Signs of Kellen Moore within Dak's throwing game


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I'm seeing it finally this training camp. Dak throwing the ball before the receiver makes his break and hitting them in stride. Finally!

For the longest time, it was painful watching Dak place the ball where you knew the receiver was going to get immediately hit or watching receiver have to reach or contort their bodies awkwardly to catch the ball.

Go watch Kellen's QB play at Boise State. You'll find countless times when the ball is launched and there is no receiver in sight on the camera until the last second the ball is placed perfectly.

Finally seeing Dak do some of that stuff and hoping it carries into the season!!

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I'm seeing it finally this training camp. Dak throwing the ball before the receiver makes his break and hitting them in stride. Finally!

For the longest time, it was painful watching Dak place the ball where you knew the receiver was going to get immediately hit or watching receiver have to reach or contort their bodies awkwardly to catch the ball.

Go watch Kellen's QB play at Boise State. You'll find countless times when the ball is launched and there is no receiver in sight on the camera until the last second the ball is placed perfectly.

Finally seeing Dak do some of that stuff and hoping it carries into the season!!
Would be a nice improvement in his game.
Throwing windows are small in the NFL.


Junior College Transfer
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I understand if that's all you care about. Enjoy being a miserable little man until then.

I dunna think tha man said with rancor, good lad.
He just believes --- I imagine --- tha the hype has to be proved where it counts, and tha is in the pigiron of a cold January day swathed in lead-gray clouds and a greyish and menacing ambiance among the players and crowd.


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Steve Young once said it takes a QB about 3 years to get settled into the west coast offense. McCarthy coached teams run... the west coast offense. So what you are seeing is McCarthy's influence on this offense.

The old Garrett system had a lot of option routes. In that type of system the QB has to stare down a receiver and anticipate what he's going to do. That's why posters on here who don't know jack crap would say Dak can't read a defense. In the west coast the QB has to read the defense then throw the ball to the open whole in the defense. No more staring a player down. The old system basically had one primary receiver and one outlet. The new system has no primary receivers and one outlet.

But like I always tell people your offensive concept is going to have other offensive concepts weaved into it. The real difference is in how often you call certain plays. So, basically Dak has to get used to all of the new play calls, and the timing associated with those plays.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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I dunna think tha man said with rancor, good lad.
He just believes --- I imagine --- tha the hype has to be proved where it counts, and tha is in the pigiron of a cold January day swathed in lead-gray clouds and a greyish and menacing ambiance among the players and crowd.

That's exactly what he means. No one will notice something like this when its done in practice against friendly opponents who are only going half speed. It needs to be done in a real game, and in this case, Big Dog wants to see if Dak can do it on the big stage in January. History up to today suggests Dak can't even get it done on the smaller stages.
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Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Steve Young once said it takes a QB about 3 years to get settled into the west coast offense. McCarthy coached teams run... the west coast offense. So what you are seeing is McCarthy's influence on this offense.

Food for thought: MM wasn't allowed to pick his own OC and admitted last season that he was totally hands off with the offense and didn't give KM any help. With this little tidbit of knowledge, what would make you think that Dallas is running MM's west coast style of offense? To me it says MM has no say in what style of offense they run. If he did I think we might be seeing something quite different.


Star Power
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I'm seeing it finally this training camp. Dak throwing the ball before the receiver makes his break and hitting them in stride. Finally!

For the longest time, it was painful watching Dak place the ball where you knew the receiver was going to get immediately hit or watching receiver have to reach or contort their bodies awkwardly to catch the ball.

Go watch Kellen's QB play at Boise State. You'll find countless times when the ball is launched and there is no receiver in sight on the camera until the last second the ball is placed perfectly.

Finally seeing Dak do some of that stuff and hoping it carries into the season!!
This is standard NFL/Professional QBing 101. It shouldn't have to come seven years into the league, but I guess it's better late than never.

I mean dak has been one of the better tight window throwers since hes been in the league so i guess
There is no such stat for that.


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Steve Young once said it takes a QB about 3 years to get settled into the west coast offense. McCarthy coached teams run... the west coast offense. So what you are seeing is McCarthy's influence on this offense.

The old Garrett system had a lot of option routes. In that type of system the QB has to stare down a receiver and anticipate what he's going to do. That's why posters on here who don't know jack crap would say Dak can't read a defense. In the west coast the QB has to read the defense then throw the ball to the open whole in the defense. No more staring a player down. The old system basically had one primary receiver and one outlet. The new system has no primary receivers and one outlet.

But like I always tell people your offensive concept is going to have other offensive concepts weaved into it. The real difference is in how often you call certain plays. So, basically Dak has to get used to all of the new play calls, and the timing associated with those plays.
Kellen played in and coached pre-snap reads and lacked arm strength so made those throws early.
That has been a constant with him as OC that the worst results are when the defenses are variable and change looks at the snap.

What Dallas is doing now is more MM /WCO influence with timing and the QB throwing to a spot not a man.
This should really boost YAC.

One thing to note is the Kellen system and Dak's seeing it before he throws it are why he has so few INTs.
This will look a lot more like Romo if they truly go WCO and he will get more INT but also be harder to defend and take fewer sacks/hits.


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Tough when receiver core very young.....
Is the retention level high across the board

Saw this years ago from cooper rush...


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Well-Known Member
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Loathe Moore as an OC. His play calling has been exposed to where the opponents already know the play (s). He needs to change his strategy or this team will not advance again in the playoffs.
Yes, playoffs!

Touche..... his playcalling is what is in question and what will get him fired or rehired. Soon as you get him one dimensional, he becomes predictable and all goes into the dumper. And forget about making adjustments.