Should Micah get rid of the Podcast?


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There are 24 hours in a day. The podcast is about an hour (I guess).

How much time do y'all spend on your job besides the 8hrs you put in?

Also, it's the offseason. Let that man do him.
You can’t believe sensible posters are objecting to the time spent doing the podcast, right?


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Just think of the many other things that are truly negative that he could be doing with his time. Get some of the guys from the 90's team on the phone and let's recount the details of what they were doing as young successful athletes in the Dallas area back in the day.

In terms of his content, it's up to him to modulate his talking points based on how much backlash he can handle. I'm sure he's getting up-to-speed, if he's not already, on the unfavorable responses due to some of his comments. He'll learn to dial it back if he can't handle the replies or he'll stay the course if it rolls off his back. He's a big boy, he'll figure it out as time passes.

As to players who get bent out of sorts due to comments from another player - better evaluate your own psyche. Perhaps guys get upset cuz Micah's comments hit a little too close to home. It's ironic that athletes playing such a macho physically demanding sport can be so emotionally week.


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What makes you think he is putting in less work than anyone else?

Do you guys think that your pet players are watching film and working out 10 hours a day after practice? News flash. They’re not.
anyone else as in who? cowboys players. what they have done is not good enough. so are they putting in enough work?

how much time is he spending in prepping and doing his pod cast? shouldn't he be studying film. Aikman, Manning, were notorious for film watching above and beyond what the club required them to do. so spend the time focused on studying more film. prepping more. also it sends the wrong message to the team. it puts him and already has in saying things that become locker room fodder for opposition. why is he interviewing Love? we may face them again next year. he is the opponent.

you have 8-10 years of good football. a window to win. focus on winning. all other stuff can happen later.

they all should be working harder.


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Cowboys players in the 90s were doing cocaine, sleeping with prostitutes and doing all sorts of wild things. This notion that players did nothing but eat and sleep football all day is pure fantasy. I'd much rather Micah sit in front of a mic for a couple of hours every now and then than him being in some club and getting in fights or driving drunk

Blast From The Past

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Stop and think for a minute what else could a young, virile male with some money in his pocket be out doing that could be way worse than a podcast? Naw, I'm good with it the way it is.


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anyone else as in who? cowboys players. what they have done is not good enough. so are they putting in enough work?

how much time is he spending in prepping and doing his pod cast? shouldn't he be studying film. Aikman, Manning, were notorious for film watching above and beyond what the club required them to do. so spend the time focused on studying more film. prepping more. also it sends the wrong message to the team. it puts him and already has in saying things that become locker room fodder for opposition. why is he interviewing Love? we may face them again next year. he is the opponent.

you have 8-10 years of good football. a window to win. focus on winning. all other stuff can happen later.

they all should be working harder.
Maybe he is doing those things. For all we know he spends more time in the film and weight room than anyone.

How about we tell players that they shouldn’t take vacation. After all they could be watching film.

Holidays with the family? Get in the weight room.

Playing golf or having a hobby like boating or tennis or fishing and hunting? Wasted time. Get back to the Star’

We obsess on the podcast or players bring on shows but they can do all of those things and still be professionals and take their craft seriously.

I work hard and sometimes I work from home but it is still important for me to have some balance in life and find time for family and leisure.


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I couldn't imagine him being in the older era, I know those guys would really get on him!!!!!!!
If they could be bothered to leave the drugs and girls at the white house or tub club to do it.

Older era were absolutely debauched. In many ways more so cause it was all hidden or covered up by the team.


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its his generations thing, let him do what he wants to do...i have no issue with the podcast but i do have issues at times with what and how he says things...they are not the same.
Yeah, if you're gonna call out the Browns you better find a way against GB. That's these guys problem, they are always too busy anointing themselves. I hope Zimmer wakes them up to the fact they have only accomplished playoff choke jobs AS A TEAM. As individuals they've done very well, but this isn't an individual sport.


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Maybe Micah should make a Ayahuasca Dark Room trip with Aron Rodgers! The podcasts would be Epic!
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Maybe Micah should make a Ayahuasca Dark Room trip with Aron Rodgers! The podcasts would be Epic!
I'd like to take one myself. Maybe it'll change my perspective on these perpetual losers. It would probably be the all time most petty reason to take the trip. Lol


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You can’t believe sensible posters are objecting to the time spent doing the podcast, right?
I have no real issue with it but it's a bad look and used as fodder to denigrate him with when he's underperformed so regularly.......when a player goes AWOL down the stretch of every season and in playoff games, it's an easy target


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Triggered show me again where I'm triggered you're trying to make yourself happy or something once again, it's his life, but it's football first, work hard and podcast! These kids now days you're not going to stop them from doing anything, once again just be ready to own up to what you put out (Micah)
First let me say that micah isnt too bright, doing a podcast with just audio is outdated , and kinda stupid.
He should learn how to do a video show on you tube, and have someone help him make it like a real professional show.
Rehearse your material and stick to it, so you dont say stupid stuff in a stupid manner.

If he did that I would watch it. I dont really care what he says, but he should care. Micah is all adlib in the moment speaker,
and someone like that is going to say stupid stuff.
But he has a right to do it, and some stuff he says is stupid, but it isnt going to matter in the big picture of dallas trying to get to SB.
Nothing he does or says is going to change dallas chances of getting to SB.

YOu should know by now that cowboys issues and problems start at the top and go down to the coaches and the players. No one guy is going to alter any of that
significantly. Cowboys have no chance of getting to a SB, the last 2 years have been weak NFC years, and dallas had early exits ! in a weak conf !
GB and detroit are now better teams who should be better this year, Rams are coming back, phil may come back, wash could be a good team now
Atlanta might be a better team ,SF will get better, so dallas missed out on the weak window,and it will be even harder for them.

Jerry is doing a bring back, add zim thing but basically he is business as usual.
He is more concerned with selling the team to media and fans,
rather than actually making the team BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!

Well coog, none of these players today are going to work on football 24-7, all year.
Even in the past, most didnt do that.

There are some players who dedicate a lot of off season time to staying in shape or getting in better shape.
Brady , his buddy edelman used to dedicate a certain amount of time to conditioning together and working on pass plays, which paid off
during the seasons they were together. They wanted to be the best they could be.

Jerry Rice also worked hard in off season, and it paid off.

So Micah wants to do this podcast, is no big deal, if he isnt doing that , it would probably be something else non football or non cowboys and getting in
shape etc.

From what he has said in past, is he does do some conditioning, and works on his pass rush technigue. That is all he is going to do
in dallas where the culture is that of losers. The whole team and coaches and jerry!
So if micah was 100% football all year long, he would be the only one, and that is not going to get dallas further in playoffs,
! guy cant do it all, it needs to be a team wide effort and the dallas culure does not even try to make that happen.


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Mannn.. its get on Micah week eh... didn't care what Irvin did off the field, don't care what Micah does off the field.

I'm a Cowboys fan.. I only care about performance come game day.


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I'd like to take one myself. Maybe it'll change my perspective on these perpetual losers. It would probably be the all time most petty reason to take the trip. Lol
what the crap? You better get back to positive, I have the negative down pat, I don't need any help. :D
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