Send a Note to Rich Behm

My family and I pray for you and your family to be strong and don't give up the fight. God bless

Our prayers are with you my fine friend, please know that we love you and will continue to support you in both thought and prayer.

God Bless,

Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Get well soon!!
Rich, as I am writing this, my thoughts and prayers are with you;

My prayers are with you, and may God grant you blessings in your recovery. Matthew 19 verse 26, but jesus looked at them and said to them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. So, believe in God through Jesus whom sits with the heavenly father in Heaven and rules all things.

I myself have an affliction in my voice called spasmodic dysphonia. Awhile back, my botox shot was wearing off, through the holy spirit that touched my voice through an seminar by Benny Hinn, my voice healed for a solid 5 months. Normally, I have to take a botox shot in my adams apple, and I have to take that shot every 3 to 4 months.

So, all i can tell you is to believe and trust in God from your very heart and soul.
Dear Rich,

You will be in the prayers of many as the aftermath of this disaster unravels. From what I've been able to read, the doctors see a bleak future. Don't be discouraged, for many overcome adversity only to be better off in the end. May God bless you and guide you through a quick recovery.

Once again, I am keeping you in my thoughts and Prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are with you as you face the challenges and heal! :star:
Dear Mr. Behm,

I'd like to send my best wishes and prayers to you during this difficult time. I am very thankful that you survived the accident and look forward to having you back to scouting after a speedy recovery! Godspeed, Sir!
Mr. Behm, if these words can afford you any small measure of comfort, know that cowboyszone is both praying and thinking of both you and your family in your most trying of times. May the Lord strengthen both you and your family's personal resolve and courage and walk side-by-side with all of you from this day forward. May God bless you and keep you always.

First I wanna thank God that he kept you here on Earth with us. You are in my prayers and wish you and your family a speedy and successful recovery in the healing process. No that you are loved by many whom have not had the opportunity to meet your personally. Strong and remember Cowboys for Life. we stand together through all.
Mr. Behm, you will be in my prayers, and those of my family. Stay strong on the road to recovery! God bless!
Rich, I cannot imagine what you and your family must be going through right now. It's scary enough for us who read about your condition I couldn't imagine being in your shoes. I do wish your recovery to be full and without any complications. Hang in their Rich.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Get well soon and God bless you!
Mr. Behm,
First of all, my prayers and well-wishes go to you and your family and hopefully your recovery will go well. I know because of your situation it will be easy to get down on yourself but take solace in the fact that you're still here to enjoy time with your wife, kids, and the rest of your family. As a Cowboys' fan, I really do not know you but I truly appreciate the work you've done for the organization behind the scenes and I wish you and yours all the best.

Stay Strong & God Bless...
Mr. Behm,

I am praying for you. May you have the strength and courage necessary to overcome this obstacle. Hold your head high and know that thousands of Cowboys fans are carrying you in their hearts every day. They say everything happens for a reason. Have faith and be strong. You shall overcome.

From a Cowboys fan in Michigan.
Rich, i wish you the best during this challenging time. I am sad to hear what happened to you. I could not imagine what it must be like. I do hope you will have the strength and patience to overcome this. And, I appreciate all you have done for the Dallas Cowboys. Thank you.