Schoonmaker dealing with plantar fasciitis

Not open for further replies. took 2 pages for someone to say something this is insane lol. I guess plantar facitis sounds bad lol......but its not nearly as scary or career ending as guys in here are making it. Its such a non concern they don't even realize players on this team have played with it and they don't even know it lol.
I'll go out on a limb and say that the Cowboys training staff can treat plantar facitis and it won't affect him for the start of training camp.
If the fascia is very tight then wearing a plantar fasciitis night splint overnight can be useful. A plantar fascia strain injury usually heals well within two to three weeks.
Even when we don’t draft players that fall to the second round bc of medical issues, we somehow draft players with medical issues in the second round
He might want to check with the good feet store and see if they can make some football cleats for him.
Plantar Fasciitis usually becomes a recurrent, chronic issue even for people that don’t run and jump for a living. This will likely affect Schoonmaker at some level for most of his career.

They won’t admit it, but the Cowboys were very much banking on this player to come in and immediately play a pretty big role for them.

I won’t make a judgement until after it’s all said and done, but I think Dallas may come to regret this pick.
Find a new team.
I think people are making way too big of a deal of this.

A lot of times there are treatments that can greatly help the issue. There are stretches, massages, splints, orthotic inserts, etc.

Like I said earlier. Even if the foot hurts. A lot of time with plantar fasciitis it’s just pain but you can still do everything at the same level as far as running and cutting and jumping. It just hurts when you do it.

Just give the dude some anti inflammatories and he will likely feel a lot better for games.

It’s probably not a big deal.
Even when we don’t draft players that fall to the second round bc of medical issues, we somehow draft players with medical issues in the second round
What exactly are the medical issues with Diggs, Williams, and Joseph?
I think people are making way too big of a deal of this.

A lot of times there are treatments that can greatly help the issue. There are stretches, massages, splints, orthotic inserts, etc.

Like I said earlier. Even if the foot hurts. A lot of time with plantar fasciitis it’s just pain but you can still do everything at the same level as far as running and cutting and jumping. It just hurts when you do it.

Just give the dude some anti inflammatories and he will likely feel a lot better for games.

It’s probably not a big deal.
People are making themselves look very foolish.
I've had it. Yep it sucks, hurts mostly in the morning before warmed up.

I bet about 15% of us on this board have had it.

Matter of fact, give me a like if you've had it! (otherwise, am I the only one?)

probably not a big deal for a pro athlete if not completely torn
ehhh...its june he'll be good to go by the first preseason game

ive had it before....its when your foot isnt active that the muscle constricts itself and the first few steps feel like someones stabbing you
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