Source: Vick 'one of the heavyweights' in dogfighting

Bob Sacamano;1510848 said:
of course the law matters, and if you get caught sodomizing in VA, you should play the penalty for it

this still doesn't help you explain why breaking one law is nothing if it's "not as bad" as breaking another law, I'm not buying the, "we live in a world where it's acceptable to break the law", save the Dr. Phil bull****

i dont watch daytime TV so ill leave that to you but if you cannot understand the ramifications and signifigance to the prevelancy of scofflaws then I truly sad for the state of the american education system.

we make laws that are meant to be broken. legality is no the basis for morality.

its illegal and sentimental BS is the best you people can come up with. If its so bad you would think of a better reason than that.

As for the economic benefits, you have to pay to attend and the booky makes money. do i need to explain more. the fur trader only gets to sell his furs. the veal salesman only sells his oh so tendoer meat, the rodeo guy only sell their tickets. HYPOCRISY.
Bob Sacamano;1510853 said:
no, I don't really no how to answer it, it's a stupid question

would anyone actually propose this as a way to make dog-fighting legal? I don't think the market for dog-meat is as big as you would like to believe, unless you can find a report where dogs are becoming an endangered species in a country or something

How is it stupid? because you dont want it to happen? and what on earth do population sizes of species have to do with anything. your grasping at straws.

even if you think its stupid, answer the question.

IF we could sell the meat or skins of the dogs should dogfighting still be illegal?
FuzzyLumpkins;1510855 said:
How is it stupid? because you dont want it to happen? and what on earth do population sizes of species have to do with anything. your grasping at straws.

why would there be a market for dogs in a country that has their own source of them? do you know that the countries that eat dogs, breed them, and then eat them? so in order for there to be a need of an outside market for dog-meat, there would need to be a dog shortage in that country

FuzzyLumpkins said:
even if you think its stupid, answer the question.

IF we could sell the meat or skins of the dogs should dogfighting still be illegal?

that situation would never happen, you think PETA would allow a passage of a law that is still practicing the inhumane treatment of animals?
FuzzyLumpkins;1510804 said:
It is very well known that gillette tests all their products on animals.

and a dogfight gets entrance fees and betting revenue. a rodeo only gets entrance fees.

both are very cruel to animals.
They don't compare. Why do you keep trying? Are you a dog fighter or just a huge Vick fan?
tomson75;1510556 said:
If you saw jvita's last post in that thread, then you would know why it was was definitely warranted as it was about to get real ugly.

I'll guarantee you that JVita is either a breeder of fighting dogs, or a frequent attendee at dog fights...
jimmy40;1510877 said:
Iwish we could see a video of dog fighting and a video of calf roping (the cruelest thing in rodeos) and have fuzzy try to compare the two. He would look like a complete idiot.

both are pretty bad though
FuzzyLumpkins;1510584 said:
Forget about weapons charges, assault charges, drunken driving and triple homicides. Dogfighting is truly the worst thing that anyone could ever or has ever done in the NFL especially when its unsubtantiated by anything credible.

Once again, who CARES if it's the worst thing anybody's ever done in the NFL... it's a TERRIBLE thing to do, and it's also quite ILLEGAL...

As for whether anything credible has come to light yet, wait a little... I have a notion that it won't be too many more moons before you're gonna want to leave this subject WELL alone, lest you subject yourself to ridicule for sticking up for Vick, and indirectly, for a barbaric practice...
Hostile;1510734 said:
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.

There isn't a poster who's ever been a mod on a message board who doesn't relate to what you're saying, Hos...

I'd also suggest that nobody who's ever been a mod would ever engage in such criticisms... they understand how tough it is to do that job...

But knowing you, I doubt that you really care when the whining begins... I know I never have...

My Dad was once the golf pro at a club that was run by a board of directors, and when he left there, he told me he'd never, ever accept a position at a club similarly run... he told me that EVERY decision made was guaranteed to annoy at least one member of the board, and by the time you'd made x number of decisions, they ALL had an axe to grind with you... he said it was a no-win situation, in which it was just about impossible to do a good job... being a moderator is much the same, I think...
FuzzyLumpkins;1510766 said:
So is jaywalking and exceeding the speed limit.

Now you can't grasp the difference between felonies and misdemeanors??

The longer you defend Michael Vick, the further out on the limb you go...
FuzzyLumpkins;1510771 said:
i for one don't understand how dogfighting is illegal when rodeos, zoos, the meatpacking, fur and skin, dog racing, cosmetics and other forms of animal testing plus a whole slew of other industries that subject animals to untold cruelties are perfectly acceptable.

You don't have to understand, you just have to obey the law...

And as shocking as this sounds, so does Michael Vick...

And once again, your oft-repeated argument that there are worse crimes out there is just ASININE... using your logic, the ONLY thing that should be a crime is murder, because anything else is not as bad...

That sound like a world you want to live in??
FuzzyLumpkins;1510773 said:
that a relativistic oultlook makes perfect sense.

Then go raise pit bulls to fight to the death, and try that argument out in front of a judge when you get busted for it...
FuzzyLumpkins;1510854 said:
i dont watch daytime TV so ill leave that to you but if you cannot understand the ramifications and signifigance to the prevelancy of scofflaws then I truly sad for the state of the american education system.


FuzzyLumpkins said:
we make laws that are meant to be broken. legality is no the basis for morality.

and you feel sad about today's state of education, dude, laws were made to be obeyed, that's what I was always taught in school, saying laws are meant to be broken is w/o a doubt, one of the stupidest and most ignorant things that has ever been uttered on here, choosing to follow a law or not is up to the individual, but doesn't make it right to break it just because you feel it's arbitrary, and doesn't lessen it compared to other law-breaking either

FuzzyLumpkins said:
its illegal and sentimental BS is the best you people can come up with. If its so bad you would think of a better reason than that.

a ruling in a court of a law is a pretty compelling argument, it beats one man's opinion everytime

FuzzyLumpkins said:
As for the economic benefits, you have to pay to attend and the booky makes money. do i need to explain more. the fur trader only gets to sell his furs. the veal salesman only sells his oh so tendoer meat, the rodeo guy only sell their tickets. HYPOCRISY.

the bookie getting paid is not helping the economy, however, selling veal and fur is
FuzzyLumpkins;1510778 said:
Its an industry.

An illegal industry... do try to wrap your mind around that...

You might not like the fact that fighting dogs is illegal, but I don't care if you like it or not, and far more important, neither does the LAW...

Where did you ever get the notion that you get to pick and choose which laws you like??

There are lots of laws I don't like, but I still follow them... I don't ride motorcycles, but I feel like those who do should be allowed to choose whether they wish to wear a helmet or not... but if one of them gets ticketed for not riding with his helmet, he doesn't need to come to me looking for sympathy...

"Moral relativism" means jack in a court of law... period...
FuzzyLumpkins;1510782 said:
This analogy is futile. You are comparing animals to people.

No, we're trying to explain the concept of ILLEGAL to you... seems you have a difficult time with that...

You don't like a law, you are permitted to try to change it within the system, but you are NOT permitted to ignore it...

There are tons of laws that people break as a matter of course in our society. Traffic, tax, immigration, drug and gun laws all come to mind. Using whether or not there is a law in place to determine the acceptability of a practice holds very little water.

Actually, it's YOUR argument that doesn't hold water; if there's a law in place, your concept of "acceptability" is moot...
jimmy40;1510792 said:
You really have no clue do you?

I wonder if he even understands the damage he's doing to his reputation in here, to how he's perceived...

I know that he has lost a lot of credibility with me, and a lot of the respect that I once felt for him... that saddens me greatly...
btw Fuzzy, you know the only people who feel that law-breaking is acceptable are those you usually hold alot of contempt for, right?
FuzzyLumpkins;1510796 said:
on what basis do you say that? because i can make arguments against your unfounded position?

fact of the matter is people are cruel to animals at rodeos.

Congratulations, Fuzz, welcome to my ignore list... suddenly, I have no desire to hear anything more you have to say, on any subject...

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