Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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dcfanatic;2481820 said:
If anyone thinks Werder makes things up they are just plain stupid.

He wouldn't do it just for the simple fact that he would be ridiculed by his peers and left for dead by ESPN.

The guy does this for a living. It's his life and he ain't throwin his life away to get back at a punk like Terrell Owens.

If you are in that group that says it's made up then you should be wearing a jersey with the name 'Homer' on the back.

I'd tend to agree with this maybe 5-6 years ago, but the general media has gone to CRAP, and since there isn't any type of repercussion for lies or made up sources, most do what they have to, so that their story ends up as the headline.


Messenger to the football Gods
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dcfanatic;2481820 said:
If anyone thinks Werder makes things up they are just plain stupid.

He wouldn't do it just for the simple fact that he would be ridiculed by his peers and left for dead by ESPN.

The guy does this for a living. It's his life and he ain't throwin his life away to get back at a punk like Terrell Owens.

If you are in that group that says it's made up then you should be wearing a jersey with the name 'Homer' on the back.

Dude, you're talking about espn. Think about that. They are their own entity and more than likely condone this BS after a meeting of "the minds".


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JordanTaber;2481824 said:
If he got those quotes from someone, he would have ATTRIBUTED THEM to someone.

Notice how he had no problem quoting Bradie James? That's because James actually spoke to him.

The rest of the quotes are fake.

In journalism, you can make up whatever quotes you want if you attribute them to make believe sources. Who's gonna prove you wrong?

And T.O. hasn't thrown anyone on Dallas under the you're obviously just a media puppet.

You have no clue how the NFL works.

Just like the other day when you said I was naive in thinking that Larry Brown watches 'Coaches Film', lol. Then I gave you video evidence of him not only watching it, but even using it on his show to illustrate plays.

You have no clue and you are making yourself look pretty silly.

Give up already.


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dcfanatic;2481840 said:
You have no clue how the NFL works.

Just like the other day when you said I was naive in thinking that Larry Brown watches 'Coaches Film', lol. Then I gave you video evidence of him not only watching it, but even using it on his show to illustrate plays.

You have no clue and you are making yourself look pretty silly.

Give up already.

What did you think of Meshawn when he was here?


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2481825 said:
So tell us Jordan.

What is T.O. really like?
I'm not Jordan, but can I chime in?

Actually, he's a very nice guy. All 5 of the kids who we have sent to his Camp have raved about him. In the phone calls where I have arranged payments for the kids and handled their registrations he has told Martin Breen, his assistant, to do whatever it takes to get our donations handled and our boys squared. He has tried to meet the parents of the kids if possible. He has made sure to send a thank you both times we did it. I think he's one of the most misunderstood people I have ever been associated with.


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Rampage;2481748 said:
It may sound crazy but I think Owens has stunted Romo's growth as a qb. I mean it's good for Romo to have a good wr to throw to but at the same time it's bad when he has to force throws just to keep Owens from throwing a tantrum. I would think more people would take what you say more seriously since you live in Texas, listen to the radio/tv shows with former players and you go to every home game. hell I look forward more to your posts than the dmn blogs or articles cause you pay more attention and have news worthy stuff worth reading. hopefully it will blow over but I doubt it. anyways keep posting the good stuff Theebs.

You my friend have a Point, something that I have said to friends, relatives etc. I have that we will see the very best of Romo, when T.O. retires, or whatever, because then Romo would have to spread the ball around until he finds his go to guy, and by then he will have built confidence in all of his receivers. Not because of the so called tantrums people want to say T.O. has, which is something that is not out of the ordinary with playmaking WRs, we see it year in and year out, from all star WRs.

Now, being that Witten and Romo are best friends, regardless of what nerder source says, and roomates, he feels more comfortable with Witten and therefore looks to him more. I have no problem with that, and I have no problem if T.O. is a little upset, T.O. has been a go to guy for QBs before the guys came into the league, so I would be very surprised if he wasn't upset.
Heck, I would be surprised if Roy was not complaining, even Crayton, Bennett as well, they all have a right to gripe. Romo Just get them the ball, the more you spread the ball around the more success this team will have and the more headaches and losses other teams will have.


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dcfanatic;2481840 said:
You have no clue how the NFL works.

Just like the other day when you said I was naive in thinking that Larry Brown watches 'Coaches Film', lol. Then I gave you video evidence of him not only watching it, but even using it on his show to illustrate plays.

You have no clue and you are making yourself look pretty silly.

Give up already.

Your pathetic desire to embrace everything negative about the Cowboys is what is VERY silly.


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Seven;2481838 said:
Dude, you're talking about espn. Think about that. They are their own entity and more than likely condone this BS after a meeting of "the minds".

Let me guess.

They told Werder to do it right because it was a slow news day?
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Hostile;2481845 said:
I'm not Jordan, but can I chime in?

Actually, he's a very nice guy. All 5 of the kids who we have sent to his Camp have raved about him. In the phone calls where I have arranged payments for the kids and handled their registrations he has told Martin Breen, his assistant, to do whatever it takes to get our donations handled and our boys squared. He has tried to meet the parents of the kids if possible. He has made sure to send a thank you both times we did it. I think he's one of the most misunderstood people I have ever been associated with.

Sadly stories like this would never interest BSPN and those who blindly follow.



Messenger to the football Gods
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dcfanatic;2481853 said:
Let me guess.

They told Werder to do it right because it was a slow news day?
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Yeah. Pure genius............... and you expect us to respect your opinions?

You can't pick up all the marbles and stomp home everyday. It gets old.


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5Countem5;2481851 said:
Your pathetic desire to embrace everything negative about the Cowboys is what is VERY silly.

Reality. You live in fantasy land, I don't.

And trust me. I rave about the positives about this. But you wouldn't know it because you are always in these types of threads being the homer that you are trying to tell everyone that wrong and that the media is out to get the Cowboys.


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Hostile;2481845 said:
I'm not Jordan, but can I chime in?

Actually, he's a very nice guy. All 5 of the kids who we have sent to his Camp have raved about him. In the phone calls where I have arranged payments for the kids and handled their registrations he has told Martin Breen, his assistant, to do whatever it takes to get our donations handled and our boys squared. He has tried to meet the parents of the kids if possible. He has made sure to send a thank you both times we did it. I think he's one of the most misunderstood people I have ever been associated with.

No offense but that has nothing to do with his insecurities he has on the football field where he must be the center of attention all the time. It has nothing to do with him never admitting mistake, partaking in blame or refusing to just be part of a team. He always has to be the team and in his mind he is the best player on the team and needs to be treated with kid gloves and catered to.

Saying you are associated with him also doesnt hold water. he seems like a good person off the field who probably does alot with his fame for charity, but it has nothing to do with what his demons are.

None of that is the problem. The biggest problem is this is a team sport and he thinks, to quote bob sturm, he is playing "singles Tennis"


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dcfanatic;2481871 said:
Reality. You live in fantasy land, I don't.

And trust me. I rave about the positives about this. But you wouldn't know it because you are always in these types of threads being the homer that you are trying to tell everyone that wrong and that the media is out to get the Cowboys.

I have a question for you.

Why did all the Parcells-homers here overlook how he brought in a WR that was just as disruptive to the team, and he let him get away with it to boot?(Meshawn, that is)

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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JordanTaber;2481751 said:
Anyone who believes this crap should be shot.

There is ONE quote from an actual player...ONE...and it was a harmless one by Bradie James, saying that he sometimes plays peacemaker when they don't see eye-to-eye. Notice how he said "there's no dislike?"

Other than that, it was "one source said," "another source said," "a source said." When you see things like that, you can be sure that it's BS.

All this really shows is that Owens can't even prevent this stuff by boycotting the media...they'll just make things up from "anonymous sources from behind the scenes." Or they'll take something that actually did happen, that happens quite often on teams (such as players arguing about something) and blow it up because he was involved, pretending it's actually a big deal.

Right on cue.


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Bleu Star;2481822 said:
I would qualify this as more eligible for post of the month vs that diatribe theeebs posted. It's not influenced by BSPN and comes from a level head. If you looked up "TO Hater" in Google and then chose "Images" you might find a life sized photo or two of a few posters in this thread.

You got it all wrong dude, I Love TO but would you doubt for a second that he is complaining that Witten get´s the ball more than he does (and maybe with good reason), I wouldn´t.