Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

On ESPN this morning. ""Growing sense in NFL circles Zeke will have a short suspension." 1-2 games. No particulars, take it for what you will.
For what? The league really need to stop with all of their bs.
If Zeke is found guilty of anything then I'm on board for whatever punishment that is leveled. However, if he's found innocent or even charges dropped and the league suspends him, someone needs to finally take the league to court as it's complete BS.
Why on earth would the league respond to a NOTHING issue that "allegedly" happened....before he was in the NFL?
And why would it take THIS long?

This would add to my growing list of things about the NFL that completely turn me off. The NFL better be careful. The youth (20 - 30 year olds)....are not nearly in love with this game like us 40+ year olds. And if they continue to tick off the 40+ year olds....this league won't be left with much.

As a Cowboys fan...I am MORE than convinced that there are people in high places that have it out for us....and as the NFL continues to allow these "people" to jerk us will continue to strengthen my feeling that this is no longer a completive sport...but one big entertainment conglomerate! And once I stop caring about the "competitive sport".....I'm out!
Roger Goodell is ruining this league.
Mara has his hand so far up Goodell he's his little puppet. Like Howdy Doody.
I hate this entitled attitude that people think companies can only discipline if an employee is convicted of something.

Entitlement? What on earth are you talking about. Conviction (or actual CHARGES) come into play when it’s a criminal act. If someone is cleared by the police, then that should be the bar. It’s fairly black and white. Furthermore, we’re not just talking about a regular company and employee, have you ever seen an employee investigated for off duty issues (that weren’t criminally charged) for over a year? This isn’t selective indignation or entitlement
The Cowboys should break away from the NFL and look into forming a new league with other like minded team owners.
From what I understand, the league finished its investigation and sent its finding to Zeke and his lawyer asking for some responses. That tells me they really don't have solid evidence of anything. They may have some issues that they want clarity on because there was no trial. Once Zeke provides his responses, I'd except no disciplinary action to occur. If they had evidence to warrant a suspension, I don't think they'd be seeking anything else from Zeke.
From what I understand, the league finished its investigation and sent its finding to Zeke and his lawyer asking for some responses. That tells me they really don't have solid evidence of anything. They may have some issues that they want clarity on because there was no trial. Once Zeke provides his responses, I'd except no disciplinary action to occur. If they had evidence to warrant a suspension, I don't think they'd be seeking anything else from Zeke.

Is this a recent request? I recall a couple months ago Zeke sent the league info they had previously requested.
appeal, if only to mess up the timing of Mara's agenda.
Plus if EE ever gets injured then you drop the appeal and miss the games he was going to miss anyways....... it could be tied up in Federal court for years
Well good, I hope Dmac goes for 220 against the Gents in the opener! Linny should pound the rock 50 times and pull a NE and say stick it NFL!
Entitlement? What on earth are you talking about. Conviction (or actual CHARGES) come into play when it’s a criminal act. If someone is cleared by the police, then that should be the bar. It’s fairly black and white. Furthermore, we’re not just talking about a regular company and employee, have you ever seen an employee investigated for off duty issues (that weren’t criminally charged) for over a year? This isn’t selective indignation or entitlement

Yes it is. It is blatantly absurd to think a private organization should be held to the same standard as law enforcement. People feel entitled to their jobs...or some people feel entitled for them anyway.

Your furthermore is irrelevant as I wasn't speaking on whether what the NFL is doing is right or wrong.
You seem to think people are entitled to employment unless they do something wrong, and provably so. Newsflash: They are not.

This is an organization determining what is best for them. That doesn't mean they need some conviction or even evidence. They can just think you did something, or that somehow you are bad for their image.

Do you honestly think your employer can't discipline you unless they could prove something in a court of law?

Lol, and you're completely unfamiliar with wrongful termination. Half the reason why human resource departments even exist is to ensure the company has its arse covered when they do have to terminate an employee and that's just for an at-will employee, let alone a unionized group such as the NFL Players Union.

Newsflash, your understanding of employer/employee partnership is oversimplified.
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Immigrants can be deported from this country for criminal allegations in which the actual criminal charges were dropped. Why? Because the standard of evidence in an immigration proceeding is lower than in criminal court and there are fewer procedural protections. Take it for what its worth. As far as the NFL is concerned, it would seem to be an issue for collective bargaining; if the league is violating the contract in its disciplinary procedures, then maybe there is a legal case--but that would seem to be the standard for judicial review.
Does anyone even no why there's a possible suspension?!
  1. Is it the accused domestic violence before he was ever in the league? .
The Cowboys drafted Zeke in April 2016. They signed him May 2016. The domestic violence allegation came in July 2016, so yes, it (allegedly) happened when he was part of the Cowboys and the NFL.

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