Recommended Sat Next to David Irving on Flight


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Good for him regardless of what anyone says. Hes doing what fulfills his soul!

No. Not good for him. If he's already selling his cars, which means he's running out of money. He's unskilled and uneducated. If he's not going to work a job that he hates for $Millions, he's not going to work a job he hates that pays $Minimum Wage. Which means, he's going to eventually go back to selling drugs. And we all know where that leads... the prison or the morgue. So no, not good for him.


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He should've sacrificed doing what he hated for 5 yrs, so he'd be set to do what he loved for the rest of his life. Now, he'll only be a cautionary tell.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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For all this traveling he likes to do, what’s he doing with his daughter the whole time? She’s the one who is getting a raw deal. If David is the STABLE one among her parents, she’s going to have serious issues for awhile.
Yeah, remember when all of his missed meetings and practices were supposedly all for his daughter? Do people see now they were being duped?

The truth is he's a moron who hated football, didn't care about his team, and loved weed. Simple as that. He should have been gone years ago.


Captain Catfish
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He didn't retire from football, he quit. He didn't play long enough to qualify for a pension. He will eventually burn every bridge and just be a bum on the street.
Negative... the man has five cars, he gets a different bed five nights out of the week. The homeless will be jealous.


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today from LAX to DFW. Flew out to watch the Spence vs Mikey fight. David is a social butterfly. Literally talked to him the entire flight. I wanted to pick his brain. Here are some of the things we discussed:

*David Irving says he sold drugs as a teen and it continued while in college and made a lot of money.

* he mentioned multiple times that he’s going to the “after parties” after the fight. but didn’t seem to care about the fight itself.

* he’d spend the offseasons in Mexico (Monterrey)because apparently the NFL cannot drug test you if you’re out of the country.

*He hates football and never liked playing it but his parents would make him because he was great at it. His dad was a marine and coached him hard. But David said multiple times he hated playing football.

* he’s been addicted to Xanax multiple times and weed helped him get off.

* he said he’s been depressed for 2 years and since quitting football he’s the happiest he’s ever been.

* he owns 5 cars but doesn’t own a house. He said he has to sell off some of his cars.

* He said Jerry Jones always showed him love and really tried to help him out. Didn’t like Garrett and said he’s like a Boy Scout leader.

* as soon as we landed he called his ride and asked him if he had “his blunts”. I am not joking.

In closing he’s such a bright guy. Very intellectual, intelligent. I told him the 2016 game@ GB was one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen a DL play. He appreciated it reiterated that he didn’t really like playing it at all. I ended telling him that I do respect you for walking away from something if you don’t love it, do what makes you happy.

Just thought I’d share.
Was the friend he met Ricky Williams?


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How do the coaches not know of his lack of enthusiasm before the team resigned him?
The team did know.

There was much debate here when rumor spread Dallas would only use a second round RFA tender on David Irving instead of a first rounder, because some team would be willing to part with a 2 in order to add a player with Irving's talent. The Cowboys did use the second round tender and then rumor spread the team was perfectly fine getting a pick if Dino signed an offer sheet elsewhere. Then another rumor that Irving's camp wanted to play out the season on the RFA tag and hit free agency in 2019 with dollar signs in their eyes.

Irving's apparent lack of love for the game has been hinted at for years.

Dallas didn't sign him to an extension as a RFA, which it has done in the past with other talented players, and only used a second round tender despite his ability being more than worthy of a first round tender.

And then no other club decided to bite what many speculated was a poison apple and Dino returned to the Cowboys on his one year RFA tender.


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Is Irving saying he enjoys being a drug dealer ? Because what else is he qualified to do other than being a defensive lineman and the friendly neighborhood supplier ?

And what kind of parent/role model is that for a little girl to grow up around ? Does he have the slightest clue that the only reason he isn't dead or in prison right now is probably because of his superior athletic ability ? When you throw that away , the special protections you enjoy go with it........................


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It is crazy to me how some people are so judgmental about somebody else's life. If he doesn't like playing football (the word hate was used), then so be it. What does it matter to you? It's his life. Just because he doesn't want to play football doesn't automatically make him a failure. It's almost like some people are offended he doesn't want to play for their team.

He is only 25 years old. You're only young once and I would tell anybody in their youth to enjoy it how they want. He will figure it out and forge his own path.


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Well, if your heart's not in it, no sense in wasting your time or the team's.
I just hope he doesn't wake up one day and regret his decision.
I suspect his "not liking the game but playing because he was good at it" is more common than fans realize.


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He didn't retire from football, he quit. He didn't play long enough to qualify for a pension. He will eventually burn every bridge and just be a bum on the street.
He played with Dallas for 4 years. That’s all it takes to be vested and get a pension. 43000 a year to start. Goes up to 75000 when he hits 55. Even more at 65. Looks like he did just enough to qualify.


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today from LAX to DFW. Flew out to watch the Spence vs Mikey fight. David is a social butterfly. Literally talked to him the entire flight. I wanted to pick his brain. Here are some of the things we discussed:

*David Irving says he sold drugs as a teen and it continued while in college and made a lot of money.

* he mentioned multiple times that he’s going to the “after parties” after the fight. but didn’t seem to care about the fight itself.

* he’d spend the offseasons in Mexico (Monterrey)because apparently the NFL cannot drug test you if you’re out of the country.

*He hates football and never liked playing it but his parents would make him because he was great at it. His dad was a marine and coached him hard. But David said multiple times he hated playing football.

* he’s been addicted to Xanax multiple times and weed helped him get off.

* he said he’s been depressed for 2 years and since quitting football he’s the happiest he’s ever been.

* he owns 5 cars but doesn’t own a house. He said he has to sell off some of his cars.

* He said Jerry Jones always showed him love and really tried to help him out. Didn’t like Garrett and said he’s like a Boy Scout leader.

* as soon as we landed he called his ride and asked him if he had “his blunts”. I am not joking.

In closing he’s such a bright guy. Very intellectual, intelligent. I told him the 2016 game@ GB was one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen a DL play. He appreciated it reiterated that he didn’t really like playing it at all. I ended telling him that I do respect you for walking away from something if you don’t love it, do what makes you happy.

Just thought I’d share.

Yah hes real smart. How do you get addicted to Xanax? LOL

And you own 5 cars and no house? Yah, genius.

Garrett the boy scout leader. Now that is hilarious and seems right on. A clueless boy scout leader trying to pretend like he is a leader of men. LOL


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That 43000 will go quickly with no job and flying to vegas, not for a fight but for an after party.


Well-Known Member
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today from LAX to DFW. Flew out to watch the Spence vs Mikey fight. David is a social butterfly. Literally talked to him the entire flight. I wanted to pick his brain. Here are some of the things we discussed:

*David Irving says he sold drugs as a teen and it continued while in college and made a lot of money.

* he mentioned multiple times that he’s going to the “after parties” after the fight. but didn’t seem to care about the fight itself.

* he’d spend the offseasons in Mexico (Monterrey)because apparently the NFL cannot drug test you if you’re out of the country.

*He hates football and never liked playing it but his parents would make him because he was great at it. His dad was a marine and coached him hard. But David said multiple times he hated playing football.

* he’s been addicted to Xanax multiple times and weed helped him get off.

* he said he’s been depressed for 2 years and since quitting football he’s the happiest he’s ever been.

* he owns 5 cars but doesn’t own a house. He said he has to sell off some of his cars.

* He said Jerry Jones always showed him love and really tried to help him out. Didn’t like Garrett and said he’s like a Boy Scout leader.

* as soon as we landed he called his ride and asked him if he had “his blunts”. I am not joking.

In closing he’s such a bright guy. Very intellectual, intelligent. I told him the 2016 game@ GB was one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen a DL play. He appreciated it reiterated that he didn’t really like playing it at all. I ended telling him that I do respect you for walking away from something if you don’t love it, do what makes you happy.

Just thought I’d share.

Thanks for posting

America's Cowboy

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He didn't retire from football, he quit. He didn't play long enough to qualify for a pension. He will eventually burn every bridge and just be a bum on the street.
Agreed. Just a matter of time when we hear years from now how David Irving is living in a tent off of San Pedro Street or Skid Row in Los Angeles.

For all of those praising him for doing what he truly loves, that's only hurting him, not helping.


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Any conversations about giving it another go if the NFL lessened its policy on weed? Did he have an opinion on Goodell?

Yeah he said he was done playing and stated multiple times he doesn’t really like playing football even threw in the words hate football.


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Crazy! I’m assuming you were in first class. 6’7 guys don’t do well in coach.

Did he mention anything about his girlfriend/daughter situation? And did he look hurt from that lingering injury that kept him out last year?
He wouldn’t get out much with his ex. She was really controlling. Yeah his ex stole one of his cars and is still driving it. He says he hasn’t seen her in two months. And actually it was an exit row seat not first class. On the airline we flew you have to pay extra for that row because it has more room. It was funny my father had to sit next him room was tight.


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It is crazy to me how some people are so judgmental about somebody else's life. If he doesn't like playing football (the word hate was used), then so be it. What does it matter to you? It's his life. Just because he doesn't want to play football doesn't automatically make him a failure. It's almost like some people are offended he doesn't want to play for their team.

He is only 25 years old. You're only young once and I would tell anybody in their youth to enjoy it how they want. He will figure it out and forge his own path.

Look most of us will never be in a position to make anywhere near what he could of made. I also think that video left a bad taste. He had a chance to provide his kid a wonderful life, but weed was more important that's sad