Thank You Hos, thank You very very much. You have a lot of influence in here and to have you state that means a lot. You are right T.O. is very misunderstood, and to be honest he does not make it easy for people to understand him if you go by the media's word.
I have always told people I understood T.O. because I saw alot of me in him, he in the NFL and me In the Air Force. The guy is Honest to a fault, and I believe it was Ed Werder and John Clayton both said that he cannot be that honest, T.O. even said that in his book that he was told he needed to be politically correct(which means Lie),and he will tell you what is on his mind.
He is a very good guy. there is T.O. on the field and there is Terrell off the field, just like there was Prime time on the field and Deion off, Playmaker on the field, Michael off.