Skins Fans starting to see the light: Romo vs JC

Even a monkey as a quarterback could score 40 points against the putrid Giants defense. Guess what, Campbell was playing excellent in the final game against the giants as well last year. Sure, we lost,and he threw one interception, but he threw for 200+ yards. We were very close to winning. Beating the putrid Giants defense is nothing to brag about. From what I can see, Romo throws short to medium passes. His deep passes are extremely inaccurate. Hell, he doesn't even have the arm to throw deep passes. The reason Romo struggled late last year was because people realized what he could do and couldn't do. If Romo scores, say, 30 points against Miami, I *may* be impressed. The fact that Saban isn't their coach anymore(who by the way isn't defensive oriented) may perhaps mean that their defense isn't that good. If that's the case, Commanders offense stinks(even though they put up 400 yards against Miami, some of that yardage was on the hail mary of course). Personally, I don't think Romo is that good a quarterback, but that's just my view. He's a choker as well, like that Seattle game.
BTW, I was listening to Gibbs talking about Mark Rypien, and to paraphrase, he mentioned that Rypien threw beautiful deep passes, but his medium and short passes were just horrible. Campbell, as far as I can tell, seems to throw good deep passes. His short/medium passes are suspect, no doubt about it. Also, let's face it, Gibbs hasn't really relied on elite quarterbacks to win superbowls. Only Dallas needs elite quarterbacks. We have hardly ever had elite quarterbacks.
redster;1638714 said:
Even a monkey as a quarterback could score 40 points against the putrid Giants defense. Guess what, Campbell was playing excellent in the final game against the giants as well last year. Sure, we lost,and he threw one interception, but he threw for 200+ yards. We were very close to winning.

This has been another excerpt from the Commanders handbook, entitled "We (almost) Don't Suck".
Well, guess what, if we had the type of defense we had in 2005, we would have won more games than we lost. We lost many close games last year. Our defense just sucked. Our offense was not that bad last year. If our defense plays well this year, we will perform fine IMHO.
redster;1638731 said:
Well, guess what, if we had the type of defense we had in 2005, we would have won more games than we lost. We lost many close games last year. Our defense just sucked. Our offense was not that bad last year. If our defense plays well this year, we will perform fine IMHO.

This has been another excerpt from...

is that guy serious? his entire post played around "if"

yeah well "if" we didnt make mistakes we'd be perfect too. Campbell can't even add as high as Romo's QB rating.
redster;1638714 said:
Even a monkey as a quarterback could score 40 points against the putrid Giants defense. Guess what, Campbell was playing excellent in the final game against the giants as well last year. Sure, we lost,and he threw one interception, but he threw for 200+ yards. We were very close to winning. Beating the putrid Giants defense is nothing to brag about. From what I can see, Romo throws short to medium passes. His deep passes are extremely inaccurate. Hell, he doesn't even have the arm to throw deep passes. The reason Romo struggled late last year was because people realized what he could do and couldn't do. If Romo scores, say, 30 points against Miami, I *may* be impressed. The fact that Saban isn't their coach anymore(who by the way isn't defensive oriented) may perhaps mean that their defense isn't that good. If that's the case, Commanders offense stinks(even though they put up 400 yards against Miami, some of that yardage was on the hail Mary of course). Personally, I don't think Romo is that good a quarterback, but that's just my view. He's a choker as well, like that Seattle game.
BTW, I was listening to Gibbs talking about Mark Rypien, and to paraphrase, he mentioned that Rypien threw beautiful deep passes, but his medium and short passes were just horrible. Campbell, as far as I can tell, seems to throw good deep passes. His short/medium passes are suspect, no doubt about it. Also, let's face it, Gibbs hasn't really relied on elite quarterbacks to win superbowls. Only Dallas needs elite quarterbacks. We have hardly ever had elite quarterbacks.

I've heard all you skins fans say that about the 400 yds on Miami and yet you went to overtime with them...The NFL is not about yards it's about touchdowns period...The ES guy said it best about Campbell, He doesnt have a game where you know he was gona be a real good QB unless your counting a 200yd 2TD 1 INT as a great game.....OH and you add a overtime and a hail marry as those 400yds of offense, dont think we dont know that...
ive never ever really been impressed with JC and that started from his time at Auburn. Ronnie Brown and Cadillac took away all that pressure for him and made most of the plays. Campbell at best will be an average QB IMO...
yennor24;1638796 said:
I've heard all you skins fans say that about the 400 yds on Miami and yet you went to overtime with them...The NFL is not about yards it's about touchdowns period...The ES guy said it best about Campbell, He doesnt have a game where you know he was gona be a real good QB unless your counting a 200yd 2TD 1 INT as a great game.....OH and you add a overtime and a hail marry as those 400yds of offense, dont think we dont know that...
and we had even more yards than the skins did, so im not sure where he was going with that being something over Romo?
superpunk;1638721 said:
This has been another excerpt from the Commanders handbook, entitled "We (almost) Don't Suck".

:lmao2: :laugh1: :lmao: :laugh1: :lmao2:
riggo;1637322 said:
campbell, as i understand it, played under 4 different OC's as a starter in college, and last year was the second O he had to learn in the NFL.

Quincy went through the same thing at Georgia, and in Dallas went through 3 different systems in 3 years

riggo said:
lloyd had one on one coverage and was seen as giving up early on the pass, allowing the defender to get behind him and picking it off. apparently, he didnt make much of an effort to tackle the miami defender either. this guy needs to step up.

that's been Lloyd's MO his whole career, lazy and sloppy, I doubt he is going to change

btw, Moss' 2nd drop was a bad Campbell throw, it was behind him
redster;1638714 said:
Even a monkey as a quarterback could score 40 points against the putrid Giants defense.

Really? Prove it.

I'll be expecting your return when your team fails to do so.

Guess what, Campbell was playing excellent in the final game against the giants as well last year. Sure, we lost,and he threw one interception, but he threw for 200+ yards.

Wait, I thought "even a monkey as a quarterback" could score forty on the Giants putrid defense. You scored 28. What does that make Campbell?

We were very close to winning.

You lost by 8 points. That's very close?

Beating the putrid Giants defense is nothing to brag about.

...but yet Campbell couldn't do it.

From what I can see, Romo throws short to medium passes. His deep passes are extremely inaccurate.

...and yet somehow he managed to AVERAGE 23 yards per pass.

The "innacuarate passes you're probably referring to wouldn't be the two that he failed to get to Owens because they got the routes mixed up, would they? I hardly think that reflects his accuracy.

Hell, he doesn't even have the arm to throw deep passes.

...see above.

The reason Romo struggled late last year was because people realized what he could do and couldn't do.

Where'd you get that one espn 101? I think, maybe there MAY have been a few more factors...but don't let that bother you. Continue to look stupid.

If Romo scores, say, 30 points against Miami, I *may* be impressed.

Gee, thanks. We're all very relieved to here that.

The fact that Saban isn't their coach anymore(who by the way isn't defensive oriented) may perhaps mean that their defense isn't that good. If that's the case, Commanders offense stinks(even though they put up 400 yards against Miami, some of that yardage was on the hail mary of course).

So you're conceding that offensive and defensive units may be apt to some changes from year to year? and that sometimes they improve/regress? Hmmm...I wonder if the Giants may have improved...maybe your analysis of them isn't so sound after all?

Personally, I don't think Romo is that good a quarterback, but that's just my view.

Far out, a Commander that doesn't like Romo. :rolleyes:

He's a choker as well, like that Seattle game.

If by choker you mean the guy who put his team in position to take teh lead in the end of that very game, then yes, he's a choker.

One thing is for sure...he doesn't need to hold for kicks anymore...but not too many QB's with a 95 rating do.

BTW, I was listening to Gibbs talking about Mark Rypien, and to paraphrase, he mentioned that Rypien threw beautiful deep passes, but his medium and short passes were just horrible. Campbell, as far as I can tell, seems to throw good deep passes. His short/medium passes are suspect, no doubt about it. Also, let's face it, Gibbs hasn't really relied on elite quarterbacks to win superbowls.

Who cares.

Only Dallas needs elite quarterbacks. We have hardly ever had elite quarterbacks.

I hope i didn't graduate from the same school system you did.
silverbear;1637581 said:
I think he could be OK, in the right situation, but the Skins are not the right situation... he needs a pass-blocking offensive line and a decent receiver corps, especially a receiver corps that can stretch the field... in that situation, he can throw the ball downfield, which is what his game is... he's simply not suited for a short passing offense, and he never will be...

Campbell can't continue to throw long, after awhile teams are going to go to zone and take that deep part of the field away

seen it happen to Ds defending Quincy, and he was terrible
firehawk350;1637619 said:
Brees had a much worse day against a much worse D

the Colt's D isn't the one you've seen for the pasts 5 years, they were rock-solid in the postseason except for one game, against a very good Pat's O, and shutting down New Orlean's high-powered O is no small task
firehawk350;1637705 said:
That's fair enough, Campbell played like crap. He had some good plays but overall, he needed to tighten up and make the easy pass. I refuse to blame him on the Lloyd pass though, Lloyd just didn't want it.

And your thinking of the Randle El pass, where he jumped and did some wierd air acrobatics and almost came down with the ball. Moss had two passes hit him in the hands, in a relatively easy position to catch and just dropped it.

I think your forgetting that Romo has made plenty of mistakes behind center. he's FAR from a complete QB. If he was so great, why wait on the contract extension???

the 2nd drop, the ball was behind him, he had to twist his body around to try and get it

but that's no excuse, Moss is getting paid big money and is your #1 target, he should have came down w/ that, just like To came down w/ a ball that was slightly overthrown by Romo on Sunday, but still, the fact remains that it was a poor throw
firehawk350;1637715 said:
Manning was accurate in preseason, and he looked good so far. Bledsoe doesn't really hold up in the comparison because he was already a known quantity. Pressure him and he'll make bad throws. Teams didn't necessarily pressure him in the preseason because they had other agendas (such as evaluation).

Campbell started slow in the preseason too, he starts slow in the season. He overthrew balls in the first game in the preseason, he overthrew balls in the first game of the season. He got better and better as he calmed down under center. Will he get better as he calms down under center in the season??? The answer will come in the next two weeks.

LOL, teams played vanilla against Campbell too
Don't ever expect to have an intelligent debate with a Commanders fan. They are simply the biggest homers in the league, and think that because they beat the Dolphins in OT they're gonna go all the way. No type of dissent is allowed on their forum. Even Commanders fans who don't tote the party line are eventually banned.

While I absolutely hate Philly fans with every ounce of my being, you can actually debate with them and they are keenly aware of what their team is and is not. Trying to having a conversation with a stinks fan is about as productive as shouting at a brick wall because both objects possess the same amount of intelligence.

Tony Romo could lead us to three Super Bowl victories over the next few years and he will never get credit because they will ALWAYS find some excuse to downplay his success. The fact of the matter is they are simply terrified of Romo and what the rest of our team has become, and only a small percentage of Stinks fans have the stones to admit it. Every single one of them would trade Campbell for Romo in a heartbeat.
redster;1638714 said:
Even a monkey as a quarterback could score 40 points against the putrid Giants defense. Guess what, Campbell was playing excellent in the final game against the giants as well last year. Sure, we lost,and he threw one interception, but he threw for 200+ yards. We were very close to winning. Beating the putrid Giants defense is nothing to brag about. From what I can see, Romo throws short to medium passes. His deep passes are extremely inaccurate. Hell, he doesn't even have the arm to throw deep passes. The reason Romo struggled late last year was because people realized what he could do and couldn't do. If Romo scores, say, 30 points against Miami, I *may* be impressed. The fact that Saban isn't their coach anymore(who by the way isn't defensive oriented) may perhaps mean that their defense isn't that good. If that's the case, Commanders offense stinks(even though they put up 400 yards against Miami, some of that yardage was on the hail mary of course). Personally, I don't think Romo is that good a quarterback, but that's just my view. He's a choker as well, like that Seattle game.
BTW, I was listening to Gibbs talking about Mark Rypien, and to paraphrase, he mentioned that Rypien threw beautiful deep passes, but his medium and short passes were just horrible. Campbell, as far as I can tell, seems to throw good deep passes. His short/medium passes are suspect, no doubt about it. Also, let's face it, Gibbs hasn't really relied on elite quarterbacks to win superbowls. Only Dallas needs elite quarterbacks. We have hardly ever had elite quarterbacks.

I love this post

Romo goes for 345 and 5 TDs. wins a game and he has no arm and is not that good

Campbell goes for 200 yards and an INT in a loss and he played excellent

Commanders fans ladies and gentlemen the most delusional creatures on earth

Simple Colors will tell you who is obviously better:

Romo/Campbell QB ratings by games, highest to lowest

TR 148.9
TR 128.5
TR 126.8
TR 113.9
TR 111.6
TR 109.0

JC 96.2
JC 92.3

TR 89.6
TR 89.5
TR 86.6

JC 83.0
JC 82.2
JC 74.2

TR 58.8
TR 58.1

JC 57.9
JC 54.2
JC 52.2

TR 45.5

Simple colors tell you who is better.

How about accuracy?

TR 82.6
TR 75.9
TR 75.9
TR 71.9
TR 69.0

JC 67.7
TR 66.7
TR 66.7
TR 62.5
TR 58.8
TR 58.6

JC 57.1
JC 55.9
JC 55.6
JC 50.0

TR 48.5
TR 48.3

JC 47.8
JC 47.4
JC 46.4


TR 345
TR 321
TR 308
TR 306
TR 284
TR 278
TR 270
TR 257
TR 249
TR 226

JC 222
JC 217
JC 220
JC 204
JC 196

TR 189
JC 182
JC 160

TR 142
JC 118

(Incidentally, that first game when Romo was put in at half for Bledsoe in NY... it is not on here, but Romo threw for 227 in that 2nd half in his first game action... a number which Campbell hasn't reached in 9 full starts).

Just look at the colors. It's not even close.

Tony Romo has been good pushing the fringes of extremely good.

Jason Campbell has been trash pushing the fringes of acceptable.
I keep hearing how great Campbells deep ball is and how accurate it is, but I look at last seasons stats and what do I see

Pass Thrown: 21-30 yds 2 of 16 12.5% completions

Pass Thrown: 31-40 yds. 3 of 7 42%

Pass Thrown: 41+ yds. 0 of 8 0%

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