As much as it pains me to do so, I beg to differ. When it comes to the "conduct unbecoming of an NFL employee" clause, they could easily take two games away from him and I'd guess little backlash would result.
That said, I'm at work so I can't watch Shannon's video and am not aware of the reasons why not. But the NFL has suspended players for less than the collection of issues Zeke has been involved in.
I wouldn't like it, but I'd understand and hope and pray he learns from it.
Like who?
Which issues has Zeke been involved in?
A bar fight at a bar where he was in attendance? Zero proof that he had anything to do with it at all. Zero.
An Ex claiming Zeke beat her up after mouthing off to everyone that she was going to ruin his career. Then the police caught her telling her friend to lie to the police to frame Zeke.
Which players have been suspended for less?
Lesean McCoy who is accused of punching a lady in the face and throwing her off a party bus on the Jersey turnpike. Also he is being sued by 2 philly police offericers over being beaten to a pulp over a bottom of champagne. Or the flyer he distributed with the Bills logo for a party he was soliciting just hot girls to attend. The flyer said they had to leave their cell phones behind and they had to send pics first to confirm they were hot enough for him... the same Lesean McCoy who had a public dispute with the mother of one of his children. Check out what he had to say about her on Social media...
Where is his suspension? Isn't that weird?