Skip Bayless is an idiot, but...

Jay said:
Uh.. we understand WHY the media is blowing it up.. we're not idiots.

All we're saying is that it's not warranted. You seem to be arguing something completely different.

i'm arguing that you can't compare TO to steve smith because it fits "your" agenda (and the media has one). they are two different players who've both enjoyed success but i've never seen ssmith revel in the controversy he creates. have you?

i agree totally that it's stupid to question TO for an injury other players have and have had longer. but it can and will happen and to sit there and get mad is just ironic to me. ESPECIALLY when you hear things like "agenda driven media".

NO KIDDING??? yet when just last year TO was hurting the eagles most fans were all over him for NOT being a team player and pulling the stupid stunts he pulls. now most rush to defend TO and bash the media for being biased.

if TO were a cardinal or a chief or on ANY OTHER TEAM would anyone in this room be on TO's side and demanding "equal rights" also?

i never saw it before he was a cowboy, so i doubt you'd see it if he wasn't.

and the media is "biased".

my point is we brought this circus to town and are just gonna have to live with it. comparisons designed to "lighten the heat" are a waste of time cause it's coming and that's simply because that's the way TO wants it

we bought it, now we have to live through it. i just wish the average fan would quit whining about the media whining cause it ain't going away. then again, i suppose neither form of whining is, even my whining about the whiners whine. : )
peplaw06 said:
I agree his past has a big part to play in it but here's the situation... in light of his past.

1) TO didn't practice... the coverage at first was slight compared to what we see today.
2) When this week began and this week's MNF game was next on their schedule, the coverage ramped up.
3) Now TO is back at practice.
4) And they are STILL trying to create controversy. Bayless specifically said BP "called TO out for his hamstring injury." Can you show me where or when he did that?? I don't recall anything about that. And if he had, it would have been all over the news.

Or could it be possible Bayless made it up because it fits his agenda, and TO hasn't "blown up yet." This situation has so far been no big deal, yet they're trying to still make it one.

It's like, well TO didn't self-destruct this time. But we can still make it seem like there's tension by reporting falsehoods.

"agenda" is slowly becoming the most overused word of the year.

and maybe the fans grasping at steve smith are trying to warp things back to their own agenda?

TO is a circus. sit back, pop some popcorn, and watch. all we can do.
iceberg said:
i'm arguing that you can't compare TO to steve smith because it fits "your" agenda (and the media has one). they are two different players who've both enjoyed success but i've never seen ssmith revel in the controversy he creates. have you?

i agree totally that it's stupid to question TO for an injury other players have and have had longer. but it can and will happen and to sit there and get mad is just ironic to me. ESPECIALLY when you hear things like "agenda driven media".

NO KIDDING??? yet when just last year TO was hurting the eagles most fans were all over him for NOT being a team player and pulling the stupid stunts he pulls. now most rush to defend TO and bash the media for being biased.

if TO were a cardinal or a chief or on ANY OTHER TEAM would anyone in this room be on TO's side and demanding "equal rights" also?

i never saw it before he was a cowboy, so i doubt you'd see it if he wasn't.

and the media is "biased".

my point is we brought this circus to town and are just gonna have to live with it. comparisons designed to "lighten the heat" are a waste of time cause it's coming and that's simply because that's the way TO wants it

we bought it, now we have to live through it. i just wish the average fan would quit whining about the media whining cause it ain't going away. then again, i suppose neither form of whining is, even my whining about the whiners whine. : )

Here's what's wrong with it though. We all know they're making stuff up, but as I said in a previous post (maybe on a different thread, I can't remember)...

The fact that we were ripping TO last season only proves that people/fans who aren't following the situation as closely as the team's actual fans will usually just accept what the media says as true. Face it when you report negative news from one team, 31 team's other fans have no real idea if what you're saying is true or not.

So last season we were in the boat of, "well we hate the Eagles, so they have this guy who may tear the team apart... Yeah TO's a bad guy."

Now that he's on our team, and we don't WANT our team torn apart -- or we are excited about what he can actually do to help the team if he doesn't cause problems -- we are more informed and can spot media tricks and "agendas" (overused, i agree but if it fits...).

The genius of the media is if they pick on one team the majority of the fans will use that info because it supports their hatred for any team that's not theirs.
peplaw06 said:

Here's what's wrong with it though. We all know they're making stuff up, but as I said in a previous post (maybe on a different thread, I can't remember)...

The fact that we were ripping TO last season only proves that people/fans who aren't following the situation as closely as the team's actual fans will usually just accept what the media says as true. Face it when you report negative news from one team, 31 team's other fans have no real idea if what you're saying is true or not.

So last season we were in the boat of, "well we hate the Eagles, so they have this guy who may tear the team apart... Yeah TO's a bad guy."

Now that he's on our team, and we don't WANT our team torn apart -- or we are excited about what he can actually do to help the team if he doesn't cause problems -- we are more informed and can spot media tricks and "agendas" (overused, i agree but if it fits...).

The genius of the media is if they pick on one team the majority of the fans will use that info because it supports their hatred for any team that's not theirs.

did TO have an injury? he said he did but nothing could "prove" it. this isnt' made up. it's pushed beyond all reasonable limits of "realism" but it's *not* made up.

or maybe the fans of the team he's on *want* to see it in a better light so they rush off to defend TO. the very same TO they slapped around with glee a year ago. i agree totally we don't want to see our team ripped apart, but being blind to what TO is simply because he's got the star on isn't going to change a thing.
It's just Skip being Skip. He doesn't really have any insider info because pretty much everyone hates him. So, he just makes stuff up to be relevant. Of course ESPN hires him for shock value, because half of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is contrary to what is truth.

The topic could be the sky is blue and Skippy would argue that it's really not.
I agree with you 100%, Ice. What irks me is "journalists" making $hit up and presenting it as truth. And the truth is exactly opposite of Bayless' lie. Parcells in no way aggravated "the TO situation." In fact, he did his level best to ignore/avoid it all together.
iceberg said:
it is. and it will continue to be. and you will see fans that just last year ate it up when TO was bashed, hate it now cause he's a cowboy and the media is being unfair and hypocritical.

some people never see the irony.

i think, in theory, you make good points.

however, we're talking about a simple injury four weeks removed from any meaningful football, and the media making more of it than is there.

they get away with it b/c of TO's past...not the other way around.

I don't think any cowboy fan could defend TO if he ends up pulling a similar stunt to the BS that happened last year. we're just saying, it isn't right to put him in jail when there isn't even a crime.
iceberg said:
i'm arguing that you can't compare TO to steve smith because it fits "your" agenda (and the media has one). they are two different players who've both enjoyed success but i've never seen ssmith revel in the controversy he creates. have you?

i agree totally that it's stupid to question TO for an injury other players have and have had longer. but it can and will happen and to sit there and get mad is just ironic to me. ESPECIALLY when you hear things like "agenda driven media".

NO KIDDING??? yet when just last year TO was hurting the eagles most fans were all over him for NOT being a team player and pulling the stupid stunts he pulls. now most rush to defend TO and bash the media for being biased.

if TO were a cardinal or a chief or on ANY OTHER TEAM would anyone in this room be on TO's side and demanding "equal rights" also?

i never saw it before he was a cowboy, so i doubt you'd see it if he wasn't.

and the media is "biased".

my point is we brought this circus to town and are just gonna have to live with it. comparisons designed to "lighten the heat" are a waste of time cause it's coming and that's simply because that's the way TO wants it

we bought it, now we have to live through it. i just wish the average fan would quit whining about the media whining cause it ain't going away. then again, i suppose neither form of whining is, even my whining about the whiners whine. : )

You mentioned last year when he was "hurting the Eagles". That's the whole point right there. He hasn't done anything up to this point to hurt the Dallas Cowboys. When he received criticism in SF, Bal, Phi, it was due to behavior detrimental to those teams. Now they are making stuff up.

In a way, I enjoy it because I know the mediots hate the Cowboys and they're afraid that T.O. will actually help us on the field. That is why they are literally making stuff up.

I agree we knew what we were getting when we signed TO, but you are comparing apples to oranges when you compare the situation in Philly with a guy missing preseason practices due to a delicate injury.
iceberg said:
did TO have an injury? he said he did but nothing could "prove" it. this isnt' made up. it's pushed beyond all reasonable limits of "realism" but it's *not* made up.

or maybe the fans of the team he's on *want* to see it in a better light so they rush off to defend TO. the very same TO they slapped around with glee a year ago. i agree totally we don't want to see our team ripped apart, but being blind to what TO is simply because he's got the star on isn't going to change a thing.

Our basic disagreement is I don't think we're the ones being blind... not now anyway. The blinders are on the fans of the other teams who believe what they say is true "because it's TO," instead of questioning what they report.

I don't think it's wrong for us to be hard on the media for what you would call pushing a story beyond all reasonable limits of realism. I call that a lie. IMO there are no degrees of lies. If the media lies, I'll bash 'em.... if the player has a past or not.
Boyzmamacita said:
I agree we knew what we were getting when we signed TO, but you are comparing apples to oranges when you compare the situation in Philly with a guy missing preseason practices due to a delicate injury.

no more so than people comparing TO to steve smith.

if you wanna make silly comparisons the only way to make 'em is...silly.

again, i'm not defending TO and i think the media is being stupid. but we knew they would be when they came in and i think the average fan who's NOW found it in their heart to warm up to TO is overreacting and it's going to get really annoying as the year goes on.
peplaw06 said:
Our basic disagreement is I don't think we're the ones being blind... not now anyway. The blinders are on the fans of the other teams who believe what they say is true "because it's TO," instead of questioning what they report.

I don't think it's wrong for us to be hard on the media for what you would call pushing a story beyond all reasonable limits of realism. I call that a lie. IMO there are no degrees of lies. If the media lies, I'll bash 'em.... if the player has a past or not.

except i'm not talking from "subset to subset" - i'm taking it more on the whole.

is TO getting more attetion than *this* injury would normally warrant?

sure he is.

but that's TO and that's how it's gonna be. pulling steve smith or other forms of reality (of which i do agree on a baseline you'd be fair across the board) isn't going to help and it's not going to change anything.

i HATE TO and i do think sooner or later he'll pull a TO stunt that's gonna hurt the team. but until he does i put my own claws away.

HOWEVER - the vast majority of the media are former players who probably HATE what TO has done to the sport and they can and will take it out on him now that they have a platform of which to do so.

all said, *this* is what we have to look forward to and yet just one of my reasons why i hated signing him to begin with.
iceberg said:
no more so than people comparing TO to steve smith.

if you wanna make silly comparisons the only way to make 'em is...silly.

it's not a silly comparison.

2 mega-star recievers. same injury. one sits out 22 practices. one 14.
the one who sits out less gets run over the coals, the one who sits out more does not.

how is that a silly comparison?
phillycowboyslover said:
it's not a silly comparison.

2 mega-star recievers. same injury. one sits out 22 practices. one 14.
the one who sits out less gets run over the coals, the one who sits out more does not.

how is that a silly comparison?

cause 1 knows anything and everything he does is going to be in the news and the other knows otherwise.

your own actions have a LOT to do with how people see/treat you.

you want total objectivity in the media but not for ourselves. that just isn't going to happen. i understand that the media blows things up and out of proportion.

i also understand if TO were on any other team there'd be so little debate about him in here except the occasional thread saying the team he was on deserved it for signing the fool.

we're the fools and this is part of what we pay TO to be on this team.

is it a "legit" comparison when all else is stripped out? yep.

but you can't strip out the rest cause you don't like it - it's part of the equation also.
I'm not sure about TO, but Skip Bayless is the southbound end of a northbound horse.
Anyone that doesn't get that the media is 10x more interested in TO than Steve Smith just isn't paying attention.
VACowboy said:
Is he deaf too??

He just said on Cold Pizza that Parcells has been "pouring gas on the TO fire" by repeatedly calling him out.


He isn't deaf. He is just hearing voices again.
DLCassidy said:
Anyone that doesn't get that the media is 10x more interested in TO than Steve Smith just isn't paying attention.

and i agree in a perfect world it's not fair, biased, and stupid. this just isn't a perfect world and while we signed TO's talents, we signed his baggage also.
iceberg said:
and i agree in a perfect world it's not fair, biased, and stupid. this just isn't a perfect world and while we signed TO's talents, we signed his baggage also.

Yes but does his "baggage" include the media blatantly making up information?? I don't know, if so okay... but if not, then they should be ashamed.

I don't think anyone deserves to have blatant lies reported about them no matter what they did in the past... simple first amendment defamation stuff.
It isn't just that the media is "10x more interested." My whole point is that they're resorting to fabrication. That's not overzealous reporting. That's lying.

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