Some strong reminders on behalf of our great forum argument wanted. I do want clarity and honesty. Thank you for further explaining. I will pay more attention.
I will make it real simple. I will demonstrate that I am comfortable with other contrary opinions by accepting your opinion that I do not accept contrary opinions. You can think that if you want.
Only this weekend to get through, as TC starts next week.

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL .... I heard that once in a song .... pretty prophetic ... :thumbup:

Let's get some good decent conversations and debates going with good intentions as it should be, rather it being positive or negative.
I hate when people sit right next to me! Seriously, there are 7 empty barstools on the other side! ;)
That reminds me of a story....I had to meet a friend at the AMVETS in central Florida. We weren't members but the manager let us sit at the bar to wait for my friend. This is about 2-3 in the afternoon. This old school old florida elderly man....eyes us hard and sat right next to us. Continuing to side eye us. Another man that we had said hi to came up and said it was okay if we went out to the patio to wait. We thought it would be a good idea to follow his..."suggestion".

We think we sat in this "regular"'s bar stool....and were cleverly and politely warned to git. :laugh:
That reminds me of a story....I had to meet a friend at the AMVETS in central Florida. We weren't members but the manager let us sit at the bar to wait for my friend. This is about 2-3 in the afternoon. This old school old florida elderly man....eyes us hard and sat right next to us. Continuing to side eye us. Another man that we had said hi to came up and said it was okay if we went out to the patio to wait. We thought it would be a good idea to follow his..."suggestion".

We think we sat in this "regular"'s bar stool....and were cleverly and politely warned to git. :laugh:
I have a friend that does that for his bar seat. Most everyone knows at a certain time to move to another seat when he comes in.
He will stand right by you until you move or he will ask politely if you would move. Usually the bartenders will ask them to move and explain it to them if they are a new customer. Since they can see who pulls up in the parking lot.
Which is nice because your beer or drink is waiting as you come in. :laugh:

He was the 2nd customer to ever come into that bar, 1975. Been sitting in that same seat since it was remodeled in early 90's. I met him in 1998. I am the only person he will say, no go ahead and sit there. I usually move though as it is early enough for other open seats.

He comes in every day, has his 4 or 5 beers over a 4 hour period. I usually only go 1 or 2 times. week.

Anyway, if I didn't have a vested interest in the place, I may not go my 2 times a week. :laugh:
As I used to own it for 5 years. sold it to my ex-wife (not from the divorce) but it just worked out well for us. I had to go out of state to travel for my work, and she wanted to move back to Texas. So we worked out a deal, as working full time and running the bar was not good for my health. That was 11 years go.

2 good decisions I made, selling the bar and dumping my PSL's at Jerry World. :muttley:
I like to treat other posters as if they are sitting next to me. Respectfully.

Try it.
The problem is we only see usernames and comments and don’t know the people behind them. The anonymity we have here causes many to become disrespectful. The immaturity shown by some wouldn’t happen if they were on a site where they have actual friends and acquaintances that know them. Hiding behind an avatar and username causes many to say things they wouldn’t normally say. Anyone would be reluctant to act like an idiot if they had family and friends reading their posts. I have a couple of sites I get on where everyone knows me and I’m a lot more careful with what I say there.
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