Russia invades Ukraine *** READ RULES IN POST 6 BEFORE POSTING ***

It’s only going to get worse.
Zelensky's problem is, he's not in a position to dictate anything. He's an actor trying to play tough. Putin is an actual tough guy.

You’re joking right?

President Zelensky has a very high likelihood of being assassinated. Yet he has declined offers to safely leave his country, knowing full well such decisions will cost him his life.

That’s the very definition of toughness and leadership. Not taking the easy way out but instead choosing to do the opposite with deadly consequences.

Putin, on the other hand, is a merely a bully. Don’t confuse that with toughness.
Well, since we are accusing people of having ulterior motives, you seem to want all out war with Russia. You post a link to Poroshenko saying Putin will not stop at Ukraine and never lives up to his word, so that means the only solution is total war and elimination of Putin. That makes you a war mongering neo-con who revels in death. You want the US dragged down into another horrible war.

See, it's easy to just make accusations, it's hard to accept the reality of the situation. Reality is, if Ukraine is kicking Russia's butt like the claims are, then they are doing fine, will soon eliminate the problem and don't need anyone's help. I don't believe that is the case. The Russians haven't taken Kiev, but maybe they don't want to take Kiev. If you notice on the map of ground they have taken, they almost have Ukraine cut off from their ports and it looks like soon they will and the next step will be to take Odessa. Once he has control of the ports Kiev will be screwed.

So, anyway, keep accusing me of being a Putin stooge, that's the thing to do now in political debates, if someone doesn't agree with you call them names.

So how about we kick your front door in, come in to your home, throw a hammer through your tv screen, walls, break all your windows, appliances, and hurt or kill any woman or children we find. We’re gonna keep breaking things and hurting more of your family unless you agree to our terms for leaving. Don’t try to defend your home or family - that’s just wasting time. And let’s ignore the little detail about whether we had a right to invade your home and hurt and kill your family members in the first place. Just agree to the terms we give you and we will leave.

P.S. nasty home invader is Putin, your home is the Ukraine.
No I do NOT want all out war with Russia. I just want Russia and Putin to leave Ukraine.

Same here, I just don't think hoping Putin will decide to just go home will work. If he will abide by what he laid out I think it's Zelensky's best bet, I don't think he, or the Ukrainian army to be more exact, can outlast the Russian army. I know there are sanctions but those can take years to have the desired effect and I bet he had some assurances from China that they will help take up the slack, they already have. Hungary has said it will continue to buy oil from Russia, OPEC is not playing along, Germany is going soft on sanctions. NATO isn't coming to help, no one really wants to get involved in the shooting. Zelensky is not even getting the fighter jets he wanted or air cover. I just don't see him holding a winning hand. If that makes me pro-Putin so be it. I just don't think trying to fight him to a stand still will work for Ukraine.

I have no problem if they take the two sections of Pro Russian Separatists and make them part of Russian again and STAY in that area to DEFEND that area if Ukraine tries to take it from them. Leave the rest of Ukraine alone. Those areas want to be part of Russia and I don't mind that. However Putin has not stopped there and continues to advance throughout Ukraine albeit slowly with much less desired production.

I don't want to see Russia take complete control over all of Ukraine either but if they want to I'm not sure what can be done about it. I don't want the US to get involved militarily and that's probably what it would take. If that is what Putin intends to do then the Ukrainians have no choice but to keep fighting, We won't know that however unless they broker an agreement and we see Putin will not live up to his part. If that happens the world will just have to squeeze him tighter and help supply Ukraine with weapons.

I don't think you are a stooge nor did I call you a stooge or any other disparaging name, However I have said and I do believe you are Pro Putin.

And you can call me a Putin Hater if you wish or Anti Putin if you wish but leave off the political terms like Neo-Con as that is a political trigger for the site.

I don't care if you hate Putin or not, I don't like the guy, I'm just trying to look at the situation honestly. I don't think you are any of that I was just showing you how easy it is to just start calling names instead of debating the subject. I understand you don't like what's going on, neither do I, I just don't think stamping our feet and calling Putin bad names will accomplish anything. They need to try to get some sort of agreement brokered. It looks to me like it's a crap sandwich and Zelensky is going to have to eat it.
So how about we kick your front door in, come in to your home, throw a hammer through your tv screen, walls, break all your windows, appliances, and hurt or kill any woman or children we find. We’re gonna keep breaking things and hurting more of your family unless you agree to our terms for leaving. Don’t try to defend your home or family - that’s just wasting time. And let’s ignore the little detail about whether we had a right to invade your home and hurt and kill your family members in the first place. Just agree to the terms we give you and we will leave.

P.S. nasty home invader is Putin, your home is the Ukraine.

If you were Russia I couldn't do much about it. If you were just a group of thugs, well, then we can dance.
You just called the man a warmongering neo-con for saying that the Ukraine should not bow down to Putin’s demands.

No, I just gave him an example of how easy it is to just call people names and dismiss their opinions when you do. Did you miss where he called me pro- Putin and my concern for life was fake?

Listen, you can call Putin names all day, say Ukraine should refuse to do anything but fight, but to me that doesn't seem to be working.

You know, for a completely inferior president, country and military that has no chance at all vs Putin and russia, who should just give up, bow down and do whatever they are told to do by dear leader...they seem to be racking up the destroyed and ABANDONED russian military vehicles a good bit.

Wonder if they will start using them, selling them or trading them for other stuff.
You know, for a completely inferior president, country and military that has no chance at all vs Putin and russia, who should just give up, bow down and do whatever they are told to do by dear leader...they seem to be racking up the destroyed and ABANDONED russian military vehicles a good bit.

Wonder if they will start using them, selling them or trading them for other stuff.
Some get reused, seen quite a few that get "rebranded" with Ukraine markings, the stuff they can't use get parted out and/or destroyed.

I think that's why we're seeing the increased shelling, the ground war has gone slow and not as effective as they had planned. They turned to plan b, shelling and bombing. They could definitely use more anti-aircraft, drones, planes etc. The real damage right now is coming from long range weapons and aircraft.
Good news for Ukraine.

Bad news for Russia. 6,000 dead and probably 18,000 wounded out of an initial 150,000 man force. And the hardest urban fighting has yet to begin. It will be difficult for Russia to maintain morale if these losses are accurate.


This video seems very odd to me.
Whether or not the Russian Foreign Minister is telling the truth about the hospital or telling lies about it,,,What I find really odd how he is fiddling with the headphone wires, reminds me of the part in the old Heavy Metal movie where Hanover Fist is testifying in court and he is rolling the marble/orb between his fingers
Good example of this...

Father does not even believe his son who is there

I saw that video and I feel bad for the guy. He could have likely just had the last discussion with his father and his father isn't even in the danger that he is.

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