Sean Taylor fined 4 games checks, will not be suspended

SultanOfSix said:
So, Irvin gets an "extra" game suspension (instead of the standard four), whereas a 'Skin, whose crime was equally as despicable (one could argue more because violence was actually involved), gets off without even a slap on the wrist. How fitting for a biased commish.

The Skins are gonna be screwed when Tags isn't around to give them special consideration any more...

For that reason alone, I won't miss Der Commish...
superpunk said:
The precedent has been set - which is why this is so puzzling.

How so?

You can point to 1 or 2 cases with suspensions -- but what about the others without. We'd have to see a complete list with full details rather than just 1 or 2 examples.

And again, we don't have the full details from the NFL security office.
random Cs said:
Maybe because Pittman was beating his wife and Sean got into a fight with another man.

Do you have a ready made - "degrees of misdemeanors" excuse ready to explain away Mike Doss's misdemeanor gun charges?
superpunk said:
Do you have a ready made - "degrees of misdemeanors" excuse ready to explain away Mike Doss's misdemeanor gun charges?

Doss was drunk(speculation) and was firing his unlicensed gun outside of a resturaunt. Michael Pittman beat his wife. Sean got into a fight with another guy.

You tell me what's worse. Since the punishments are up to the discretion of the commish I don't see how anyone can say it's unfair that Taylor isn't suspended.
random Cs said:
Since the punishments are up to the discretion of the commish I don't see how anyone can say it's unfair that Taylor isn't suspended.
I'm not sure if I should :lmao: or :bang2: at that.
big dog cowboy said:
I'm not sure if I should :lmao: or :bang2: at that.
So you think getting into a fight with another guy is on the same level as beating your wife or firing a gun in a public place?
random Cs said:
So you think getting into a fight with another guy is on the same level as beating your wife or firing a gun in a public place?

When you pull a GUN on somebody in the course of that "fight"??

You bet I think that's "on the same level"... and I think that your argument is comically weak...
SultanOfSix said:
So, Irvin gets an "extra" game suspension (instead of the standard four), whereas a 'Skin, whose crime was equally as despicable (one could argue more because violence was actually involved), gets off without even a slap on the wrist. How fitting for a biased commish.

The DA never proved that Sean did anything. 2-4 game checks is a pretty steep penalty for a no contest plea to 2 misdemeanors. Especially when minor assault and battery are the same charges that would apply to a 3 punch bar fight.
MossBurner said:
The DA never proved that Sean did anything. 2-4 game checks is a pretty steep penalty for a no contest plea to 2 misdemeanors. Especially when minor assault and battery are the same charges that would apply to a 3 punch bar fight.
I'd explain a no contest plea to you again, but I know it will go in one ear and out the other. So instead let me give you this...

Hostile said:
I'd explain a no contest plea to you again, but I know it will go in one ear and out the other. So instead let me give you this...


I'll explain it so there's no contest means that a defendant neithers admits or disputes the charges. In this case, I think it was pretty clear that the DA had no case. In all likelihood, this deal was offered to Sean to bypass the inconvenience of a futile trial that would have occupied a large chunk of the summer or regular season.
MossBurner said:
I'll explain it so there's no contest means that a defendant neithers admits or disputes the charges. In this case, I think it was pretty clear that the DA had no case. In all likelihood, this deal was offered to Sean to bypass the inconvenience of a futile trial that would have occupied a large chunk of the summer or regular season.
Keep telling yourself that.

Delusions. :rolleyes:
random Cs said:

Doss was drunk(speculation) and was firing his unlicensed gun outside of a resturaunt. Michael Pittman beat his wife. Sean got into a fight with another guy.

You tell me what's worse. Since the punishments are up to the discretion of the commish I don't see how anyone can say it's unfair that Taylor isn't suspended.

They are all misdemeanors, McFly. I think Catholics believe in degree of sin, but in the NFL, all misdemeanors are black eyes on the league. Taylor's punishment is stiff - I just wonder why it isnt in line with previous rulings on similar issues.
MossBurner said:
I'll explain it so there's no contest means that a defendant neithers admits or disputes the charges. In this case, I think it was pretty clear that the DA had no case. In all likelihood, this deal was offered to Sean to bypass the inconvenience of a futile trial that would have occupied a large chunk of the summer or regular season.

I believe league policy specifically indicates that a no contest is considered the same as a guilty plea or a conviction.
Nice thing about being Commish - you don't have to explain your actions to very many people, no matter how many thousands of fans don't like it. Unlike presidents, the public can't vote for someone else to be commish. It's probably a good thing.
Hostile said:

Looks to me like the Cowboys fans are the whiners, whining about Taylor not being punished more than he was
MossBurner said:
The DA never proved that Sean did anything. 2-4 game checks is a pretty steep penalty for a no contest plea to 2 misdemeanors. Especially when minor assault and battery are the same charges that would apply to a 3 punch bar fight.

TC4 said:
Looks to me like the Cowboys fans are the whiners, whining about Taylor not being punished more than he was
How deep is it getting? We have a meter for that too.

TC4 said:
Looks to me like the Cowboys fans are the whiners, whining about Taylor not being punished more than he was

abersonc said:
I believe league policy specifically indicates that a no contest is considered the same as a guilty plea or a conviction.

Not only is that probably league policy, it is also the policy of most courts. When a defendant pleads no contest, the judge admonishes the defendant telling him that the judge has the right to find the defendant guilty or not guilty. Basically 99% of the time, the judge finds the defendant guilty after a no contest plea.

Oh and contrary to what MossBurner would have you think, the DA doesn't have to PROVE anything for a judge to find a defendant "guilty" when he pleads no contest:lmao2:

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