RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

silverbear;1591241 said:
IOW, you're completely dishonest... a lawyer, bragging about disputing a ticket he knows he deserved...

The last time I was called to court, it was for a traffic accident I caused... the judge called me up, and asked me how I pled, and I looked him in the eye and said "I did it, I guess the only plea for me is guilty"... the officer who cited me, a Sergeant Knight, told the judge that "Mr. Cottrill was a complete gentleman in this situation", to which I responded "I hit the poor guy, what am I supposed to do, go off on HIM for being an innocent victim??"

The judge complimented me on my honesty, and found me guilty, but waived the court costs...

That's how an HONEST person acts in a court of law... it would never, ever occur to me to dispute a citation I'd received, unless the citation was unfairly issued... if I'm guilty, I stand up and say as much... but that's how I was raised...

Same here it was how I was raised, it is a lot easier dealing with the truth than to sit there and lie. I don't claim to be a saint by any means but I have always been upfront and honest with people no matter the situation. I guess I don't have any lawyer in me. :laugh2:
silverbear;1591241 said:
IOW, you're completely dishonest... a lawyer, bragging about disputing a ticket he knows he deserved...

The last time I was called to court, it was for a traffic accident I caused... the judge called me up, and asked me how I pled, and I looked him in the eye and said "I did it, I guess the only plea for me is guilty"... the officer who cited me, a Sergeant Knight, told the judge that "Mr. Cottrill was a complete gentleman in this situation", to which I responded "I hit the poor guy, what am I supposed to do, go off on HIM for being an innocent victim??"

The judge complimented me on my honesty, and found me guilty, but waived the court costs...

That's how an HONEST person acts in a court of law... it would never, ever occur to me to dispute a citation I'd received, unless the citation was unfairly issued... if I'm guilty, I stand up and say as much... but that's how I was raised...

Good for you. Do you walk on water as well?

You are the perfect example of the internet indignant holier than thou type.

I guess you don't understand there is nothing wrong with forcing the prosecution to prove its case. To me that is the whole basis of our system. There is nothing wrong with pleading not guilty because all you are saying is that you want the state/province whatever to prove you did it. I am not saying you go up and lie on the witness stand, that is wrong but pleading not guilty is not lieing.

It's all part of the game.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591248 said:
problem is, those people do not realize that by admitting to one or two, they have given the cop reasonable and probable cause to give them a breathalyzer etc

shouldn't you at least make them do their job instead of making it easier on them?

They are doing the job for the public good, it is not about making their job easy or hard it is about doing the right thing. I have messed up big time in the past and did 30 days for one of my screw ups but throughout the whole ordeal I was honest about what I had done and was willing to take whatever punishment was handed down to me. I don't spend my life trying to beat the so called system because I feel the system is there to protect us. Now if I have been done wrong or unjust I will fight for what is right, I'm not a martyr
CanadianCowboysFan;1591248 said:
problem is, those people do not realize that by admitting to one or two, they have given the cop reasonable and probable cause to give them a breathalyzer etc

shouldn't you at least make them do their job instead of making it easier on them?
I know, the cops even laugh when poeple respond like that, ive heard where the cop says "its the proverbial one or two".

But realistically, the poeple they put on those episodes are so hammered that the cops know it already whether they answer like that or not.

But as far as integirty, i have sat in court while an officer told a completely fabricated lie that was about 5 minuets long, when i told the truth i was laughed at because the officer was a more credible witness than I, for no reason other than he was an officer.
Doomsday101;1591250 said:
Same here it was how I was raised, it is a lot easier dealing with the truth than to sit there and lie. I don't claim to be a saint by any means but I have always been upfront and honest with people no matter the situation. I guess I don't have any lawyer in me. :laugh2:

So when your wife asks you if you were checking out her neighbour's mammary glands, do you admit it?
CanadianCowboysFan;1591257 said:
So when your wife asks you if you were checking out her neighbour's mammary glands, do you admit it?

doesnt everybody?
Hoov;1591256 said:
I know, the cops even laugh when poeple respond like that, ive heard where the cop says "its the proverbial one or two".

But realistically, the poeple they put on those episodes are so hammered that the cops know it already whether they answer like that or not.

But as far as integirty, i have sat in court while an officer told a completely fabricated lie that was about 5 minuets long, when i told the truth i was laughed at because the officer was a more credible witness than I, for no reason other than he was an officer.

I fought a speeding ticket once (same cop that gave my dad one on the same road five years earlier, gee I guess that guy's career didn't go anywhere) but he stood up in both cases and gave the same bs story that he always knows how fast someone is going by looking at the car, is never more than 2kph off and only turns on the radar to confirm. Yeah like you can really argue with that. It would be like me saying I have never had impure thoughts other than for my wife. Try and prove that isn't the case.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591257 said:
So when your wife asks you if you were checking out her neighbour's mammary glands, do you admit it?

Not married but my girl friend knows I'll look but she also knows that I'm faithful to her. By the way she looks at good looking guys. I'm secure enough in myself that I'm not concerned if she looks.
BigDFan5;1591259 said:
doesnt everybody?

Well I would assume Silverbear and others do because they never lie, they weren't raised that way.

Mrs. CCF never believes me but I have to give the standard denial or else I might as well just shove mine in my mouth and give up being a man.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591264 said:
Well I would assume Silverbear and others do because they never lie, they weren't raised that way.

Mrs. CCF never believes me but I have to give the standard denial or else I might as well just shove mine in my mouth and give up being a man.

You seem to have contempt for people who are honest instead of corrupt, and a distain for police officers and a certain hero worship of criminals. What has happened in your life to make you so jaded and backwards
silverbear;1591241 said:
IOW, you're completely dishonest... a lawyer, bragging about disputing a ticket he knows he deserved...

The last time I was called to court, it was for a traffic accident I caused... the judge called me up, and asked me how I pled, and I looked him in the eye and said "I did it, I guess the only plea for me is guilty"... the officer who cited me, a Sergeant Knight, told the judge that "Mr. Cottrill was a complete gentleman in this situation", to which I responded "I hit the poor guy, what am I supposed to do, go off on HIM for being an innocent victim??"

The judge complimented me on my honesty, and found me guilty, but waived the court costs...

That's how an HONEST person acts in a court of law... it would never, ever occur to me to dispute a citation I'd received, unless the citation was unfairly issued... if I'm guilty, I stand up and say as much... but that's how I was raised...
I have a similar story about speeding. I was engaged and we were going to my then fiance's hometown to get her furniture. It was about 3:00 in the morning and there was a little one horse town I didn't even know existed. Coming down a hill pulling a horse trailer and suddenly I'm over the speed limit. I had the truck on cruise control at the right speed limit for the highway, 55. I just didn't know this town was about to appear and the speed limit was going to drop to 35.

I got married and showed up to court on the date I was assigned. I even brought a copy of my wedding announcement with me so the Judge knew I wasn't lying.

He said, "were you speeding?"

I said, "yes sir, I was."

He said, "will you be coming through my town to see your in-laws?"

I said, "for the rest of my life, and I will never not know your town exists again and I will never speed here again."

He said, "treat her right. No fine."

I have kept both promises to him.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591094 said:
Little was arrested for DUI previously to killing that lady by being very drunk and running a red light. After killing someone he was arrested for DUI again. Not only does he not care that he might kill people but he has killed people and still does the same thing.

He has only spent 90 days in jail and currently is on an NFL roster making a paycheck.

Michael Vick kills dogs.

He is looking at a year and a possible lifetime ban.

Hey if you want to clamor about animal cruelty more power to you but if you cannot understand how human life is more important i really do not know what to say. Youre value system at that point is so completely different than mine if that is the case.

That was good old Tags for you :bang2:and the Rams turned a blind eye as well. I thought he should server real time and all he got was a slap on the wrist. I thought it was disgrace back then and to this day think it is a disgrace.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591257 said:
So when your wife asks you if you were checking out her neighbour's mammary glands, do you admit it?
My wife and I have an agreement. We are both allowed to look, as long as it is not by braille.

No reading the bumps.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591264 said:
Well I would assume Silverbear and others do because they never lie, they weren't raised that way.

Mrs. CCF never believes me but I have to give the standard denial or else I might as well just shove mine in my mouth and give up being a man.

Let's recap...CCF advocates not commitng a crime with someone that will "rat" him out/

CCF will lie if he can get away with it (does he even have conscience?)

CCF is a pervert that check out other womans active glands (well, I cannot fault him for that)

So, CCF is a criminal, a liar, and a pervert?

Carry on...


Kangaroo;1591271 said:
That was good old Tags for you :bang2:and the Rams turned a blind eye as well. I thought he should server real time and all he got was a slap on the wrist. I thought it was disgrace back then and to this day think it is a disgrace.

Tags didnt hand out a 90 day sentence.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591284 said:
Tags didnt hand out a 90 day sentence.
I think he was saying Tags was soft on Little, whereas Goodell would not be.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591284 said:
Tags didnt hand out a 90 day sentence.

I agree. What Little got was a disgrace and his is not the only case where guys who have done very bad things have gotten away with it or served little time for it. However that does not mean this court should allow Vick off the hook because some other court did not do their job.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591191 said:
I understand your point but whenever you pulled over for speeding, making an illegal turn etc, do you quickly admit to the cop what you did when he asks you the rote question "do you know why I stopped you" or do you do like most of us and answer "I have no idea".

Actually I hand him my license and ask him how much it is going to cost me. Two different times I have pulled over and waited for the cop to turn around because I knew he had me and one did not even give me a ticket because of that.

I was going to reserve drill from college going down a back road doing about 70 in a 55 back then (it is 65 on that road now). Zoom I see a DPS Trooper in the other lane coming from the other direction. I just pull over to the right shoulder and the DPS goes by pulls over on the shoulder on his side of the road. I am getting out my License insurance etc. and I watch the DPS sit there in the rear view mirror for about 5 minutes I wait I wait he gets back on the road and takes off the direction he was heading.

So yes I do if I know why the cop pulled me over. I got pulled over for forgetting to turn on my headlights once :bang2: and I truly did not know why he had pulled me over.
Hostile;1591287 said:
I think he was saying Tags was soft on Little, whereas Goodell would not be.

And im saying that we live in a society that hands out greater punishment for killing dogs that in does for killing people.

No one cares about the Elams or the Littles or they dont care enough to speak out about it but touch a dog and theres hell to pay.

I really dont know if its just a case of people getting whipped up in the mob mentality or if peoples value systems are just so completely different tan mine but I find it very disconcerting.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591298 said:
And im saying that we live in a society that hands out greater punishment for killing dogs that in does for killing people.

No one cares about the Elams or the Littles or they dont care enough to speak out about it but touch a dog and theres hell to pay.

I really dont know if its just a case of people getting whipped up in the mob mentality or if peoples value systems are just so completely different tan mine but I find it very disconcerting.

I don't think that is the case. I think people are just as appalled by these acts by these players but have gotten to the point of thinking because they are some rich sports star they are going to get off the hook. I think the main reason this is getting this type of attention is because Vick is a bigger name and a higher profile than Little or Elam combined

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