Schools may ban chocolate milk

CowboyDan;3948754 said:
BBGun should be banned for that photo. :yousuck:

I wanted to post something that would appeal to CCF's kneejerk anti-Americanism.
theogt;3947886 said:
What a stupid, ignorant statement.

Joshmvii;3948768 said:
Stop being fat. Seriously, if you are a man and you are over 12% body fat you need to quit being a lazy slob.
He seems to be full of 'em.
ScipioCowboy;3948796 said:
Think of all the people still living in the closet -- because they're stuck inside of it.

Before long fat jokes will be extinct.
Let's get 'em all out before the PC police come and take this joy away from us too.
vta;3948803 said:
Before long fat jokes will be extinct.
Let's get 'em all out before the PC police come and take this joy away from us too.

We're the size of a steer!
And we're here!
While were on the subject of sweathogs it really irks me that people can eat their way into getting a handicapped sticker/placard.
Joshmvii;3948768 said:
Insurance companies set group rates based on the entire population of the group's healthcare costs. It has nothing to do with BMI or anything like that. It's why healthy people want the fat slobs to stop eating so much, and stop driving up everyone's healthcare costs.

If you don't think the primary driver of increasing healthcare costs is obesity related illnesses, you are completely ignorant and should just stop talking about this topic. It's not up for debate.

As for the people who think carrying around 20 or 30 extra pounds of fat on your gut isn't unhealthy and you're not obese, you need to go get a biometric screening, because I guarantee your blood pressure is probably at least at pre-hypertension levels, and it's been proven time and again that even only 20 pounds of stomach fat drastically increases your risk for heart disease and cancer.

Stop being fat. Seriously, if you are a man and you are over 12% body fat you need to get your body in order.
All it takes is eating the right amount of calories and actually exercising. I eat 3000 calories a day easily and I'm only 175 pounds. I used to be about 40 pounds overweight and a disgusting lazy slob, and I have no tolerance for others doing the same and driving up healthcare costs for everybody else.

How old are you?
Joshmvii;3948768 said:
Insurance companies set group rates based on the entire population of the group's healthcare costs. It has nothing to do with BMI or anything like that. It's why healthy people want the fat slobs to stop eating so much, and stop driving up everyone's healthcare costs.

If you don't think the primary driver of increasing healthcare costs is obesity related illnesses, you are completely ignorant and should just stop talking about this topic. It's not up for debate.

As for the people who think carrying around 20 or 30 extra pounds of fat on your gut isn't unhealthy and you're not obese, you need to go get a biometric screening, because I guarantee your blood pressure is probably at least at pre-hypertension levels, and it's been proven time and again that even only 20 pounds of stomach fat drastically increases your risk for heart disease and cancer.

Stop being fat. Seriously, if you are a man and you are over 12% body fat you need to get your body in order. All it takes is eating the right amount of calories and actually exercising. I eat 3000 calories a day easily and I'm only 175 pounds. I used to be about 40 pounds overweight and a disgusting lazy slob, and I have no tolerance for others doing the same and driving up healthcare costs for everybody else.

This post is so detached from reality I had to quote it twice.
Joshmvii;3948768 said:
If you don't think the primary driver of increasing healthcare costs is obesity related illnesses, you are completely ignorant and should just stop talking about this topic. It's not up for debate.
[citation needed]
MetalHead;3949010 said:
LOL...theo Jedi mind tricked you into finding that link for him.
Actually, nothing in the articles backs up the claim. It appears he only read the headline and not the article. Maybe he could do some more googling.
bbgun;3948771 said:
I wanted to post something that would appeal to CCF's kneejerk anti-Americanism.

only a butthead like you would see what I wrote as anti-Americanism.

Americans are fatter than most, it's a fact.
CanadianCowboysFan;3949022 said:
only a butthead like you would see what I wrote as anti-Americanism.

Americans are fatter than most, it's a fact.


I meant your general reputation, not that specific post.
People,live life to the fullest.
If you spend your time thru this journey called life fearing carrying a few extra pounds,and being held hostage to insurance premiums,then you are not living,you are barely existing.
If you are a fitness freak and you are happy with it,good for you.
If you are stocky like me,and you are happy,God bless you too.
Genetics play a large role in this thing you know.
I know a guy who looks like David Bowie and eats like a grizzly,never gains a pound.Bet insurance companies take that into consideration...NOT!
They are a business,geared to make money.Some companies sell tires,some sell furniture,and insurers sell?...nothing.Duped an entire generation into thinking that it is as essential as food and water.
So please don't get on your high horse and tell others how to live and abandon that collective thinking,live and let live.
You will one day expire,so enjoy your time here.
casmith07;3949047 said:
Headed to the store to get some chocolate milk - BRB.
Someone call the police, he's going to raise your healthcare costs!!!!!!

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