Sean Taylor is a liar

Henry said:
Eh. I think Taylor did spit on him. I think it was a punk move.

I think he'll get fined and he'll play next week.

I also think if we all only rooted for nice guys there wouldn't be a whole lot of Dallas fans.

This will all sort itself out in due time. In the meantime I hope we keep on winning games.

Get some new material chachi. Keyshaun has a bit of an abrasive personality with the press. Hardly assault with a deadly weapon.

We all knows that the Cowboys of the midninties liked to party, do some blow and hang out with strippers. But they werent gun toting thugs with the exception of Switzer who was a moron not a thug.

Compared to Taylor they were model citizen. See violent crime is a bit different than nonviolent as 1996 is different than 2006.
Danny White said:
Duck! Here comes the flood of Commanders' apologists!

"If you didn't see the spit, you must acquit!"

no doubt!!! im going to say theyre going to opt for the "wasnt that big a deal" route, since flat out deniability is no longer an option. after all, that was the big debate the other day -- nevermind the referee was standing right there and CANNOT go on hearsay, he has to go by what he sees. which is why in fights the guy hitting back is always caught, because skins fans, THEY GO BY WHAT THEY SEE.

far as im concerned, any respect i once had for gibbs is long gone. sore loser and looks the other way when convenient. williams too. he got his money so hes all about results now, which means he "believes that young man" and wants to keep him on the field.

what a joke.
FuzzyLumpkins said:
Get some new material chachi. Keyshaun has a bit of an abrasive personality with the press. Hardly assault with a deadly weapon.

We all knows that the Cowboys of the midninties liked to party, do some blow and hang out with strippers. But they werent gun toting thugs with the exception of Switzer who was a moron not a thug.

Compared to Taylor they were model citizen. See violent crime is a bit different than nonviolent as 1996 is different than 2006.

Neck contusions at the hands of teammates notwithstanding, I think you are splitting hairs to rationalize hypocrisy. Either punk behavior matters to you or it doesn't.

Personally I like watching the game. Revelling in a player's self-destructive habits isn't my bag. But that applies to all teams. Not just the ones on teams I don't like.
FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im not a Commander fan more than anyone else but the way i saw it Pittman punched him in the facemask first.

If someone slapped you in the face would you meekly bow down? I know i wouldnt.
Even if you are correct, that doesn't mean you spit on somebody. That is probably the worst thing to do besides injuring the player. There is no excuse for spitting on somebody, so try another angle to justify won't find one.
trickblue said:
Quite a streaming lugie he expectorated there...

Who said they couldn't see it?

Plus the ref where you could hear him talking it over with the other officials and the skins players pretty much put that story to bed and made it easy for the League to fine Taylor.

However I am sure there will probably still be some conspiracy theory or superhomer skins that will deny taylor did anything know like Gregg Williams. :D
Fan21 said:
Enjoy your TV the next few weeks as the Boys and their fans watch the Skins advance to and win the NFC championship game!

how did that work out for you?

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