Schefter: Commanders sign Fabini to 1yr contract

Kilyin;1436722 said:
Combine Poetitties and Flabbini and you get a tub full of shart. Thus, consider this team minus one tub of shart. Good day.

And congratulations to the Deadskins.
This is good stuff.
Chocolate Lab;1436914 said:
Like theebs said, THE McQ will make everyone forget Petitti. :)

and this is being based off what?

1. mcq's rep before coming into the league from a firey collegiate career?
2. no boards i know of had him as someone *to* draft but they were all wrong and parcells was right - BECAUSE
3. parcells history on "getting it right" on the OL has proven what his picks will do
4. cause i'm a cowboys fan and i want him to succeed, so therefor he should
Kilyin;1436722 said:
Combine Poetitties and Flabbini and you get a tub full of shart. Thus, consider this team minus one tub of shart. Good day.

And congratulations to the Deadskins.

Combine "Pettiti" and "Fabini" and you could get "Fattiti".
iceberg;1436922 said:
3. parcells history on "getting it right" on the OL has proven what his picks will do

Hey IB. In fairness to Parcells ability to judge OL after they were signed, I must bring up that while the Peterman and Rogers picks were Parcells... he never really gushed about them once they got here. He knew they weren't cut out for OL and so they never really got any true praise from Bill and certainly didn't get any playing time.

McQ on the other hand, was pretty well praised by Parcells and seemed to be in line for some playing time if he was needed. As someone already said... he was good enough to make sure Petitti hit the door and that Fabini was third coming in instead of second.

In other words... Bill might not could pick OL well here in Dallas... but once he got them on the team, he seemed to be pretty good about knowing if they were a player or not. The problem with Rogers and Peterman was that Bill could tell they weren't players when they got here. With McQ it was pretty evident that everyone thought he was going to amount to something.

Just my $0.02
For the life of me, I'll never understand the Pettiti love-fest. Of course, a huge part of it had to do with people kissing up to his dad, but my God that was the worst season of offensive line play I've ever seen. No foot speed, no balance, no natural strength. I mean, Torrin Tucker was bad, but he would have a couple of good games mixed in with the occasional abysmal game. Pettiti was just awful week-in/week-out. If you're going to be a concrete footed mauler RT, could you at least not get driven straight backwards on every bull rush?
iceberg;1436894 said:
you sure do run around to get your "shots" in, sp. i realize bp must be like a god to you, but that's TO YOU. you may feel i'm blinded by my hatred for bp's being our coach and yes, you may well have a point.

but you're now acting like you're blinded by bp and his "greatness" so any "shot" i take you must defend.

whether i'm right or not.

8 teams after kosier? ok, link please?

we know davis was offered more in ny and we know the skins were after him too. these mythical 8 teams just make me wonder now. maybe so, but if there's bidding by 8 teams you don't get a bargain, so please show me these 8 teams and the proof they were seriously interested in kosier.

there's a reason davis went for more than kosier, even considering the salary cap. davis is either a better player or more potential - regardless of which team he came from.

you wanna run around and defend bill, i guess feel free. but it gets old at the YOU THINK WHAT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA crap that begs a fight in return.

I am not defending Bill.

I am pointing out the hypocrisy in your original statement. And your closed-mindedness when it comes to Bill.

Signing Kosier (a detroit cast-off) is not viewed as a legitimate effort to address the Oline, even though they played much better with him at LG.

Signing Davis (an arizona castoff) is viewed as a legitimate effort to address the oline, even though he has yet to play a down in a Cowboys uniform. And all because one was brought in by Bill, and one was not. The rest is just your blustering to deflect from your original contradiction.

To recap that contradiction

Originally Posted by iceberg
i'll just disagree and am glad we're putting effort into it this year with real picks like davis and not some detroit castoff in kosier.
superpunk;1437115 said:
I am not defending Bill.

I am pointing out the hypocrisy in your original statement. And your closed-mindedness when it comes to Bill.

Signing Kosier (a detroit cast-off) is not viewed as a legitimate effort to address the Oline, even though they played much better with him at LG.

Signing Davis (an arizona castoff) is viewed as a legitimate effort to address the oline, even though he has yet to play a down in a Cowboys uniform. And all because one was brought in by Bill, and one was not. The rest is just your blustering to deflect from your original contradiction.

Ding Ding Ding.
Let me get on my High Horse and don my impotent...oops I mean Omnipotent and judgemental Goggles so that I may smite all from my Mountain of Power. Ultimate power do I wield on my steed of stubbornness up in the rare air. So prepare to face my wrath ye lowly mortals.

First off it was reported that Fabini was released some time ago, about the same time that Davis was signed. The odd thing was that reporters kept on talking like Fabini was still on the roster. So either the initial report was wrong or the reporters did not do their jobs and realize it was already said he was released. I never did understand why they kept saying he would be released soon when it was mentioned he was already released.

Secondly. I just have to laugh at the idea that we have to make sure and let people know that they did not like the Fabini signing...I mean we have to tell people to go back and look. Why? Are we so sensitive to think someone may not believe us if we say it without telling us to go back and look?

Sadly people here too often put too much stock in signing a backup player and expect them to be a starter or contribute a great deal. Fabini was signed as a backup player and nothing more. Backup players do not contribute unless someone goes down. You don't want someone to go down so in essence you hope your backup player does not contribute because if they do it means your starter went down or your starter was doing a terrible job.

However I just love how people rag a backup player because he did not do wait I don't love it, I find it silly. But hey, feel free to go back and search if you doubt it.

I liked fabini signing as a backup. Unlike some I don't have delusions about what a backup is for.

I know it is cliche for some to just rag and rag on because Bill did this or Bill did that. It is just so simple to play the "rebel" and if anyone questions you on it you must play a martyr role in your defense. I find it funny how some that wish to dish out a great deal are the same ones that play a victim when challenged or look to be losing in a debate.

You don't like player A because coach B brought him in. WE GET IT. We don't have to go back and search it, not because we doubt you, it is because we have heard it many times already.

We don't have to see that it is plain as day in some cases that the only reason a person does not like player A is because they don't like Coach B that brought that player in. However if another Coach comes in and brings another player in...WOOOHOOO Break out the Skittles because there is a rainbow of fruit flavor going on now.

For those that did not like Coach Bill...he is gone, be happy, how about laying off the martyr neurotic comedian role and let it go? Not really hard...I know it may be enjoyable to toot on the old chest thumping horn for all to hear but trust me it is not going to knock me off my Mountain of Power.

I also love how if someone looks at some things rationally and not with admitted bias they are said to "Praise" the former coach. Look there is only room for one on my Mountain of get back down below mortal and lay off the exaggeration because they smell hypocritical.
It is a laugh a minute to hear a person admit his bias towards someone but in the same thread berate others with exaggerations of "praise".

Maybe if ones own bias was not so strong they might be able to see that someones objective reasons do not result in praise but than again anything that goes against he negative martyr rebel would seem like praise...I guess.

So now that I have laid down bolts of lighting like Odin from the Halls of Valhalla.

Verily I invoke Victory by vanquishing the villainous vain vassals with vast vats of vile venomous vapors from my voluptuous buttocks.

And since I am known for my merciful mercy and my generous generosity I feel I will give ye mere mortals a second chance.

Snorting the rare air into my nostrils I summon fourth the Great Loogie of Life.
On my mountain high I spit said loogie down into the muck and the mire.

Behold such power as the loogie falls and a great flame is born. From the flame and ashes, like a pheonix rising, I grant thee a second chance at life.

Ahh this old immortal being is tired. Time to get off the high horse. Time to grab a couple of vixen Valkryes and head to the Halls of Valhalla to slumber.

Time to let mere mortal men try once again. Only hoping they will take this second chance and do well with it. Hoping they do not try once again to make wings to fly to the sun only to realize the wax would melt like that old fool Icarus.

Farewell mortal men and learn thy lesson.

Oh and one last thing...I cast a great curse out one that has been casted before and will be casted again. I cast the curse of confusion. I cast this curse to that crazy arrogant hobbit known as Danny Snyder or as we call him at times...Willow.

May he continue to flounder in confusion.
BrAinPaiNt;1437157 said:
....... - ellipses inserted so as to not overwhelm the thread with the greatness of post

It's not often you get a classic on post 109 of a backup Oline release/resign with another team thread, but this is one of those rare moments. Alliteration (with "v" words no less!), mythology, entertaining schtick, this post's got it all, fellas!

The posturing in the Fabini-Pettiti battles has to be some of the most entertaining, simply because it is so irrelevent, and involves two players who played a total of 2 years on the Cowboys. at least Henson-Romo-Hutch-Q were around for years and all actually got on the field.
iceberg;1436922 said:
and this is being based off what?

1. mcq's rep before coming into the league from a firey collegiate career?
2. no boards i know of had him as someone *to* draft but they were all wrong and parcells was right - BECAUSE
3. parcells history on "getting it right" on the OL has proven what his picks will do
4. cause i'm a cowboys fan and i want him to succeed, so therefor he should

It had nothing to do with the coaches.

Fabini was signed and took Tuckers spot. Columbo took petitti's starting spot and They viewed mcquistan as a better developmental player.

2005 matt tarullo was on the roster as a developmental player along with peterman. Well this past year mcquistan was that guy and that is why petitti was released.

Petitti didnt have the upside that pat m has.

I dont know why everyone doesnt realize this. It has nothing to do with what mcquistan had done so far, just that he has a possible upside and we know what peititti was and it was not pretty.

He went to new orleans as a developmental player being inactive the whole year, we just didnt have room for two guys like that on the roster.
superpunk;1437164 said:
It's not often you get a classic on post 109 of a backup Oline release/resign with another team thread, but this is one of those rare moments. Alliteration (with "v" words no less!), mythology, entertaining schtick, this post's got it all, fellas!

The posturing in the Fabini-Pettiti battles has to be some of the most entertaining, simply because it is so irrelevent, and involves two players who played a total of 2 years on the Cowboys. at least Henson-Romo-Hutch-Q were around for years and all actually got on the field.

I recently watched V for Vendetta so that was the inspiration for the V section of the post, however I feel less than stellar about not being able to come close to the 20-23 words starting with V that was in the one scene of the movie.:laugh2:

You are however right on your one point. So much drama over a backup would think we signed him to the richest OT contract in NFL history by the reactions. I can understand the hate on the Rogers signing as we wasted a 2nd round pick in a needed area only to have never seen him play at all.
superpunk;1437115 said:
I am not defending Bill.

I am pointing out the hypocrisy in your original statement. And your closed-mindedness when it comes to Bill.

Signing Kosier (a detroit cast-off) is not viewed as a legitimate effort to address the Oline, even though they played much better with him at LG.

Signing Davis (an arizona castoff) is viewed as a legitimate effort to address the oline, even though he has yet to play a down in a Cowboys uniform. And all because one was brought in by Bill, and one was not. The rest is just your blustering to deflect from your original contradiction.

To recap that contradiction

Originally Posted by iceberg
i'll just disagree and am glad we're putting effort into it this year with real picks like davis and not some detroit castoff in kosier.

great - the 8 teams after kosier please.

and davis, by and large, is a safer bet than kosier. i'm sorry you want to disect every word and phrase, but if you're that bored, get after it.

or is it that "anal"?

yea, that's it.

link please to these 8 teams after kosier.
iceberg;1437255 said:
great - the 8 teams after kosier please.

and davis, by and large, is a safer bet than kosier. i'm sorry you want to disect every word and phrase, but if you're that bored, get after it.

or is it that "anal"?

yea, that's it.

link please to these 8 teams after kosier.

ask summer. That was his deal. I don't know where that is.
superpunk;1437258 said:
ask summer. That was his deal. I don't know where that is.

but you SURE DO USE IT to slap down what i'm saying, don't you? now you can't even back up what you say?

yea, i'm the hypocrite.

davis - many people after. legitimate shot at the line.
kosier - looking to be a solid player but not a "top tier" effort when we went and got him. to my own knowledge, there were not a lot of teams after him and his best claim to fame was being listed as a sleeper pick in FA by some trade mags.

i'm sorry my term "cast off" upset you so. but for my own future reference, can i make up crap now and call it fact cause i heard someone else say it?

trying to get the "fair lines of communication" down with you.
iceberg;1437262 said:
but you SURE DO USE IT to slap down what i'm saying, don't you? now you can't even back up what you say?

No. I don't. You're confused.

yea, i'm the hypocrite.

In this situation, yeah - you are. That's already been outlined, and no amount of blustering and qualifying can change it.

The rest of your post is just misinformed (read: terribly confused) bashing of the alleged rules I have (apparently erroneously) set up. I didn't say a single thing about Kosier being a hotly pursued free agent. Sorry that you were mixed up.
Only because I like to keep lame discussion points going...

per shefter dated (March 2, 2006) --

Each year, teams hand out big dollars to little-known players. Here are three players guaranteed to cash in once free agency starts.

Lions guard Kyle Kosier -- At least eight teams will be interested in this guard, who also can play right tackle. And with so many teams needing help on the offensive line -- just about every one in the league -- Kosier is going to get money that shocks people.
superpunk;1437164 said:
It's not often you get a classic on post 109 of a backup Oline release/resign with another team thread, but this is one of those rare moments. Alliteration (with "v" words no less!), mythology, entertaining schtick, this post's got it all, fellas!

The posturing in the Fabini-Pettiti battles has to be some of the most entertaining, simply because it is so irrelevent, and involves two players who played a total of 2 years on the Cowboys. at least Henson-Romo-Hutch-Q were around for years and all actually got on the field.
First Leotis, now this? It's just filled with gems.

What's so deserving about this thread?
WoodysGirl;1437274 said:
Lions guard Kyle Kosier -- At least eight teams will be interested in this guard, who also can play right tackle. And with so many teams needing help on the offensive line -- just about every one in the league -- Kosier is going to get money that shocks people.

Hello research.

I think we should discredit the source. Schefter sniffs baby poop, and didn't realize at the time that Kosier was not a "real pick", but some "detroit castoff".
theogt;1437279 said:
First Leotis, now this? It's just filled with gems.

What's so deserving about this thread?

It's a real thread, not some Fuzzy Lumpkins vs. Everyone castoff.

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