I think the owners will shoot down Goodell and Co. before too long.I'm just of the opinion that he's pissing off a few more owners everytime he opens his mouth.Perception is not always reality,but if an owners perception is that Goodell is harder on one than the other that does not bode well for his career.
As far as going abroad.
I don't think fining Bud Adams 250K won him any support there and I also don't believe Goodell has any support in Oakland.I think Jerry would vote against anymore games oversees as well,he has a new "toy" to pay for.Both the Jets and Giants are going into a new stadium,so I don't believe they will want to sacrifice any home game revenue for more games abroad.That's five teams that should be against it and I would think there are a few more as well.
Another thing Goodell has yet to address is officiating,I wonder why?Maybe Pereira and Goodell are butt buddies.Sure is funny Bud Adams is fined over obscene hand gestures,Jerry is fined over remarks about the CBA and revenue sharing.Yet after being quick to send a message with those fines ole' Roger can't find the balls to make a statement about the officiating or rather lack of officiating.Maybe Roger can't make a statement about bad officiating?He's afraid he'd have to fine himself.