Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
Like the NFL isn't making boatloads of money right now? Like the NFL won't continue to make boatloads of money?
Ok, you make $50k a year. If you had a chance to double it, would you? Enough said.
Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
Do you want to see games only on Thursdays and Saturdays? Do you know what type of impact that will have on college and high school football?
Business is business. In that model, better I make money than them.
Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
Or how about trying to get attendance when you don't feel like going to a Thursday night game because you will have to rush to the game from work, then go back to work on Friday morning?
If you don't feel like going don't go. Nobody is forcing you. Besides, if you don't go, someone else will!
Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
And do we need to have any game outside the US? The NFL was wildly successful when ZERO games were played outside the US. Now he's proposing 8 games to be played outside the country? I'm not trying to spread jingoism, but now we get more teams playing outside the country and that likely means a worse product given all of the travel.
New York travels to San Diego is about the same as New York to London. Dallas to Mexico City is 30 minutes shorter than Dallas to New York. (now Tokyo is a different story)
Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
And if I'm a player, I certainly want more money in my contract because I'm essentially having to work more.
Players get more money each and every year. The salary cap isn't getting smaller every year.
Yakuza Rich;3113619 said:
Just a few of the reasons off the top of my head why these proposals are horrendous. Good business decision? Sounds like it couldn't be further from that.
Business wise you would be completely wrong.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I want this, I'm just saying it business wise, it would be absolutely stupid not to consider the revenue possibilities that would come with these changes.
Personally, I would prefer all the Cowboys games to be home games. That way they are always as well rested as they could be!