Some missing posters

You're very welcome dear. Ron's still around, very rarely though. He's been dealing w/a personal loss. It's been really hard for him. Such a sweet man.
Lol. Bill's had it with our Cowboys. Besides that, Mrs. Bates has him doing various house projects now that he's retired. Plus he likes his hunting in between those projects. That was the last report.

The Emperor is a reporter for a Dallas Cowboys local syndicate.

And Futreardoc became just that, an ear doctor. After losing her husband to cancer 8 years ago, she's been very busy w/work & her children. I'm sure you remember her being she used a picture of herself in her avatar. Hubby was a huge 'Skins fan.
The Emperor, I still miss being MAMed and in color! And I think of ron quite a bit, we share in that pain and he had health issues to compound that. And I can relate to futuredoc and she was really a breath of fresh air on the old site and then we were witnesses to her fight for her husband.

Sometimes, I will just stop and take a mental photo of what is and who is present to lock that in because people we care about move in and out. Then, I get a positive jolt when I see ES come back and Don show up and Coogi's "Your Thoughts". The Coogster should do little vignettes like they used to have for Deep Thoughts. And I think the band might be getting back together.
Real world? No, cyber world? Yes This is the major complaint I see about all social media. People leave their empathy and humanity behind when they go to these sites.

Allowing some human beings anonymity removes their human qualities and they become hurtful and at time, vicious. They see nothing wrong with taking their frustrations out on someone they do not know and will most likely, they hope, never meet.

But G, you are right, it happens here too frequently and I didn't realize that until I began to moderate the forums. Many filled with anger just itching to unleash on someone. And the problem with that is what you are describing, collateral damage to those that have to read the cat fights.

But then someone posts a thread of concern or suffering and it shifts into a caring community.

I do not judge the forums by the ones that seek to turn it into their own hateful hunting ground but by posters I have known for so long like you. That's my magic, my connection and I would never allow posters behaving badly to interrupt that. So, when I have to read the vitriol and deal with it, I then seek out those that matter to me as a balance.
The PJG is vital! The nude bake sale is next month!
Real world? No, cyber world? Yes This is the major complaint I see about all social media. People leave their empathy and humanity behind when they go to these sites.

Allowing some human beings anonymity removes their human qualities and they become hurtful and at time, vicious. They see nothing wrong with taking their frustrations out on someone they do not know and will most likely, they hope, never meet.

But G, you are right, it happens here too frequently and I didn't realize that until I began to moderate the forums. Many filled with anger just itching to unleash on someone. And the problem with that is what you are describing, collateral damage to those that have to read the cat fights.

But then someone posts a thread of concern or suffering and it shifts into a caring community.

I do not judge the forums by the ones that seek to turn it into their own hateful hunting ground but by posters I have known for so long like you. That's my magic, my connection and I would never allow posters behaving badly to interrupt that. So, when I have to read the vitriol and deal with it, I then seek out those that matter to me as a balance.
Sometimes when you speak, I cry a little.
You're very welcome dear. Ron's still around, very rarely though. He's been dealing w/a personal loss. It's been really hard for him. Such a sweet man.Lol. Bill's had it with our Cowboys. Besides that, Mrs. Bates has him doing various house projects now that he's retired. Plus he likes his hunting in between those projects. That was the last report.
The Emperor is a reporter for a Dallas Cowboys local syndicate.

And Futreardoc became just that, an ear doctor. After losing her husband to cancer 8 years ago, she's been very busy w/work & her children. I'm sure you remember her being she used a picture of herself in her avatar. Hubby was a huge 'Skins fan.
recall, I sure do. Time flies.

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