Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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Seven;2481870 said:
Yeah. Pure genius............... and you expect us to respect your opinions?

You can't pick up all the marbles and stomp home everyday. It gets old.

So the Deion interview was CGi'd right?


The Duke
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theebs;2481874 said:
No offense but that has nothing to do with his insecurities he has on the football field where he must be the center of attention all the time. It has nothing to do with him never admitting mistake, partaking in blame or refusing to just be part of a team. He always has to be the team and in his mind he is the best player on the team and needs to be treated with kid gloves and catered to.

Saying you are associated with him also doesnt hold water. he seems like a good person off the field who probably does alot with his fame for charity, but it has nothing to do with what his demons are.

None of that is the problem. The biggest problem is this is a team sport and he thinks, to quote bob sturm, he is playing "singles Tennis"
My apologies. I will keep my festering gob shut about him from now on.

Proceed with the witch hunt.


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Ed Werder is a dirty stinking liar! Unless he reports something that flatters TO, in which case he's 100% right--no questions asked.


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Hostile;2481885 said:
My apologies. I will keep my festering gob shut about him from now on.

Proceed with the witch hunt.

oh, ok.

Well if it is going to be like that then fine so be it.


Messenger to the football Gods
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dcfanatic;2481883 said:
So the Deion interview was CGi'd right?

How much is the tea in china?

I'll buy a "point" for 500.00, Bob.


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So say there is a source, what the hell is he doing sayin this sh** 3 days before the biggest game of the season. What is he some whiny little girl? Wait i think i know who the unknown source is It's gotta be Bobby Carpenter.


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;2481845 said:
I'm not Jordan, but can I chime in?

Actually, he's a very nice guy. All 5 of the kids who we have sent to his Camp have raved about him. In the phone calls where I have arranged payments for the kids and handled their registrations he has told Martin Breen, his assistant, to do whatever it takes to get our donations handled and our boys squared. He has tried to meet the parents of the kids if possible. He has made sure to send a thank you both times we did it. I think he's one of the most misunderstood people I have ever been associated with.

Thank You Hos, thank You very very much. You have a lot of influence in here and to have you state that means a lot. You are right T.O. is very misunderstood, and to be honest he does not make it easy for people to understand him if you go by the media's word.

I have always told people I understood T.O. because I saw alot of me in him, he in the NFL and me In the Air Force. The guy is Honest to a fault, and I believe it was Ed Werder and John Clayton both said that he cannot be that honest, T.O. even said that in his book that he was told he needed to be politically correct(which means Lie),and he will tell you what is on his mind.

He is a very good guy. there is T.O. on the field and there is Terrell off the field, just like there was Prime time on the field and Deion off, Playmaker on the field, Michael off.


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Hostile;2481845 said:
I'm not Jordan, but can I chime in?

Actually, he's a very nice guy. All 5 of the kids who we have sent to his Camp have raved about him. In the phone calls where I have arranged payments for the kids and handled their registrations he has told Martin Breen, his assistant, to do whatever it takes to get our donations handled and our boys squared. He has tried to meet the parents of the kids if possible. He has made sure to send a thank you both times we did it. I think he's one of the most misunderstood people I have ever been associated with.

You are making it seem like you know him personally.

You don't. That's all stuff that most NFL players do.

And none of it matters when it comes to how he interacts with his teammates and what affect it has on this team as we head down the stretch.

And please don't tell me you think Werder is making stuff up?


Messenger to the football Gods
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bbgun;2481890 said:
Ed Werder is a dirty stinking liar! Unless he reports something that flatters TO, in which case he's 100% right--no questions asked.

You stop that..............being right and all.


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Chocolate Lab;2481876 said:

Right on cue.

You're the anti-me on T.O. That's it.

Somebody could tell you that T.O. is the cause of global warming and you'd believe it.


New Member
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dcfanatic;2481900 said:
You are making it seem like you know him personally.

You don't. That's all stuff that most NFL players do.

And none of it matters when it comes to how he interacts with his teammates and what affect it has on this team as we head down the stretch.

And please don't tell me you think Werder is making stuff up?

So are you saying Hostile is a liar, one of our non-homers here?


No Quarter
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dcfanatic;2481871 said:
Reality. You live in fantasy land, I don't.

And trust me. I rave about the positives about this. But you wouldn't know it because you are always in these types of threads being the homer that you are trying to tell everyone that wrong and that the media is out to get the Cowboys.

blast shields up dcf... you're about to be stoned by the angry mob of homers.



Messenger to the football Gods
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dcfanatic;2481900 said:
You are making it seem like you know him personally.

You don't. That's all stuff that most NFL players do.

And none of it matters when it comes to how he interacts with his teammates and what affect it has on this team as we head down the stretch.

And please don't tell me you think Werder is making stuff up?

You having lunch with Werder?


Active Member
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I know it's popular for everyone to bash ESPN for drumming up a TO story, but I've been telling a buddy of mine for weeks that you could sense there was tension between Romo and TO and I told him I thought it centered around Romo's friendship with Witten. The fact is Witten has become a primary target to the exclusion of other receivers besides TO, like Crayton.
The last offensive play Sunday was a perfect example.

Nothing in this story surprises me. Say what you want but I believe their have been internal problems on this team since the first Skins game.


The Duke
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dcfanatic;2481900 said:
You are making it seem like you know him personally.

You don't. That's all stuff that most NFL players do.

And none of it matters when it comes to how he interacts with his teammates and what affect it has on this team as we head down the stretch.

And please don't tell me you think Werder is making stuff up?
I never said I know him personally. I have a phone number where I can reach him and people I have worked with rave about him.

Yes, I think Werder is making this crap up.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Coy;2481879 said:
You got it all wrong dude, I Love TO but would you doubt for a second that he is complaining that Witten get´s the ball more than he does (and maybe with good reason), I wouldn´t.

I don't doubt for a second that it wrinkles Ed Werder's undies when TO ignores him and the end result always brings the lemmings running. I don't doubt that at all.

Bob Sacamano

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Dave_in-NC;2481430 said:
Secret meetings? Even I don't buy this.

it's entirely possible

but not in a conspiratorial way, because many reports that 1st came out about TO and Romo's relationship were them talking about throwing and catching

of course Romo is going to talk with all his receivers about the best possible ways to get them the ball, and how he's going to do it, it's called developing a repoire with your receiver

what TO may or not be claiming is complete paranoia