Schools may ban chocolate milk

ConcordCowboy;3949353 said:
Look who's keeping a low profile.


That was an ingredient on Chopped once :laugh2:
visionary;3949425 said:
you guys crack me up

i am all for chocolate milk (in fact i make sure my son drinks it daily) but the fact is that diseases related to obesity and smoking are responsible for the bulk of our health care costs in this country and are by far the most common cause of preventable deaths in the US and obesity is the new epidemic in the US

that is not a matter of debate but an undeniable fact and closing our eyes and ears to this fact will not make it go away

as an example: there is a reason we used to divide diabetes into type I (childhood onset-related to a lack of insulin) and type II (adult onset-related to insulin resistance from obesity) and now we dont call it "adult onset" anymore

because our kids are now so obese, they have adult onset diabetes in childhood

I'm pretty sure no one doubts the health effects of anything here. We all know it. I think you alluded to the unspoken problem yourself with the collective 'our' in health care costs. There should be no collective, 'our' costs and all ramifications for lifestyle should be left to the individual. If anyone needs a hard lesson in how bad bad living really is, taking away the collective support systems would do that much more effectively than pretensions that good behavior can be legislated through dictatorial actions.

We don't need more laws for a free people to be in violation of.

Lastly, 'My' kid is far from obese and that's generally the case in what I'm witnessing in every day life. I'll pre-empt the objection that what I witness isn't exactly the truth for every body with: 1. do you have kid's and 2. I'll take personal observation over faceless stats by faceless people on the web or propagated by media outlets. There was a time when objective proof, via observation held much more weight than gossip and word of mouth.
Just took this in our Cafeteria.

Strawberry again...hangs it's cap in shame.

CanadianCowboysFan;3948504 said:
I was in Florida two years ago at Walt Disney World and damn I saw a ton of human manitees down that way. There were some so fat they had to rent the motorized scooters because they couldn't walk around the park due to their size..

Has it occurred to you that maybe that kind of place attracts that kind of crowd? Go to the beach and the fat/skinny ratio is quite a different story. I can see a very real difference in the types of people I see when comparing the crowds at beaches to those at fairs, carnivals, etc.
Doomsday101;3949435 said:
I have no issue with what foods schools offer to kids I do take issue with schools not allowing lunches being brought to school that do not meet their approval. Parents should not have to ask premisson from schools on what they feed their kids.

That's going over the line to me.
bros I just pounded two glasses of chocolate milk this morning with my breakfast...feeling like a champion.
Joshmvii;3949100 said:
Go ahead and try to refute a single point I made.

And I'm not going to cite research that everybody already knows is true. Chronic illnesses caused by obesity are why our healthcare costs are as high as they are. Go read the CEO of Humana tell Fortune magazine that very thing if you're interested, which is why Humana just bought into Discovery Vitality to provide wellness incentives to all their members, to try to motivate people to get less fat.

Protip: The CEO of a fortune 500 insurance company knows more about this than you do.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
I live barely exist.
I eat and drink what I want and exercise when I want.
I am healthier than most my age group,by far.
Personally anyone who thinks that a man's bodyfat percentage should not exceed 12% is an indoctrinated fool.
Like me,you are gonna die one day.
The day insurance premiums dictate my diet I will go Kurt Cobain on myself,of better yet,eat myself to death.
Question,after taking your cash,what does that genius CEO has to say about genetics? you won't get an answer on that one.
casmith07;3949508 said:
bros I just pounded two glasses of chocolate milk this morning with my breakfast...feeling like a champion.

I got you beat.
I got some chocolate milk from the jug,and added some Hersheys's syrup.
Double the taste,double the chocolatey fun.
I'm all for schools trying to eliminate as much unhealthy crap from their kitchens as possible. If your kid wants something bad, send it to school with them.
MetalHead;3949581 said:
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
I live barely exist.
I eat and drink what I want and exercise when I want.
I am healthier than most my age group,by far.
Personally anyone who thinks that a man's bodyfat percentage should not exceed 12% is an indoctrinated fool.
Like me,you are gonna die one day.
The day insurance premiums dictate my diet I will go Kurt Cobain on myself,of better yet,eat myself to death.
Question,after taking your cash,what does that genius CEO has to say about genetics? you won't get an answer on that one.

I hope you actually realize that there is nothing in most people's genetics that makes them fat. Nearly every person in my family is overweight or obese. I was overweight myself once. I stopped eating too much and started working out and now I'm magically lean. OMG genetics! The tiniest fraction of the world's population actually have thyroid disorders and things that cause them issues with being overweight. Everybody else is just making excuses. Come let me put you on a strict diet and exercise regimen and we'll see if your genetics magically cause you to remain fat.

Admittedly, I was being hyperbolic about the 12%. A man can get up to around 15 to 18% without being extremely unhealthy for the most part, as long as they're still getting some exercise, but that still doesn't change the fact that being overweight is detrimental to our health.

The people in this thread asking for links to research about obesity causing illnesses are hilarious too. It's like asking somebody to link you to research showing that smoking causes cancer. It's basic, accepted, and understood by now.
Joshmvii;3950392 said:
I hope you actually realize that there is nothing in most people's genetics that makes them fat.
Holy cripes you're about as ignorant as it gets. Dumb statement after dumb statement just comes spewing from your mouth breathing head.

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