I mentioned in one of my other post these cops have heard it all so I may as well fess up and deal with it. I also try to treat these officers with the respect that I feel their jobs deserve.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591215 said:
Must be the lawyer in me, I say no, and then dispute the ticket, hoping either to make cop look foolish in court or that he doesn't show up and I get out of the fine. At worst, I put off paying the fine for a year, rather the money in my pocket than the govenment coffers.

You don't represent your country very well, you know!

So, to save yourself, what, $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, you would rather have the courts in your country spend much more money and time, just to collect a freaking few bucks from you because you broke the law!

I'm really starting to doubt that you are a lawyer...(well maybe not)...

CanadianCowboysFan;1591215 said:
Must be the lawyer in me, I say no, and then dispute the ticket, hoping either to make cop look foolish in court or that he doesn't show up and I get out of the fine. At worst, I put off paying the fine for a year, rather the money in my pocket than the govenment coffers.
I've had more tickets not issued than i care to admit. It was always because I knew I was in the wrong and owned up to it and was respectful.
BigDFan5;1591226 said:
No kidding what is lying going to do? The policeman knows 90% of people KNOW why they were pulled over, saying I dont know means you get the ticket for sure, honesty may sway them a bit into a warning

I agree. It is like that show cops, these drunks get pulled over and when the officer asked if they have been drinking they always say 1 or 2 drinks when you know damn well just by looking at them that they are smashed. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;1591229 said:
I'm an honest person and as I mentioned in one of my other post these cops have heard it all so I may as well fess up and deal with it. I also try to treat these officers with the respect that I feel their jobs deserve.

Thats the difference between us and CCF from reading his posts he seems to hate policemen and want to make them "look foolish"
5Stars;1591211 said:
OMG! And what good would that do? You think the cop is going to say, "well, if you don't know, that's good enough for me. Sorry for stopping you, bye and have a nice day"!

For a supposed Solicitor & Barristor your rational is all messed up! You talk about commiting criminal activity, now you are talking about lying? :rolleyes:

If I make U-turn and the cop ask me the "rote" question, I will answer, "Yes, Sir...I do know why..." There is a greater chance of just a warning ticket vs. a traffic ticket if you're honest the the cop. If you act like a weasle trying to get out of something, he's most likely not going to give you any break for lying to him when he clearly know you know!

You're strange...very strange...

(at least you have done one thing right, you became a Cowboy fan)!


"If you have the inclination, I have the crime, there's a lot of opportunities, if you know how to use them

you've got the brawn, I've got the brains, let's make lots of money"

I'm always pleasant with him but since I want to get out of the ticket at trial, there is no way I am going to give him any ammo to use against me. Next time, ask him to read you your Miranda rights before he asks you to make a confession. See what his reaction is ;)
5Stars;1591230 said:
You don't represent your country very well, you know!

So, to save yourself, what, $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, you would rather have the courts in your country spend much more money and time, just to collect a freaking few bucks from you because you broke the law!

I'm really starting to doubt that you are a lawyer...(well maybe not)...

You must not have gotten a ticket lately. There are very few citations less than $200.
Doomsday101;1591221 said:
I once got pulled over for speeding but because it was mother’s day and my mom was riding with me so DPS let me go. Another time on Thanksgiving the officer asked why I was in such a hurry and I told him I was driving to Dallas to see the Cowboys play and he let me off. In over 30 years of driving I have received 1 ticket and I was honest with him that time as well. I just figured these guys have heard every story under the sun and he is only doing his job so heck I might as well be honest with them. Lying or copping an attitude with them only pisses them off.
I recently got pulled over by a cop on a bike in center city, i got in the wrong lane and jumped the red light to cut in front of the cars in the turning lane. I even looked for cop cars before i did it.

The light was red at the next block. I saw him riding up in the rear view, i was waiting for light to change and thought, yeah..i'll just pretend i never saw him. Anyway, he caught me at the light and tapped on my window, i rolled it down and he asked for my ID, i asked, should i pull over, he was like...ID first then you can go through intersection.

He asked why i ran the light, i told him i was lost got in wrong lane and was worried about getting cut off by tarffic so i jumped the light. He told me i could have made a turn from either lane and i should have just waited.

Then he gave me a ticket for No seatbelt :bang2: and waived the other penalty. But it felt kind of embarassing that i was pulled over by a bicycle cop.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591215 said:
Must be the lawyer in me, I say no, and then dispute the ticket, hoping either to make cop look foolish in court or that he doesn't show up and I get out of the fine. At worst, I put off paying the fine for a year, rather the money in my pocket than the govenment coffers.

IOW, you're completely dishonest... a lawyer, bragging about disputing a ticket he knows he deserved...

The last time I was called to court, it was for a traffic accident I caused... the judge called me up, and asked me how I pled, and I looked him in the eye and said "I did it, I guess the only plea for me is guilty"... the officer who cited me, a Sergeant Knight, told the judge that "Mr. Cottrill was a complete gentleman in this situation", to which I responded "I hit the poor guy, what am I supposed to do, go off on HIM for being an innocent victim??"

The judge complimented me on my honesty, and found me guilty, but waived the court costs...

That's how an HONEST person acts in a court of law... it would never, ever occur to me to dispute a citation I'd received, unless the citation was unfairly issued... if I'm guilty, I stand up and say as much... but that's how I was raised...
Hoov;1591240 said:
I recently got pulled over by a cop on a bike in center city, i got in the wrong lane and jumped the red light to cut in front of the cars in the turning lane. I even looked for cop cars before i did it.

The light was red at the next block. I saw him riding up in the rear view, i was waiting for light to change and thought, yeah..i'll just pretend i never saw him. Anyway, he caught me at the light and tapped on my window, i rolled it down and he asked for my ID, i asked, should i pull over, he was like...ID first then you can go through intersection.

He asked why i ran the light, i told him i was lost got in wrong lane and was worried about getting cut off by tarffic so i jumped the light. He told me i could have made a turn from either lane and i should have just waited.

Then he gave me a ticket for No seatbelt :bang2: and waived the other penalty. But it felt kind of embarassing that i was pulled over by a bicycle cop.

HAHAHA I read that whole thing thinking motorcycle till the end.
WoodysGirl;1591237 said:
You must not have gotten a ticket lately. There are very few citations less than $200.

I have not had a traffic ticket, I would say for at least the past 30 years...and I have driven from coast to coast many time thru many states.

The reason I'm so aware of traffic laws is because if I cause an accident my insurance rates will go sky high!

Doomsday101;1591234 said:
I agree. It is like that show cops, these drunks get pulled over and when the officer asked if they have been drinking they always say 1 or 2 drinks when you know damn well just by looking at them that they are smashed. :laugh2:

problem is, those people do not realize that by admitting to one or two, they have given the cop reasonable and probable cause to give them a breathalyzer etc

shouldn't you at least make them do their job instead of making it easier on them?
Hoov;1591240 said:
I recently got pulled over by a cop on a bike in center city, i got in the wrong lane and jumped the red light to cut in front of the cars in the turning lane. I even looked for cop cars before i did it.

The light was red at the next block. I saw him riding up in the rear view, i was waiting for light to change and thought, yeah..i'll just pretend i never saw him. Anyway, he caught me at the light and tapped on my window, i rolled it down and he asked for my ID, i asked, should i pull over, he was like...ID first then you can go through intersection.

He asked why i ran the light, i told him i was lost got in wrong lane and was worried about getting cut off by tarffic so i jumped the light. He told me i could have made a turn from either lane and i should have just waited.

Then he gave me a ticket for No seatbelt :bang2: and waived the other penalty. But it felt kind of embarassing that i was pulled over by a bicycle cop.

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