That is certainly putting the shoe on the other person's foot and allowing Putin to have his calk and eat it too. Your message is humane but pointless.
Literally, all signs indicate the Ukrainians will fight if-and-until Putin directs his military to use overwhelming force a.k.a. nuclear, which would likely force an unilateral surrender. The only logical alternative for less bloodshed is for the guy holding the best hand (e.g. Putin) to fold. Hopefully, the utter devastation of his country's economy will push Putin to either think atypically or motivate someone else in Russia to make a power play that succeeds.
Wishful thinking is honorable but intangible in changing real life affairs. The Ukrainians are in it to win it. This is not a repeat of Afghanistan. Putin is molding another Vietnam in his own image. Countless deaths to come are resting completely in the palms of his hands.