Twitter: Since 2017, Dak is 5-9 vs winning teams


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You cannot simply change Dak's worst play without changing the worst play of every other QB in football if you're interested in actually having a fair comparison. Because we cannot do such a thing for everyone then we can only evaluate the plays as they happen/occur.
Well first of all, you can.

Second of all, the point is that the number is not reflective of his play. If you are evaluating that play as it occurs, then you aren't blaming Dak, and you should shut up about the QBR number.


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If I recall correctly, there’s another recent Cowboys Quarterback who didn’t beat many good teams because of the same things that plague Dak. Dropped passes that are tipped leading to interceptions, fumbles, injuries to the online leading to pressure and sacks, subpar running back play, bad defense and horrible play calling. But for that quarterback these things were all highlighted and pointed out to excuse the losses. Why is it so different now for The Dak Man?:huh:Maybe WE lost to those GOOD TEAMS because they were just better that day? Hmmmm...... Ya think?

It's funny that you think Romo was treated better in this place than Dak is. Short memory.


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THAT PLAY CHANGES HIS QBR. Saying he has the 7th worst QBR and ignoring the fact that there was probably a 20-point shift in it because of a drop is stupid. It's not even narrative searching, it's stupid.

And then if you are going to adjust his QBR for that play, then you should have to adjust his QBR for an interception he threw in the end zone that he got a lucky break Smith put his hands to Fleming's face.

And as Toruk says, if you want to adjust Dak's QBR for his worst play or the play that hurts his score the most, then you would have to do that for every QB yesterday and then look at the QBR after the adjustment.

This isn't that difficult a concept here. You can't just argue the QBR isn't reflective of his play yesterday because you want to take away that one play but then that's the only adjustment you deem fair. LOL.
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Well first of all, you can.

Second of all, the point is that the number is not reflective of his play. If you are evaluating that play as it occurs, then you aren't blaming Dak, and you should shut up about the QBR number.
You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink.


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Using this logic why the hell donwe ever give Dak or anybody any credit for anything if it’s all team stuff?
individuals get accolades through stats..teams win and lose..FACT each player or coach can only control their responsibility..each game has been lost by a different mistake made by a different player in different fashion and as far as wins same...


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It's funny that you think Romo was treated better in this place than Dak is. Short memory.
Nah. It’s not funny at all. And I don’t know about this site. But on the old one Romo was God in the flesh and none of his mistakes were his fault. You may have your opinion of it, but mine differs. If you can’t prove me wrong move on. It’s not open for debate.


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Because that number is wildly different if Cooper doesn't drop the ball. A 30-something yard TD pass instead of an INT makes your QBR quite different, no?

He wasn't particularly good, but he wasn't an active detriment like some want to make him out to be. Blaming it all on him is an, ahem, "embarrassing abdicaiton of responsibility" for the entire rest of the team.


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None of our guys are possession WR. Gallup is part of the B team right now and could develop into one. It was catchable but we also have to take a look at using the personnel correct. Cooper is a route runner that wins on moves to get open, throw it to his body or in front of him, he for sure isn’t a Julio Jones.
It hit his body


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LOL and yet, I can point to multiple plays just this season of him throwing a pass behind a player. He had a couple in the Dolphins game. He had 2 in the Commanders game, one that resulted in an INT, he had one against the Saints that caused us to have to punt, and then yesterday against the Packers which killed our momentum.

Your exact quote was that it was 100% on Cooper - I don't care how much more you put on Cooper, just ADMITTING Dak threw behind Cooper puts some blame on Dak. I will repeat: If Dak hits Cooper in stride, even if it's a drop, it hits the ground and doesn't go into the arms of a the defender that Cooper beat on the play.

They both sucked on this play. I don't care if you think Cooper sucked more, I care that you are trying to absolve Prescott because you refuse to ever give him a criticism. You're an adult, put the bias aside and start acting like one. It's not like he's going to come to this forum and thank you for your service, so what is the point with the blind loyalty?
I don't ever give Dak criticism...... It's clear you're not even reading what I'm writing because I put the other 2 picks solely on Dak. That being said, every QB in the league has passes like that, every single game. You're acting like the pass was way behind Cooper and that's false. The ball hit Cooper in both hands and in his chest...... He has to catch it, period. You blaming Dak by saying Cooper is going to drop it so he needs a certain pass every time so it's not picked off is insane.


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Of everyone who played yesterday Dak had the 7th worth QBR. The Dak led offense was down 31-3 at one point. How in the hell did you watch that game and conclude....yeah that's a winnable brand of QB play Dak displayed.

This is an embarrassing abdication of responsibility you are cheerleading.
Of everyone who played yesterday Dak had the 7th worth QBR. The Dak led offense was down 31-3 at one point. How in the hell did you watch that game and conclude....yeah that's a winnable brand of QB play Dak displayed.

This is an embarrassing abdication of responsibility you are cheerleading.
Of everyone who played yesterday Dak had the 7th worth QBR. The Dak led offense was down 31-3 at one point. How in the hell did you watch that game and conclude....yeah that's a winnable brand of QB play Dak displayed.

This is an embarrassing abdication of responsibility you are cheerleading.
Of everyone who played yesterday Dak had the 7th worth QBR. The Dak led offense was down 31-3 at one point. How in the hell did you watch that game and conclude....yeah that's a winnable brand of QB play Dak displayed.

This is an embarrassing abdication of responsibility you are cheerleading.
Of everyone who played yesterday Dak had the 7th worth QBR. The Dak led offense was down 31-3 at one point. How in the hell did you watch that game and conclude....yeah that's a winnable brand of QB play Dak displayed.

This is an embarrassing abdication of responsibility you are cheerleading.
so dak gave up 34 points and couldnt stop jones?


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I don't ever give Dak criticism...... It's clear you're not even reading what I'm writing because I put the other 2 picks solely on Dak. That being said, every QB in the league has passes like that, every single game. You're acting like the pass was way behind Cooper and that's false. The ball hit Cooper in both hands and in his chest...... He has to catch it, period. You blaming Dak by saying Cooper is going to drop it so he needs a certain pass every time so it's not picked off is insane.

Yeah, okay, show me QBs that have 2 INTs on the year due to passes thrown behind the receiver, and around 2-3 more outside of that in just 5 weeks. Give me the list of names, I can almost promise you Wilson, Rodgers, Brady, and Mahomes aren't on that list.


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Yeah, okay, show me QBs that have 2 INTs on the year due to passes thrown behind the receiver, and around 2-3 more outside of that in just 5 weeks. Give me the list of names, I can almost promise you Wilson, Rodgers, Brady, and Mahomes aren't on that list.
They have all made those mistakes. To say that they haven’t is a flat out lie.


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Apparently not as frequently as you insinuate. With only one super bowl appearance. :facepalm:
He is overrated

Trust me, ive had countless arguments about how overrated dude is. But to compare Dak to him is asinine.

Dak for the most part, has had playoff caliber teams since he came into the league, while Rodgers had plenty of horrible rosters in his career.


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Yeah, okay, show me QBs that have 2 INTs on the year due to passes thrown behind the receiver, and around 2-3 more outside of that in just 5 weeks. Give me the list of names, I can almost promise you Wilson, Rodgers, Brady, and Mahomes aren't on that list.
I suggest you go watch other QBs play.

All those guys have had some terrible picks. Brady has had 5 in one game more than once. You act like these guys don't throw picks or in your mind it's the receivers fault. You only blame the QB for picks when talking about Dak.


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He is overrated

Trust me, ive had countless arguments about how overrated dude is. But to compare Dak to him is asinine.

Dak for the most part, has had playoff caliber teams since he came into the league, while Rodgers had plenty of horrible rosters in his career.
Ok. Dak ain’t on that level YET!!! But he’s still very young and improving. Sort of like that guy we had previously. Ya know? Their stats and wins vs.losses are very similar. But yea. Dak is trash just because he’s Dak? :facepalm:


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Just to point out the absurdity of record vs winning teams, Aaron Rodgers is 17-26 against winning teams since 2012. Pretty sure no one thinks he sucks.

No, before you knee-jerk, I'm not saying Dak is Rodgers. I'm saying evaluating a QB based on this statistic is a stretch. A lot goes into it.


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I suggest you go watch other QBs play.

All those guys have had some terrible picks. Brady has had 5 in one game more than once. You act like these guys don't throw picks or in your mind it's the receivers fault. You only blame the QB for picks when talking about Dak.

You didn't answer what I asked. I want to see them throwing multiple balls behind a receiver - let's be exact here, Prescotts zipping the ball in high and behind, which is causing the INTs.

Show me these multiple times in a game from the QBs I listed. I'll wait.