News: SDFW: Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?


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The time to root for players is during the negotiation of the CBA. After that, it's time to root for management to dole out contracts smartly. Players are essentially fighting with each other to see how much of the salary cap they can stake claim to.


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Fans don’t always side with ownership. I would say it was fairly even in support for and against Demarco Murray. The times fans side predominantly against the player (as opposed to “for” ownership) are because of the poor image of the player’s negotiating actions. Their actions generally come off as greedy, me first, team last (and by extension then, fans last). Add to it the history of players signing big contracts and the their performance diminishes.


1st Round Pick
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Both are/were nothing without Reid!

First off... It was the Super Bowl..

2nd.. You are acting like a typical fan that over reacts to 1 game.

Also, Mahomes had several moments of brilliance in that game.. I know it didn’t meet your fantasy football standards but Mahomes is unreal and if you can’t see that then just quit giving opinions.


Cowboys Diehard
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Many fans don't identify with players who are increasingly spoiled with highly generous contracts but perform minimally to earn it. Today's players are too often inclined to expect riches with little willingness to demonstrate any real devotion for their teams. Those who do are the exception nowadays. Of course, the same can often be said of the owners. Big money has simply become too much of a factor in modern times.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why do fans need to know what any player makes? My first years following pro sports, I didn't know what they made. I do remember Lilly saying he wanted to win the SB so he could take the summer off and not work another job that year..

What's this obsession? I watch sports to escape all that crap only to be reminded of just how warped it's all become.

There is no reason, except for the agents, to make public any player's deal. They could state where the teams are against the cap without details.

Now, policing that and keeping it that way is a totally different situation because these agents depend on that to get clients. Todd France gets Prescott his 40M a year deal, how many clients do you think he's going to add? Especially the way he's gone about it. If I am a star player wanting to max out my money, he's the man.

I have grown so weary of the money talk that I spend far more time with the college game, where they just guess how much the kid is going to make.

My Mom told me asking people how much money they make was rude.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Many fans don't identify with players who are increasingly spoiled with highly generous contracts but perform minimally to earn it. Today's players are too often inclined to expect riches with little willingness to demonstrate any real devotion for their teams.
It has all become mercenary and that's what drove me out of MLB and the NBA.

I grew up as a kid idolizing Mantle, Musial and Robinson and became fans of the teams because of those players. I couldn't fathom seeing Mickey in anything but pinstripes. Sure, they had the trades but for the most part, the stars stayed put. Except the Bambino and that was before my time.

Seeing Calvin Hill in a Commanders uni broke my heart. That was as wrong as it could get. I didn't like Namath, Montana, Dorsett or Emmitt in other uni's either but Calvin a Skin was hard to take.


Cowboys Diehard
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Why do fans need to know what any player makes? My first years following pro sports, I didn't know what they made. I do remember Lilly saying he wanted to win the SB so he could take the summer off and not work another job that year..

What's this obsession? I watch sports to escape all that crap only to be reminded of just how warped it's all become.

There is no reason, except for the agents, to make public any player's deal. They could state where the teams are against the cap without details.

Now, policing that and keeping it that way is a totally different situation because these agents depend on that to get clients. Todd France gets Prescott his 40M a year deal, how many clients do you think he's going to add? Especially the way he's gone about it. If I am a star player wanting to max out my money, he's the man.

I have grown so weary of the money talk that I spend far more time with the college game, where they just guess how much the kid is going to make.

My Mom told me asking people how much money they make was rude.

So many players nowadays are inclined to gauge their worth by the ridiculous contracts that are routinely granted them. If they don't make as much as the players next to them, they pout and consequently, perform according to their level of dissatisfaction. Greed has become a far too commonplace a thing to lean upon in modern times. Those who don't follow that inclination are seen as suckers. It's an extremely unhealthy scenario in today's pro sports. Owners like Jerry have viewed overpaying them as an incentive to excel, rather than taking pride in a job well done. Now, Stephen tries to curb that impulse.
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I'm not sure if I agree with this, especially around here....the people I consider the best of the best of fans.

I mean....without mentioning names, there's one or two around here that defend the team no matter what....but still.

Yeah that's all they do. It's about 10 of them that no matter what the team does they cheer. No matter how bad the player is, he's the best, ect.


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If it ultimate goal is to win a Super Bowl..sure. But if he is looking at long term success, endorsements, post football career, then Dallas is the place. The name along brings multiple opportunities that places like Jax, Cincy, Detroit not.

Well to an extent I agree, but it's a matter of degree. With the internet and hundreds of television stations, every player has access to basically the entire country's population.

Of course it started with the Atlanta Braves baseball team, they beamed or made deals with stations all over the country to broadcast Braves games, to the point where there were Braves fans in every area of the country.

Dak has "bigger" opportunities due to being a Cowboy, but somebody like Wentz, Goff, Allen, etc have nearly as many....


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Dallas Cowboys: Why do fans always side with ownership?

The Dallas Cowboys fan base is beyond loyal. They are supportive, rabid and inherently believes it is their divine right to win the Super Bowl. Every. Sing...

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it’s not complicated if one takes out ones agenda

1. We’re fans of the team not individual players

2. Salary cap means if you overpay at some positions team will not be able to sign other players and won’t be as good


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Losing a million month isn’t small potatoes, especially back then. Look, bro. You’re welcome to your opinion. Just know that it’s the minority.
It’s not a minority in the more well informed fans.

The Cowboys losing about a million a month wasn’t a big deal. It was simply a fact that Jethro has used to plead his case.


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And who created the salary cap. The owners. The greed is originated by the owners, networks and sponsors.

The players would mostly play for nothing like they did for decades if there wasn’t any revenue to share.
I hate what the salary cap and free agency has done to the NFL , but Jerry was the leader in having both implemented IIRC.


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Why do fans need to know what any player makes? My first years following pro sports, I didn't know what they made. I do remember Lilly saying he wanted to win the SB so he could take the summer off and not work another job that year..

What's this obsession? I watch sports to escape all that crap only to be reminded of just how warped it's all become.

There is no reason, except for the agents, to make public any player's deal. They could state where the teams are against the cap without details.

Now, policing that and keeping it that way is a totally different situation because these agents depend on that to get clients. Todd France gets Prescott his 40M a year deal, how many clients do you think he's going to add? Especially the way he's gone about it. If I am a star player wanting to max out my money, he's the man.

I have grown so weary of the money talk that I spend far more time with the college game, where they just guess how much the kid is going to make.

My Mom told me asking people how much money they make was rude.
I agree with your overall sentiments but it’s public knowledge in the entertainment business knowing how millions show up for a film, how many millions show up for a world tour, salaries for a film and or TV shows, etc. If you’re a public figure it’s public knowledge.

I’m not sure why an athletes salary is so disturbing. Id much rather see a NFL QB earn 40 million a year than a Rapper or Rocker earn 50-100 million or some actor in a movie I’ll never watch or listen to earn 50 million.


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I totally agree with this article. Since the 80s, I have always been a fan who sides with the players without which this game flounders. And these players’ careers last a decade if they are lucky, and they should try to maximize their earnings while playing.

NFL Owners have a lifetime to maximize profits, which owners like Jerry do in spades. In fact, the “risk” of owning an NFL team is one of the lowest in the business world. These guys don’t own a family diner or family lumber company. They own a financial juggernaut that is a profit making machine that even shares the wealth among its “partners” who have less fan support. It’s the closest thing to a guaranteed profit out there.

And this article nails it on the Dak issue. The Jones boys enjoyed 4 years of paying Dak 4th round wages and had several opportunities to sign him at a much cheaper rate than he can demand now, but they blew it. And it’s the Jones’ who are always “leaking” info about the Dak contract negotiations. Conveniently leaving out details that would clarify the real issues. They do that knowing many Cowboys fans will buy into the narrative that it’s the player who’s being greedy, not the multi-billionaire who hasn’t been able to build a roster that wins anything in a qtr century.

Jerry has a long history of overpaying the wrong guys, and yet somehow with too many of our fans, they see him as an owner willing to do what it takes to win. If Jerry wanted to win more than anything, we would see meaningful changes in the decision power hierarchy. His hubris and stubborn arrogance are THE greatest reason we have become a mediocre at best product on the field. That’s not the players’ fault.
Considering that Dak was not expected to even have a NFL career and he fell right into the perfect situation with Romo and Moore’s injuries, I think Dak was extremely lucky to be in the situation that he was in with the Cowboys. He was lucky to get a 4th round paycheck when he wasn’t expected to get any paycheck from a NFL team. Dallas may have been fortunate to have a starting QB being paid late 4th round pay, but Dak is extremely fortunate to be put in a position where is set for life financially for playing a few games this past season. He is about to be overpaid even more by some team in the coming years, all because of Jerry drafting him. He will more than make up for playing four years with a 4th round draftee pay level. He really got lucky by being tagged and getting paid over 30 million for only playing 4-5 games.


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The biggest issue is there’s too many fans that view the NFL and really all professional sports as just a game. It’s not and hadn’t been for a very long time. It’s Sports Entertainment !!!


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Considering that Dak was not expected to even have a NFL career and he fell right into the perfect situation with Romo and Moore’s injuries, I think Dak was extremely lucky to be in the situation that he was in with the Cowboys. He was lucky to get a 4th round paycheck when he wasn’t expected to get any paycheck from a NFL team. Dallas may have been fortunate to have a starting QB being paid late 4th round pay, but Dak is extremely fortunate to be put in a position where is set for life financially for playing a few games this past season. He is about to be overpaid even more by some team in the coming years, all because of Jerry drafting him. He will more than make up for playing four years with a 4th round draftee pay level. He really got lucky by being tagged and getting paid over 30 million for only playing 4-5 games.
How lucky would he have been if his injury was career ending without a contract. A players career is always the next play away from being over.

No one is over paid if they hold that much value to who’s paying them.

The Cowboys got lucky in drafting a 4th round pick who became their franchise QB . He saved them tens of millions his first 4 years. And he saved them future and further draft picks and or FA contracts looking for another QB.


More than meets the eye.
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It’s not a minority in the more well informed fans.

The Cowboys losing about a million a month wasn’t a big deal. It was simply a fact that Jethro has used to plead his case.

How many other people whom you know share the opinion?


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How many other people whom you know share the opinion?
Almost everyone I know personally.

Losing money in professional sports was actually very common . A million a month in the larger scheme of things is actually minuscule.

Everyone knew it was a short term setback in Dallas until winning was restored but it didn’t really effect the value of the franchise.


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After the past 24 years I’m staunchly anti-ownership in virtually every scenario. The Jones family has done more than enough to prove they don’t know how to run a successful nfl franchise in terms of the product on the field