Signs of Kellen Moore within Dak's throwing game


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most of that comes in games against weaker teams, like the nfc east teams etc. Also in games where dallas falls behind, and other team lets up
late in game, just playing prevent, and dallas will move down the field.

But they had a couple games last year where they played = to the opponent, the TB, Chargers,Oakland games, they looked good in those games.
But they lost to all the other good teams. Bad starts, and often scoring most points late in game.

Nonsense. Everybody beats on weaker teams. Thats what good teams do. You still need to throw with timing to beat up on weaker teams.

And no, teams do NOT play prevent in the 3rd quarter. The garbage time theory has been disproven over and over again.

And like you said, there has been good team where the offense goes nuts. Like the New England game on the road.


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Food for thought: MM wasn't allowed to pick his own OC and admitted last season that he was totally hands off with the offense and didn't give KM any help. With this little tidbit of knowledge, what would make you think that Dallas is running MM's west coast style of offense? To me it says MM has no say in what style of offense they run. If he did I think we might be seeing something quite different.
When he came in he said they'll be running the west coast. So he might just be hands off on play calling.


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1st dak has always thrown AT WR, he rarely leads them or throws to a spot they can run to.
He may be doing it in practice, but in real game I would have to see it to believe it, and him be consistent with it.

Kellens offense has compiled good stats against weaker teams, but there are a lot of flaws in the offense, so when they play
a good team they struggle.
What are the flaws?

1.pass and run blocking schemes have serious flaws, which often make the players look bad, but it is the schemes.

2.predictability and tells.
I would say 90% of the time I can call pass or run especially, and be right, and I am just a guy, not a high paid DC lol.
Warner pointed out 1 play kellen would call last year that had no other options, if they ran it the defense can make a simple read on
What RB does, and know just how to defend it.
That is going to hurt a team when playing a good team. So kellen hurts his offense by not seeing the tells and being so predictable.

3.penaltys, which sometimes is due to bad blocking schemes, and I dont just see it with dallas, in the denver PS game,
Denver ran a play where they chose to not block the DE on the side they were running to !! lol tv guys said he was supposed to read something
and move inside, but he stayed in his lane and was unblocked, so he easily tackled the rb for 5 yd loss.
The guy who could have blocked that DE went downfield to make block so runner could make a long run, which is never going to happen
if RB cant get to LOS !
Bottom line is OC's come up with some really stupid blocking schemes that 95% of time are just not going to work,
they are going to hurt the team on that play.

4. poor use of personnel.
1 word pollard and some other guys who arent stars or paid big money.
the way I see it, if someone is hot use them more, dont go by pay or status. This might vary from game to game with matchups , exploit matchups !

5.Run game, kellen is totally lost here, doesnt know when to run or how much, and then has the poor blocking schemes. most of the fault
will be on the OC if a team cant run good.

Kellen learned our run blocking scheme from Garrett and his archaic offense. It was stupid then and it is still stupid now. Thus I don't totally blame Kellen for this.

If the FO is smart they would go and hire Callahan to be our run game coordinator and teach this oline how to block. Philbin is not cutting it. This is what we are sorely lacking in our offense.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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I'm seeing it finally this training camp. Dak throwing the ball before the receiver makes his break and hitting them in stride. Finally!

For the longest time, it was painful watching Dak place the ball where you knew the receiver was going to get immediately hit or watching receiver have to reach or contort their bodies awkwardly to catch the ball.

Go watch Kellen's QB play at Boise State. You'll find countless times when the ball is launched and there is no receiver in sight on the camera until the last second the ball is placed perfectly.

Finally seeing Dak do some of that stuff and hoping it carries into the season!!

Wonderful news here man might throw a Dak Prescott party this weekend.
So it took 200 million cap $ and 6 seasons for Dak to learn how to lead his WR in stride to the ball.
Hmmmmmm Jeez, I mean gosh dang dog we got a bargain with this QB for sure for sure!!!:banghead:
P.S. What will he learn in the next 6 years and another 250 million $ to throw the over-the-shoulder pass????:muttley:


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Kellen learned our run blocking scheme from Garrett and his archaic offense. It was stupid then and it is still stupid now. Thus I don't totally blame Kellen for this.

If the FO is smart they would go and hire Callahan to be our run game coordinator and teach this oline how to block. Philbin is not cutting it. This is what we are sorely lacking in our offense.

When are you guys going to learn that what limits our run game is directly related to the limitations of Zeke and the Oline?


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When are you guys going to learn that what limits our run game is directly related to the limitations of Zeke and the Oline?

We have Zach Martin and Tyron Smith. So your saying that the oline is the problem?

I agree with you about Zeke. But we have an OC that doesn't know how to call run plays. Our running plays and blocking scheme still predicated on pulling guards, etc. It takes too long to develop. WE totally need to scrap those plays that are predictable and easy to defend.

This is the problem with Kellen. These run plays are from the Garrett era which totally needs to scrapped once and for all.


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So having more possessions gives you better timing? Nice try though.
Other posters have said that you're reading and comprehension is bad, well guess what it is. The extra possessions is the answer to the question that you asked me. Plus I never said they had bad timing. I was simply saying Dak is looking better in the new offense, because he's getting comfortable with the new play calls. With new plays come new reads within the defense.

So seek to understand before being understood. Otherwise you come off looking like a derogatory adjective.


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We have Zach Martin and Tyron Smith. So your saying that the oline is the problem?

I agree with you about Zeke. But we have an OC that doesn't know how to call run plays. Our running plays and blocking scheme still predicated on pulling guards, etc. It takes too long to develop. WE totally need to scrap those plays that are predictable and easy to defend.

This is the problem with Kellen. These run plays are from the Garrett era which totally needs to scrapped once and for all.

I completely disagree. I think you watch run plays that dont work and you blame the OC. When the real problem is a slow and predictable Zeke and an Oline that gets injured and goes in the toilet.

having two good lineman doenst make a good line. When Smith goes down is when the problem always start.

Dont you remember the 5 game stretch last year where the Cowboys averaged 180 yards per game and were 7-1? How come Moore didnt have any problems then?


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most of that comes in games against weaker teams, like the nfc east teams etc. Also in games where dallas falls behind, and other team lets up
late in game, just playing prevent, and dallas will move down the field.

But they had a couple games last year where they played = to the opponent, the TB, Chargers,Oakland games, they looked good in those games.
But they lost to all the other good teams. Bad starts, and often scoring most points late in game.
Its always funny to me when people bring this up.

Go look at every QB in the NFL against playoff teams prior to the playoffs.

I think there are 2 with winning records against winning teams. Brady and Rodgers. Thats it.


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Other posters have said that you're reading and comprehension is bad, well guess what it is. The extra possessions is the answer to the question that you asked me. Plus I never said they had bad timing. I was simply saying Dak is looking better in the new offense, because he's getting comfortable with the new play calls. With new plays come new reads within the defense.

So seek to understand before being understood. Otherwise you come off looking like a derogatory adjective.

Its an answer, I will give you that. Its a blow off, laughable answer.

Dak has lead the NFL in passing yards and offense when the defense didnt lead the league in turnovers. So your little BS answer just got blown out of the water.


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Its always funny to me when people bring this up.

Go look at every QB in the NFL against playoff teams prior to the playoffs.

I think there are 2 with winning records against winning teams. Brady and Rodgers. Thats it.

Another perfect example of how most Cowboys fans have no idea what they are talking about.


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KMoore the passing whisperer now?.....his arm was weak for NFL standards. Good golly!

...Ppppffftt!...It doesn't matter IMO ...a QB doesn't need "arm strength" to throw a Timing Route!...


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Another perfect example of how most Cowboys fans have no idea what they are talking about.
And prior to 2018 when Zeke and Smith were both gone. Dak was around a 50 percent win rate against winning teams.

So the whole argument is unfounded but. Take what the media says and run with it I guess lol.

Gotta love. "They are playing prevent.". Yeah because Cleveland allowed the cowboys to come back to within 3 points lol.


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And prior to 2018 when Zeke and Smith were both gone. Dak was around a 50 percent win rate against winning teams.

So the whole argument is unfounded but. Take what the media says and run with it I guess lol.

Gotta love. "They are playing prevent.". Yeah because Cleveland allowed the cowboys to come back to within 3 points lol.

LOL.............yep and garbage time stats start in the 2nd quarter.