Sayings You Were Raised Around

When I was in grade school, If you got in trouble, you got sent to the office and had to pick between a paddle with holes in it or the belt for two swats.

"Hmmm. Which one did I pick the last time again?"

Mellinials have it so easy.
I remember my.old man signing the "schoolss corporal punishment release forms" in front of me. Sister Mary Margaret's ruler hurt like heck on the knuckles .

Mellinials would have taken a Brown Day..... crapped their pants.
When I was 16 I came up with my own My step dad a pure chunk of garbage that beat my lil brothers and mom often told me to go get him a belt cause he was going to whoop my but I stood up and told him this is going to hurt you much worse than it is going to hurt me And it did I waited years until I was sure I could take him down He moved out that day
I am sorry you had to go through that and any man that beats a child or woman is not only a coward but is a piece of you know what. Just my humble opinion.
I remember my.old man signing the "schoolss corporal punishment release forms" in front of me. Sister Mary Margaret's ruler hurt like heck on the knuckles .

Mellinials would have taken a Brown Day..... crapped their pants.

A ruler? Try having a yard stick broken over your *** by a teacher in 3rd grade. The good news is that it didn't even hurt because she broke it on the first swing because she mostly hit my hip bone. Lol.
I am sorry you had to go through that and any man that beats a child or woman is not only a coward but is a piece of you know what. Just my humble opinion.
'copy',,,:rolleyes:,,, my ol' man would knock hell outta' mouthy roughnecks & well,,,I guess it kinda transitioned thru to the home lifeo_O
You know anytime you had to fetch your own switch you were in for a real beating.
It was always an hilarious act of defiance to come plodding slowly back with an 18' long tree branch & drop it at my mother's feet,,,Whew! Of,Course ,I'd naturally have to shuck& jive any grab& wing improvised projectiles MOM could lay her hands on as I rapidly ran away from her ,,,, all the while those blood chilling taunts of " JUST YOU WAIT TILL YER' FATHER gets HOME",,,,o_O

* that only happened once,as she was pretty savvy & adapted her tactics,,,,
MAN ALIVE! ,,,that one weekend Dad revamped the laundry room out in the garage and we had to move that 1880's vintage ". Pie cabinet " and about 3 dozen of those hell spawned back of the thigh orange HOT-WHEELS tracks I'd previously ferreted away behind it,,,,,:facepalm:,,,, my Mother actually let out a " WOOT-WOOT" kinda' casing-liner ,as in: " so that's where my best threats have been going to",,,,,o_O
It was always an hilarious act of defiance to come plodding slowly back with an 18' long tree branch & drop it at my mother's feet,,,Whew! Of,Course ,I'd naturally have to shuck& jive any grab& wing improvised projectiles MOM could lay her hands on as I rapidly ran away from her ,,,, all the while those blood chilling taunts of " JUST YOU WAIT TILL YER' FATHER gets HOME",,,,o_O

* that only happened once,as she was pretty savvy & adapted her tactics,,,,
MAN ALIVE! ,,,that one weekend Dad revamped the laundry room out in the garage and we had to move that 1880's vintage ". Pie cabinet " and about 3 dozen of those hell spawned back of the thigh orange HOT-WHEELS tracks I'd previously ferreted away behind it,,,,,:facepalm:,,,, my Mother actually let out a " WOOT-WOOT" kinda' casing-liner ,as in: " so that's where my best threats have been going to",,,,,o_O
You got the tree branch treatment after that yes?
You would say something like, "I'll do it later."
And my dad would answer: "Okay, Clyde."
Our neighbor across the lake from us was named Clyde and he was known for never getting anything done. So if any of us ever procrastinated, you could bet, we could get called "Clyde."
I am sorry you had to go through that and any man that beats a child or woman is not only a coward but is a piece of you know what. Just my humble opinion.

I don't believe this has anything to do with who's being beaten and who's doing the beating. I think the sentiment should be universal. I've seen some wicked men and wicked women, neither of which should be allowed to take another breath.
I remember my.old man signing the "schoolss corporal punishment release forms" in front of me. Sister Mary Margaret's ruler hurt like heck on the knuckles .


We got the ruler ten times in quick succession to the calf instead of the knuckles. Once hurt, but ten in quick succession... Once it started it was like lighting your calf on fire for 5-6 seconds.

It definitely made you think twice before you did something that could even possibly send you to her office.
It depends on your age because these began to die off but they were prevalent when I was growing up. The origins were unclear and you had to guess as to the meaning when you first heard them as a kid. Especially when the saying was being used on yourself.

Don't give me all that "who shot John". This was one of the more puzzling but you know it meant get to the point, the facts mam, just the facts. But why John? Because that was a common name and they already knew who shot Abe?

She'll tell you "how the cow ate the cabbage". Took me a while to figure out this meant not necessarily being tactful.

I didn't "just fall off the turnip truck, ya know". Why turnips, do really stupid people grow turnips? Or are they not allowed in town much? Weren't there more mainstream vegetables back then like potatoes and corn? Or was it illegal for people to actually ride on top of the potatoes and corn but turnips were OK?

My Dad's favorite whenever I used the word "if". "If a bullfrog had a shotgun up his butt, he wouldn't be afraid of snakes". This one really puzzled me until I figured out the shotgun would be pointing out because the snake could just slither up and pull the trigger with it's tongue. His was a lot more visual and fun to think of than cows eating cabbage, people falling off trucks or wondering about just who did shoot John.

My Mom had two favorites that she used on me often, one of which really made no sense. The first was "you'd argue with a signpost". This was my early preparation for being on DC forums. Underlying meaning "YOU ARE WRONG, NOW SHUT UP"!!!!

But the one that really made no sense and seemed to be her favorite was "you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope". A, don't think I would be complaining about much of anything and B, I would have preferred an old rope, a very, very old rope. But I am figuring if I am being hung, being a complainer was a minor offense.

I heard all of these, except my Dad's, from my grandmothers as well so I know they were passed down but from whence they came is a mystery.

What sayings were around when you were a kid?
My dad used to always tell me "caminando y meando para no hacer poso" . That is Spanish for walk and pee so that you don't make a hole. In other words Get To Work!
I don't believe this has anything to do with who's being beaten and who's doing the beating. I think the sentiment should be universal. I've seen some wicked men and wicked women, neither of which should be allowed to take another breath.
Total agree. It should be universal. I have seen it from both genders.
I remember my.old man signing the "schoolss corporal punishment release forms" in front of me. Sister Mary Margaret's ruler hurt like heck on the knuckles .

Mellinials would have taken a Brown Day..... crapped their pants.
Now, with your avatar, I've got this visual of Landry, in his usual attire except for the sunglasses, as a Blues Brother getting wailed upon by the nun.
I am sorry you had to go through that and any man that beats a child or woman is not only a coward but is a piece of you know what. Just my humble opinion.
I think there are exceptions like what ksk experienced with his stepson. There is also this concern from a parent, especially fathers, about the path a child might be going down and it's discipline through fear. If I don't do something I really don't want to do, where is he (most of the time it's boys) headed and is it not my responsibility to do everything I can to prevent that? It's not just about him but how this might impact other people.

Discipline is also balanced with attention and love and I did not get that part of it from my Dad so I grew up angry and resentful. Took a long time for me to reconcile that part of my life and really understand his side of it. I now my Dad loved me, just wasn't good at showing it, and being gone all week and driving home knowing he was going to have to do that was a terrible burden. To make matters worse, my Mom couldn't handle disciplining me so that was his assignment and hers was to console me afterwards. Talk about a kid growing up confused with mixed signals.

I will say this. Discipline was very strong with the Greatest Generation and might just be part of how they were able to overcome the Depression and WWII.

The real problem with discipline is when it's done in anger. Now, you've got two parties harmed.
I think there are exceptions like what ksk experienced with his stepson. There is also this concern from a parent, especially fathers, about the path a child might be going down and it's discipline through fear. If I don't do something I really don't want to do, where is he (most of the time it's boys) headed and is it not my responsibility to do everything I can to prevent that? It's not just about him but how this might impact other people.

Discipline is also balanced with attention and love and I did not get that part of it from my Dad so I grew up angry and resentful. Took a long time for me to reconcile that part of my life and really understand his side of it. I now my Dad loved me, just wasn't good at showing it, and being gone all week and driving home knowing he was going to have to do that was a terrible burden. To make matters worse, my Mom couldn't handle disciplining me so that was his assignment and hers was to console me afterwards. Talk about a kid growing up confused with mixed signals.

I will say this. Discipline was very strong with the Greatest Generation and might just be part of how they were able to overcome the Depression and WWII.

The real problem with discipline is when it's done in anger. Now, you've got two parties harmed.
Difference between beating and spanking. I did not beat my stepson, I swatted him good one time. I was not mad, I had already thought this through and knew I was forced to do it!!

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