
I have never been married myself so it would be hard for me to feel what u are feeling but i would say No worries brother you have your life ahead of you just plan it differently.
Get yourself a sweet Filipina and you will feel like a king again.They are low maintenance.I know few people who did and they are having a great time.

I claim the one in red!
I'm hesitant to speak on this topic given its importance and my unfamiliarity with you. I don't want to come across as flippant or cavalier, but maybe you can find some help from a few notes I took while attending the School of Hard Knocks.

From personal experience:

1) Most people in their 50's have some physical issues...... many have something wrong emotionally or psychologically as well (like me :D) . You're not an outlier.

2)You may find yourself wanting to withdraw from society. Fight the urge to do so. The only person who'll suffer will be yourself. Find some means like a club, church, or charity to become involved in other peoples' lives. Some of the most rewarding moments of my life have been spent in service to other people.

3)If you aren't able to become involved in a relationship soon, consider adopting a pet like a cat or a dog. I know this sounds trite, but having another 'being" to be generous with or to "love on" can really help you personally. Through no choice of my own, about a year ago I became the caretaker of 3 indoor cats and 3 outdoor cats. After the initial adjustment period, having them around has been very uplifting. (Please note, I don't recommend taking on 6 cats, especially all at once.:eek:)

4) The most important thing I learned was this: I am responsible for my own happiness. I'd heard that before, and thought: "well duh, that's obvious", but until I fully internalized that belief and it became my own, it just wasn't real. Its taken a long time, but I think I'm about there.

Good Luck.
4) The most important thing I learned was this: I am responsible for my own happiness. I'd heard that before, and thought: "well duh, that's obvious", but until I fully internalized that belief and it became my own, it just wasn't real. Its taken a long time, but I think I'm about there.


It makes me want to slap someone when I hear "I'm waiting for someone to make me happy."

My arse.

I think back to my youth and how much of myself I'd give up in order to get the attention of a particular female...

Years have made me realize how stupid I was at the time.
I'm very sorry for your situation. The first thing you have to do is really ask yourself if you were happy with her. If not, it's better this way. If you were happy, and she wasn't, then I can only wonder if you were trying to keep her happy before you knew there was a problem.

She should have expressed her displeasure, and it's not like most women I've ever known to hide their feelings.

Regardless of the underlying cause, learn from it, because if you don't, you're bound to repeat it......unless she's just a ****. Even then, learn what kind of woman you want, and what kind will be happy with you.

Finally, I suggest you try online dating. It doesn't have the stygma it once did, and you can learn a lot about each other without finding out the hard way that she isn't into face slapping foreplay......ummm, or whatever.
Asian dating sites are cool
I been through a divorce with young kids involved, at the time it seemed like the end of the world and the worst thing that ever happened to me. The reality of it was we brought out the worst in each other and were poorly suited to be together. The thing is the people you get together with in your 20's that you think are right for you, you realize in your 30's and 40's werent. People rationalize reasons to stay together, kids, community property, etc but they are miserable as a couple.

Every divorce is different but two things I think you will find are: 1) Every day things get a little better, after about 2 years you should be doing a lot better. 2) You get something very important back when you divorce. You get yourself. All those compromises you made to keep the relationship going, the things you used to enjoy but stopped doing for the sake of the relationship and start doing again will feel really good. Anyway hang in, for now take it one day at a time, and good luck.
Half of all marriages end in divorce... The other half end in death.
Well thanks, Mike. What a hell of a contribution for Lukin

Disgusting response, considering the OP, and frankly it should be deleted.

“Yay, this guy knows the stats”....

I’m disgusted by this post. You’re on a lower rung with me, and whether you care or not, I can give a you-know-what-less. And that says a lot, considering our history.

Shame on you for your wickedly blasé answer and shame on those 11 people (and probably counting) that Liked that nonsense, drive-by thoughtless post (other than yourself, as you are seemingly figuring out what all this means, Lukin [ie the meaning of life/love etc], and simpleton responses like the one quoted are like crack for the crack addict, looking for an easy fix to a deep-rooted issue), some simple response that equivocates all of our troubles. It’s never that easy.
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I am a 53 male with a disability and getting divorced...25 years married. Believe me I was willing to cross an ocean to make it work, in the end she wouldn't even leap over a puddle for me ... I feel like the biggest fool.
Hey my brother. Lukin. It’s normal to self loathe, to feel like a fool, to feel depressed. To feel like you wasted time and maybe part of your life. Take the good from it, as hard as is it. Take what you learned from it. Grow from it.

I come from a broken to hell marriage. Half my fault, half hers. It still kills me on the inside, but I leaned that sabotaging my own life to make myself not feel the hurt... well it has nearly killed me several times. This is real. It’s outright sad some of these responses blowing it off as a statistic with a clapper response from others that are hurt and know no other way than to join the fray and clap it on as “well, join the club.”

There is no club for this pain. I’m with you, Lukin. I know.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, my brother. For me it was realizing there was beauty at first, there was truth at first, and within that truth and beauty and learned experience, you can grow and realize the fruit of the years invested in your relationship.

These people laughing are chiding away the pain. Let em. They probly went through similar troubles as yourself and their defense mech is that of under-developed rationalization.

Don’t concentrate on the stats. The stupid numbers. Concentrate on what you learned. It’s so so so hard when that much time has been invested in one person. A person you loved and adored at one time.

It’s hard to make light of so much energy invested, seemingly lost.

Know that none of it was a waste, and that it can be turned into a experience that you can grow from and turn into a beautiful relationship going forward, with a new woman, alone, children, family, whatever it is.

It is painful, and I am not trying to placate you or lessen your pain.

I have been taught to find the silver lining, from some very competent therapists.

I know you, and I know your mind can wrap around this and probly figure it out. Or you sink and don’t swim, even with obvious hints that it’ll be okay. In that same vein, that same token, it is very easy to get lost in the sorrow.

Just know it gets easier. You have to stick it out, my friend. You have so much more life to live, so much more love to give.
Thank you ... man that gave me a great laugh.
It was funny. But that’s all it was for me. But who am I to interpret your feelings. In fact it’s almost narcissistic of me to do so. I’m sorry, Lukin. I hate to try to validate your thoughts or feelings, and implant my own ethos (or whatever word works) into your thoughts. I want to understand you, but I am so taken aback by some of the responses in this thread.

@Jammer, my pal, thank you. What a beautiful post. Now reading the second page, Surfer, RS, others... thank you for uplifting our pal, I would appreciate it if it were me. The time to actually convey something deep for a soul searching.

Lukin, this really hits close to home for me, too, and thus I am vocal. I won’t derail your thread anymore.

Some of these jerk offs should be ashamed, tho.

People in this thread, this is a real person. Real pain. Posting pics of broads or statistics of how marriages fail, help Lukin how? How?
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This all came about the last 24 hours ...
It comes on fast, the darkness. So, so fast. 24 HRs sometimes might as well be 24 years (in depression time). Relaying how you feel, to this very kind group of posters (within the CZ family, esp the Off Topic folks) definitely helps. It’s worked for me in the past, I hope you find the responses you’re looking for, my brother.
I am a 53 male with a disability and getting divorced...25 years married. Believe me I was willing to cross an ocean to make it work, in the end she wouldn't even leap over a puddle for me ... I feel like the biggest fool.
Find some buddies and have a few drinks. Focus on friends. Read books, watch movies. Get a hobby. Stuff like that.
I am a 53 male with a disability and getting divorced...25 years married. Believe me I was willing to cross an ocean to make it work, in the end she wouldn't even leap over a puddle for me ... I feel like the biggest fool.
Sorry to hear that. This also happened to me and through prayer and God working on us both, we are getting back together. It can happen to you also. Divorce seems to be what most woman choose today rather than a real solution. It is sad. Society definitely has a lot to do with it too. I mainly wanted to encourage you that you and your wife can be healed and God can restore what is broken. God bless.
I have never been married myself so it would be hard for me to feel what u are feeling but i would say No worries brother you have your life ahead of you just plan it differently.
Get yourself a sweet Filipina and you will feel like a king again.They are low maintenance.I know few people who did and they are having a great time.

A few guys at work and at church have done the same... They are always happy.

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