I don't think that would fly in court, either. I'm not a lawyer, but I think that suing for "defamation" would be similar to libel or slander in that you have to prove that the intent was to damage or destroy one's charater. In no way do I believe that was/is the league's intent. Even if his character is defamed, unless he could successfully argue that that was the league's goal in a suspension, he would lose that suit.
Agreed 100%
People are getting "stuck" on the league having to prove a crime was committed. No crime needs to have been committed, just conduct detrimental to the league - any behavior that has bad optics. I don't necessarily agree, but this was agreed upon by the union.
Perhaps getting escorted out of a mall or event for misbehaving or inappropriate behavior
Talking back to people with authority - I really hate back talkers
Listening to music too loud with your rolled down
Hanging out with felons or people known to LE as bad actors
Inappropriate tweets or messages on social media
Jay walking - which is a crime
Making videos with your boyz in da clubs and all I see is a bunch of dudes sitting at a VIP table with no chicks - this is an absolute no no. I'd suspended that player for a year minimum with no appeal