So, You Think That Goodell Dude is a Good Commish?

adbutcher;3113988 said:
Agreed. The commish is starting to over step his bounds. I think the owners will reel him in.
Let's hope so.

I think what happens with the Bills is going to be critical as far as the direction the NFL goes. As much as I can't stand them or their fan base, it would be a travesty if they left Buffalo for Toronto when they have to get new ownership. And that could open the floodgates if the league wants to go to England and whatnot.
What was the story with NFL Europe? If NFL Europe couldn't be supported what makes Goodell think that a NFL franchise would work on a long term basis.People are real good about going to see something that rarely comes to town,going to see something that is there on a regular basis is another matter.Especially if that expansion team morphs into a perpetual bottom dweller.I think an unsuccessful football team would have little success creating revenue against a successful soccer team in the European market.

Cajuncowboy;3113776 said:
Taking 8 games outside the states is insane. I don't know of any city that wants to lose the revenue that they get from a home game. Add to that teams losing a home game, it's dumb.

You know what the cities could stop it from happening slap a lawsuit since they pay for most the stadiums or part of the stadiums.

What about season Ticket Holders you just screwed how do you think they are going to react after paying tons of money for PSL's and game day tickets and you now rip a home game away from them I guess it could be a neutral site and both teams road game.

Yea I see that as a flop
Nope...never said that about the guy who is a son of a some research on they guy and you'll see why I'd never say such a thing.
daschoo;3113621 said:
8 games a year outside of the u.s.? thats pretty poor although in saying that give me a cowboys road game in scotland i'll be sure to change my mind :D
You know that the NFL will never go outside Wembley Stadium when in the UK.
why mess with a great thing?

ratings have been at their highest...ever

no need to do this
craig71;3113828 said:
I think the owners will shoot down Goodell and Co. before too long.I'm just of the opinion that he's pissing off a few more owners everytime he opens his mouth.Perception is not always reality,but if an owners perception is that Goodell is harder on one than the other that does not bode well for his career.

As far as going abroad.
I don't think fining Bud Adams 250K won him any support there and I also don't believe Goodell has any support in Oakland.I think Jerry would vote against anymore games oversees as well,he has a new "toy" to pay for.Both the Jets and Giants are going into a new stadium,so I don't believe they will want to sacrifice any home game revenue for more games abroad.That's five teams that should be against it and I would think there are a few more as well.

Another thing Goodell has yet to address is officiating,I wonder why?Maybe Pereira and Goodell are butt buddies.Sure is funny Bud Adams is fined over obscene hand gestures,Jerry is fined over remarks about the CBA and revenue sharing.Yet after being quick to send a message with those fines ole' Roger can't find the balls to make a statement about the officiating or rather lack of officiating.Maybe Roger can't make a statement about bad officiating?He's afraid he'd have to fine himself.


Totally agree, would be funny if the owners reel him in, and he realizes it, that his job might not be secure as he thought it was.

yeah, ticks me off too about him fining or suspending players, coaches and owners but he does nothing to the refs. He is just two faced, remember he barely slapped belicheck the cheater when was found out he cheated,etc.
Games outside of the US

Pros - Promote NFL to other countries gain a larger following

Cons - NFL team loses a home game, hurt local revenue if a team loses a home game, dealing with time difference depending on which country the game is in, possible longer flying times depending on which country game is in, crazy viewing times for US depending on country where the game is in.

My vote: Keep it only for Pre-season

Games on Thursday and Saturday

Pros - Fans get an extra game or two to watch during the week.

Cons - NFL product could suffer due to the time needed to recuperate from games played, injuries incurred, etc.

My vote: Keep the scheduling the way it is.
Goodell is terrible. People hated Paul Tagliabue, but you have to be careful what you wish for.

I'll never forgive Goodell for the tick-tack punishment he gave the Patriots combined with destroying the tapes, and the punishment he gave Wade Wilson. Completely bogus.

We're up to 13 weeks and still no addressing of the officiating too.
Thursday is for high school sports, girls Volleyball etc.
Friday is for High School football.
Saturday is for College Football.
Sunday is for NFL football.
Monday is for NFL football.
Traveling overseas, DOES require a longer time involved. Just a flight to Europe is a nice and cozy eighteen hour flight. Then you have that both games played over there would be prepared for much less, as a day for 'jet lag' has to be put into operation as well. Go figure a four day prep becoming two.

Then, you will have outside interest that would even decline, as the NFL Europe experience proved already.

Market availability for cash flow would be restrictive in the middle of the week, as a full fan support is needed to fill stadiums at today's prices.

Then you have increased injuries and jeopardy upon careers to consider as to pay to players...and with directions of current hard liners, to include the Commissioner himself, things look awkward at best with these proposals of 'increased' revenue solely.
Anyway Im sure this is a negotiating tactic. Ask for alot but have a few important things you really want.
Goodell has been great for clamping down on the malcontents and criminals in the NFL.

He's also gone overboard with that month of dressing up its refs and players and coaches in pink. Leave the NFL some dignity!

The gimmetheball jury is out for now. But in the long run, his globalization of the NFL will be a thing to marvel.

I can just envision it now: The Lithuanians against the Nigerians on an early Sunday morning. The Cowboys playing the French.
Well, one can dream, can't he?
daschoo;3113621 said:
8 games a year outside of the u.s.? thats pretty poor although in saying that give me a cowboys road game in scotland i'll be sure to change my mind :D

You, alone, would provide all the home field advantage the Cowboys would possibly need.
nyc;3113612 said:
Like it or not, it's a good business decision. Question. Why are you so angry about it?

Going overseas is ludicrous. This is OUR GAME. AMERICA'S GAME! Sorry to be an ****** about it, but Goodell is an idiot.
He is a piece of crap just like his father who resigned from the senate in the 60's.

If he was smart he would come up with a solid system to discipline players in the NFL. ie...(posititive marijuana test 2 game suspension, positive steroid test 4 game suspension, beating your wife 2 game suspension.) It's simple..OH and by the way if you want to be a real big shot how about a zero tolerance policy on steroids...lets say a lifetime suspension!

Instead he chooses to discipline players like a woman. Today he is on the rag tomorrow he isn't. Discipline will be served but WILL BE VERY INCONSISTENT. This idiot has no business in the NFL. He should resign like his father did and the NFL will become better instantly.
Clove;3114516 said:
Thursday is for high school sports, girls Volleyball etc.
Friday is for High School football.
Saturday is for College Football.
Sunday is for NFL football.
Monday is for NFL football.

Yea, the NFL should move over for girls volleyball.

The more national games there are the more games we can see. Would you really ever be upset that theres a game on Thursday night?

Saturday is tricky though. Id pass on that and let college have their time.

Maybe you can have teams play on a Wednesday if they both had a bye the previous week.
Yakuza Rich;3113609 said:
Got this from ********.com, who got it from the NY Post.

Yipppeeee! :bang2:


Playing games outside the US is a waste of time IMO.

But going to 18 games is a plan I like.

Boomer Esiason actually had an interesting idea...

Boomer on Dan Patrick

Playing games at nuetral sites. It's not a disastrous idea and it does allow those markets without teams to have an NFL game every now and again.

Big Ben...Drama King. lol.

I don't think you screw around with head injuries. If the guy says he has some symptoms that go hand in hand with a cosussion then he sits if he wants to sit.

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