I agree with a few others, it cracks me up that people are so silly here.
#1: If you think it's stupid for him to start high on his end of the negoations then you've either never negotiated for a raise or you just simply like taking whatever you can get.
#2: If you think he's throwing out the 40-60 range for his starting point because he actually THINKS he'll get anywhere near 60, then you don't understand negoatiating or you think Barbers agent is an idiot. Which, clearly, he isn't cause he appears to do a pretty darn good job of getting his clients what they're worth.
Barber won't get anywhere near 60, he and his agent know that, and it's highly unlikely he'll even get 40, and they probably know that.
But if they came to the table wanting, say, 30 and that is what they started with...what are the chances that Jerry would have said...Sure, 30 it is?
No. He wouldn't have. If they came to the table looking for 30 it would have been cause he was willing to settle for 20.
I'm sure he was looking for something more realistic, in the 30-40 range but if he was going to get that you've got to start out higher than that, to see where Jerry is willing to start.
Nothing crazy about it. It's smart on the part of both sides.