Should Micah get rid of the Podcast?


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I'm fine ....... I am not the one getting triggered by some guy having a podcast on his free time.

I only care about his work on the field. And unless its in his contract ........ there is not a damn thing his boss can do about it.
Triggered show me again where I'm triggered you're trying to make yourself happy or something once again, it's his life, but it's football first, work hard and podcast! These kids now days you're not going to stop them from doing anything, once again just be ready to own up to what you put out (Micah)


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No, Micah has the right to do whatever business he wants. He could be the next great podcast. Maybe it’s his passion?

He’s not gonna play in the NFL forever and this seems to the be the post playing career path.


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The podcast is fine imo and just a product of the current Nfl. I think what he should focus on is the material and headline stuff he says on the podcast. He can offer insight, talk sports and have guests on without knocking opponents, giving headline material or trying too hard.


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I dont see or hear anyone saying the kelce Brothers should stop doing theirs. Maybe he needs to focus on other topics besides football. Madden maybe or video games in general.

Guys have had radio shows for years. Can it be distracting? Yes.
Can Micah be better at football? I don't know. Maybe he's hit his ceiling.

I think if the defense actually gets tougher up the middle with nasty d linemen and actual line backers instead of 200 lb safeties, his production will rise and he can blabber on about whatever he wants...

big dog cowboy

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Should Micah get rid of the Podcast?​


Whiskey Cowboy

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If you would've asked me a couple of days ago it would've been an emphatic yes. After taking some time to listen to his interview with J Love, I think I have a better understanding of why he's doing it. The entire show was focused on football. X's and O's, breaking down film and going over concepts. He genuinely wanted to know what went wrong and I think the purpose of the interview was to figure our how to better himself and his team.

I still think he's too outspoken on Twitter. Sort of the POTUS 45 of edge rushers, but he means well, and if his podcast does help him take the next step, I can't fault him for doing it. I just hope it doesn't overtake his duties as a football player. He's a great pass rusher, but his skills as an interviewer and speaker leave much to be desired.


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I think he has 2 options:

a) give up the podcast and concentrate on football
b) give up football and concentrate on the podcast
Do you work a 8-4 job? Only have one business? Any hobbies? Family time? If you don’t think that a guy who is top 3 in the world at what his profession is can do more than one thing during a day, you’re either above 50 or don’t understand how todays generation are serious multitaskers. It’s 2024, most of us have more than an 8 work day to keep us busy!!!


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This has been a heated debate among Cowboys fans, and us feeling like he's focused too much on his podcast when his focus should be on football. Personally it doesn't bother me if he has a podcast or not, because other players are engaged in the same things or are doing other things outside of football. What bothers me is that he's talking about other teams/players etc when he maybe he shouldn't be until after the season.

Example was right before our playoff game, the Browns had a play where one of their defenders showed a lack of effort, and Micah got on that player for doing that. Karma came back and got Micah in his game. I think it's best for him to do his podcast, but maybe not be so harsh on players, knowing that he's not perfect himself. Please give your thoughts. Keep it, lose it, or I could care less!!!????

Will Zim recommend that he gets rid of it???? Micah said he wants to be all about football, so we will see!
Should Kelce give up his Podcast?


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I think he has 2 options:

a) give up the podcast and concentrate on football
b) give up football and concentrate on the podcast
Based on this response, anyone who has a career should either give up their side hustle or hobbies to focus 100% on their career or give up their career to focus 100% on their side hustle/hobbies?

This logic alone says I cannot manage my investment properties and work my full time job...I can't even express how crazy that sounds. Their job is no different than anyone else's.


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Why should he?

These guys do more than play football. They are allowed to have hobbies. Most of ya'll don't work 24/7 with zero downtime so come on. You don't have to listen to it, I don't. Yes he will say dumb stuff cause he's human but if you expect any person to only do 1 thing 24/7 365 then you got problems.


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See how you said SHOULD, not that he HAS to, there's people in here who are claiming that we're being too mean or something lol. Micah is free to do whatever he wants, so are we
the reason is I don't control him. if I had my choice and was in charge, I would have him stop this BS. he is free to do whatever. if his goal is to really win a superbowl, then all distractions must go. why is he doing podcastss in the middle of the season? he should study more film. do more training. etc. distractions must go. this tells me his focus is not on winning only. his focus is on earning. popularity. etc. which is the way of the cowboys. starts at the top.

Star Guard_31

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He should change the name of his podcast. His fixation on branding himself as an edge so he can get paid is not in the team's best interest.

If he's not willing to play off ball LB then I'd be in favor of trading him for the best offer we can get.


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If a dude was spending 8 hours a day playing call of duty no one would care. Have a podcast and *gasp* speak, and you don’t care about winning.


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I don’t care either way, it is his own choices and actions that will mold his career and life. He might learn to dial it back or he might not.


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the reason is I don't control him. if I had my choice and was in charge, I would have him stop this BS. he is free to do whatever. if his goal is to really win a superbowl, then all distractions must go. why is he doing podcastss in the middle of the season? he should study more film. do more training. etc. distractions must go. this tells me his focus is not on winning only. his focus is on earning. popularity. etc. which is the way of the cowboys. starts at the top.
What makes you think he is putting in less work than anyone else?

Do you guys think that your pet players are watching film and working out 10 hours a day after practice? News flash. They’re not.


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There are 24 hours in a day. The podcast is about an hour (I guess).

How much time do y'all spend on your job besides the 8hrs you put in?

Also, it's the offseason. Let that man do him.
None. Most of the ones who are mad have been retired for 20 years or more.