Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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Rampage;2481748 said:
It may sound crazy but I think Owens has stunted Romo's growth as a qb. I mean it's good for Romo to have a good wr to throw to but at the same time it's bad when he has to force throws just to keep Owens from throwing a tantrum. I would think more people would take what you say more seriously since you live in Texas, listen to the radio/tv shows with former players and you go to every home game. hell I look forward more to your posts than the dmn blogs or articles cause you pay more attention and have news worthy stuff worth reading. hopefully it will blow over but I doubt it. anyways keep posting the good stuff Theebs.


Bleu Star

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Rampage;2481769 said:
like these guys Theebs?:laugh1:

Yeah. Like us. :rolleyes:

This is clearly a result of what happens when people have nothing better to do the week following a loss. The next thread will read "TO poisoning the economy and continues to cause the dow to plummet". :rolleyes:


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Bleu Star;2481780 said:
Yeah. Like us. :rolleyes:

This is clearly a result of what happens when people have nothing better to do the week following a loss. The next thread will read "TO poisoning the economy and continues to cause the dow to plummet". :rolleyes:

Wait - that's not sarcasm, is it?


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5Countem5;2481772 said:
Oldest "journalist" trick in the book. Quote anyone with something innocent and then relate negative things from unnamed sources.

Gives an air of credibility...

Do you think people saying negative things are going to give their names?

I doubt very seriously Werder made this up.

Sensationalized? Maybe and I would say more than maybe.

But made it up? No.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
theogt;2481497 said:
Not sure why he didn't throw some of these quotes in the article.

Because it would have read like this. Just using bits and pieces, sure makes TO seem like he's about to blow and that he completely worries about himself only. Oh, and the name Ed Werder would have been at the bottom.

Me: Are you frustrated?

T.O. " I am frustrated because we lost. It's my birthday.."

Me: OK, but people are saying you are frustrated by your involvement or lack thereof. Are you?

T.O.: "If I am open, throw me the ball. That is my only gripe. What I do in this offense, I know it can help us.

That is all I am concerned about. My stats speak for itself.

Me: So what was up with this supposed vocal altercation with Cowboys receivers coach Ray Sherman after the Steelers game?

T.O.: "I was venting to Ray."

AP guy jumps in: Were you open on 4th and 10"?

T.O.: "Yes, I was. We can look at the film."

Bleu Star

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At least we all know who blindly follows the BS propaganda willfully spewed by BSPN. You have revealed yourselves in this thread. No surprises though. I already knew you were sadly influenced.


Messenger to the football Gods
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:lmao2: ...............................Manufactured BS. This guy's in a pissing match with himself. :lmao:


Double Trouble
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theebs;2481682 said:
I think there is a misconception about werder.

A. The media uses the Dallas cowboys and Terrell Owens to make headlines and draw attention. they stretch his words and make issues that do not exist all the time.

B. Werder purposely pushes owens buttons.

so in turn I think there is this misconception that Ed Werder is not liked and doesnt have access so he makes stuff up, and nothing could be further from the truth. I see witten, garrett, brian stewart, crayton, ware, newman and many more talk to him at length every home game on the field during warmups.

Before owens came here we didnt have these absurd stories all the time, werder just covered the team and the players I think like werder. So everytime now there is a story from werder people make the leap that he doesnt have sources and no one likes him. Which is simply not true.

and this stuff all makes sense to me. Owens has attacked jason garrett repeatedly and Tony Romo repeatedly and he has guys like micheal irvin and deion sanders defending everything he does and says on the radio and tv everyday.

I am not trying to start another thread here, but Owens has stopped or run the wrong route in an abundance the past month. Laufenberg has been baffled at what he is doing on the field in many games, like the niners game on the second drive, owens had a stop n go or out n up, whatever you choose and he just ran the out and romo threw the up....Owens doesnt fight to break up interceptions ever and as soon as things go bad he goes right back to throwing romo and garrett under the bus.

I think there are some people in the locker room who are probably sick of him and why he is allowed to have a post game pc all to himself where he precedes to take shots at his coaches and quarterback. And I think that I was open comment blaming romo at the end of sundays game after owens himself played a poor game probably did not sit well. It was a situation where everyone should be rallying around romo and taking blame and helping him out.

instead we have owens blaming romo and garrett again and washing his hands clean of the loss saying he was open, meanwhile witten and romo are taking blame. that cant sit well in the locker room.

the most disturbing part of this whole thing to me is the public will choose owens and his antics over Witten/romo/garrett and their team first mentality. That will only fuel jerry jones to keep owens in the future, which it is clearer than ever the man should not be here.

and for you owens lovers, if you dont like what I have to say too bad. Go to the stadium yourself and watch how the team interacts on the field and sidelines and then how owens interacts with the rest of the team.

enough is enough. Someone needs to stand up to this guy. I hope it is witten and I hope he comes right out and says we have had enough of owens.
This is the post of the month. Everything else in this thread is a waste of server space.


The Duke
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ddh33;2481760 said:
Hos, I'd like to know what you think? Are there problems? More importantly, do you think, as I do, that these are real issues but the sort that disappear when you when?
People are wound up because they have not qualified for the playoffs yet and there are 3 tough games left. Everything they say will be analyzed to death and everything they don't say will be too.

For example, let's say TO says this.

"This Offense is a passing Offense and we need to get the ball downfield to myself and Roy Williams."

Headline, "TO Thinks Witten Is Too Much a Focal Point of the Offense." go ape.

IMO this team is far more together than any of today's madness will ever admit to.


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BHendri5;2481776 said:
really think about this. you really think T.O. would say that Witten and Romo hold secret meetings to not throw him the ball.

THink now, those guys are on the same team working to reach the same goals, knowing that in order to reach that goal it will take all of them working together.
Whatever some of you may think of T.O., you'd have to be really juvenile to actually believe he would say something like that. That sounds more like Keyshawn. HAHA

It sounds too made up, to be believable in my opinion.

Uh, do you not realize how insecure TO really is?
I would not be surprised at all if TO said Witten and Romo get together to form more plays that go to Witten considering how many went his way Sunday.

There are undoubtedly players who are 100% sick of him and his me-first attitude he displays every week.


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Wonderboyromo;2481801 said:
Uh, do you not realize how insecure TO really is?
I would not be surprised at all if TO said Witten and Romo get together to form more plays that go to Witten considering how many went his way Sunday.

There are undoubtedly players who are 100% sick of him and his me-first attitude he displays every week.

Yeah, because you know T.O. SO well.



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BS, this Ed Werder just wants to get back to TO for not answering his questions, although I do think there is something to this story just not the way it´s playing out. I hope this doesnt affect the team.


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Hostile;2481799 said:
People are wound up because they have not qualified for the playoffs yet and there are 3 tough games left. Everything they say will be analyzed to death and everything they don't say will be too.

For example, let's say TO says this.

"This Offense is a passing Offense and we need to get the ball downfield to myself and Roy Williams."

Headline, "TO Thinks Witten Is Too Much a Focal Point of the Offense." go ape.

IMO this team is far more together than any of today's madness will ever admit to.

I hope so. I do think the environment is making things seem a little bigger, and I think there are a lot of emotions with fans, players, and coaches right now. It's easy to sensationalize legitimate things.

I also think that everyone wants to win. As long as that is case, it really shouldn't be a problem.


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If anyone thinks Werder makes things up they are just plain stupid.

He wouldn't do it just for the simple fact that he would be ridiculed by his peers and left for dead by ESPN.

The guy does this for a living. It's his life and he ain't throwin his life away to get back at a punk like Terrell Owens.

If you are in that group that says it's made up then you should be wearing a jersey with the name 'Homer' on the back.

Bleu Star

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Coy;2481809 said:
BS, this Ed Werder just wants to get back to TO for not answering his questions, although I do think there is something to this story just not the way it´s playing out. I hope this doesnt affect the team.

I would qualify this as more eligible for post of the month vs that diatribe theeebs posted. It's not influenced by BSPN and comes from a level head. If you looked up "TO Hater" in Google and then chose "Images" you might find a life sized photo or two of a few posters in this thread.


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Wonderboyromo;2481764 said:
And again, you assume Werder talks to no one and knows nothing, which simply isn't true. It's very, very possible the players are sick of his constant antics, how he only thinks about himself, and how he constantly throws his own players and coaches under the bus.

But yeah, it's TOTALLY crazy to believe they are sick of that...right.

Get real, dude.

If he got those quotes from someone, he would have ATTRIBUTED THEM to someone.

Notice how he had no problem quoting Bradie James? That's because James actually spoke to him.

The rest of the quotes are fake.

In journalism, you can make up whatever quotes you want if you attribute them to make believe sources. Who's gonna prove you wrong?

And T.O. hasn't thrown anyone on Dallas under the you're obviously just a media puppet.