Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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Boysboy;2481572 said:
Chad Pennington is a hugely underrated QB. OK-he's not a world beater, and his arm is a little weak, but he's smart, takes what the defense gives him, and doesn't make mistakes. I would hardly call him a bus driver, b/c alot of teams would die to have these kinds of QBs.

Why NY wanted to run him out of town is mystifying. If anything, asking your struggling teams to get rid of a couple of guys(whether it's the HC, QB, or whatever) is never the answer.

Bus driver or not he's being put in a great system.
NY asked him to play above his talent in my book.


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as soon as the article said espn ask T.O. if he would aswer some questions, and T.O. said nope, I knew it would be something stupid. we all know that T.O. is not aswering any questions from any espn person covering the Cowboys.


The Duke
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NYGIANTS=#1;2481583 said:
I guess I did..
The thing is, I don't believe a word of it. You come here and act just like a flighty, uptight, stick firmly wedged, over reactionary opposing team fan. It isn't even an interesting schtick you're using. Just another sad Skip Bayless wannabe nobody.


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big dog cowboy;2481435 said:

OK whatever.

Some of you guys are not going to like this, but Ed Werder stands on the field during warmups and spends the most time talking to Jason Witten and john garrett.

And the person I would most expect to defend Tony if Owens ever decided to pull his act is Jason Witten. So maybe witten has mentioned something to Ed in passing. With all the heat Tony is getting, maybe witten is doing what he can to stand up for Garrett and romo seeing that owens is allowed to bad mouth anyone he wants. Maybe witten and others are just tired of it.

and if bradie james has said he has had to get between romo and owens to keep the peace, that means owens is jumping romo after every game. Owens has called out Garrett and romo repeatedly this season and no one does anything about it. THe owner said he doesnt worry about that stuff.

Sounds to me like it is time for everyone to start worrying.

and of course I turn on my radio for a few minutes and on two diffferent stations, every fan is calling in and taking owens side saying romo doesnt throw him the ball and garrett doesnt know what he is doing.

Lines are being drawn and the idiots all flock to owens, and this will probably be the segway to a bad ending.



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Dave_in-NC;2481589 said:
Bus driver or not he's being put in a great system.
NY asked him to play above his talent in my book.

Yeah-I kinda wish our team has a system. I like some of the things Jerry does, but he tends to think sometimes that signing big stars is the bigger solution as well.

While I didn't like some of Parcells' personnel moves, at least he implemented a decent system.


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InmanRoshi;2481587 said:
The only encouraging thing I see from the article is all the players quoted seem to know where the problem universally lies. And it's not Tony and Witten drawing up "secret plays".

all what players? Inman do not get caught up in believing this article, these guys are out of control. you see how they got Jerry's words twisted and had him caught up.


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Obviously Witten and Romo missed their Starbucks meeting last week as they were not on the same page.


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Hostile;2481593 said:
The thing is, I don't believe a word of it. You come here and act just like a flighty, uptight, stick firmly wedged, over reactionary opposing team fan. It isn't even an interesting schtick you're using. Just another sad Skip Bayless wannabe nobody.
believe whatever you want. I am not trying to spark your interest. I am a giants fan, I cant stand TO. If he was on my team I would dislike him that much more.

Gemini Dolly

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Okay this story lost all credibility when the "source" said Bobby Carpenter is Romo's best friend. ***??


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Does this mean that Tony didn't get an invite to TO's birthday party tomorrow night.??


The Duke
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NYGIANTS=#1;2481600 said:
believe whatever you want. I am not trying to spark your interest. I am a giants fan, I cant stand TO. If he was on my team I would dislike him that much more.
I read every word of that. In my head this is what I heard.

Blah blah blah blah blah...


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So is this story coming after ESPN's elaboration on how Portis, one of the favorites for MVP, is a team cancer for going behind the back of the coach and calling him out on the John Thompson show?


Zone Scribe
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BHendri5;2481597 said:
all what players? Inman do not get caught up in believing this article, these guys are out of control. you see how they got Jerry's words twisted and had him caught up.

"He's insecure about it,'' the player said of Owens. "The thing that bothers me more than anything about this problem is that it's always something with him -- San Fran, Philly and here; always something. And he brings other people into it. You know, he talks to Sam Hurd and Roy Williams, who just got here and doesn't really know these guys. TO talks to him and so now he probably thinks Witten politics with Tony for the ball.

"That's so far from the truth. You think Tony is throwing to him because that's his buddy? His best buddy is Bobby Carpenter, and that's not helping him too much. It's crazy to think that, and I hate that he acts that way.''

But one teammate suggested Romo is frustrated enough that he might initiate a different approach, although not the confrontational kind that some believe might solve the problem.

"To be completely honest, I just think Tony is over it; not like, "Screw it.' But I think Tony is over the mind games,'' the player said. "It would help if Tony would stand up to him, but he would never do it. He does a great job of ignoring it and not letting it affect him, and that's why it has worked as good as it has. It's just hard. I think right now everybody is to the point where, "We're going to need him, so let's not piss him off.''

On the sideline, Owens was seen yelling at a Cowboys assistant coach. In his press conference after the game, Owens implied that Romo's decision to throw to Witten was the wrong one, saying, "It's his job to go out there and assess what the defense is, and he made that decision.''

That incensed some Cowboys, one of whom said, "If you only knew all that guy does. It's gonna go down with him before it's all over with. He is unbelievable. Tough loss and he does that?''

At least one prominent Cowboys player was displeased that the coaching staff responded to the criticism by seemingly placating Owens in that Sunday's game against San Francisco, allowing him enough opportunities that he posted his best statistical line as a Cowboy: seven catches for 213 yards, including 75-yard TD.

"Well, TO got his way,'' the player said. "It never fails how we operate around here. Drives me crazy, but what can you do?''

Said another source: "What do you think he said after he complained about not getting the ball and then in the San Francisco game he gets 213? He said, "Look. It works. The more hell I raise, the more I get what I want.''

"You really want to address it with him and say, "Are you serious? Let's cut the [sh--]. But we're trying to win our way into the playoffs and, if something like that happened, if you backed him into a corner, he'd be pissed off and try to fight you or something,'' the current Cowboys player said. "So what do you do? Let it go? Then you're just like everybody else. If he's got a problem and he's upset, clear the air. He should know that everything we do on offense goes through him."

Please tell me how these quotes could have possibly been minscontrued.

And they didn't twist anything Jerry said ... Jerry said something stupid. They may not have been what he meant, but that doesn't change the fact that the stupid words came out of his mouth, and it's not the media's job to read through Jerry's stupid words that come flowing out of his ever-yapping mouth and try to decipher their hidden meaning. It's Jerry's job, if he continues to make himself the mouthpiece of the franchise, to not say stupid things.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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theebs;2481594 said:
Lines are being drawn and the idiots all flock to owens, and this will probably be the segway to a bad ending.
Like I said just a few days ago, that's what's so dangerous about TO. He does have some charisma and some people are drawn to him... Just a few scary people on this board, one of whom told me I was a lunatic because everyone on the team loves TO.

But like IR said, the good news from this article is that you didn't hear from anyone on TO's side.

I dunno. One the one hand, this is obviously bad news. But on the other, I don't doubt that this has gone on to some degree from the time TO got here. I suspect most players know TO is a paranoid loon, but they put up with him because he's such a talented player. And that's not so unique -- I'm sure many Giants players were sick of Burress, but you're not going to hear a big story about that.

I also would bet you good money that Werder has been sitting on this story and released it right now before a big game. You know he'd like to get back at TO for "next question"ing him all year.


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seriously...thats the bigger issue Carp really Romo best friends...if so....I think that explains alot of the head scratching plays for Romo. Maybe time to choose better, more sane friends.


Junior College Transfer
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Wadda ya expect? Romo and Witten are roomies. They have lots of talks together. They have traveled together (not that there is anything wrong with that).

That is the first lesson of management 101. You don't buddy around with the workers because the others will resent that and feel slighted and overlooked.
Same with Romo. He's the onfield boss. Romo has put himself in the place of a boss who is best buddies with one of his receivers. And Romo's choice of targets is immediately open to question.

You can call it T.O. whining but that is what happens when there is even an apperaance of favoritism.

I am just surprised this has not happened sooner.

And if and when Wade takes Spencer out to lunch, Ellis will feel just as slighted.

It's universal.


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Brian_C82;2481426 said:

As The World Turns....anyone, I mean anyone can speculate this. How hard is it to come up with that stuff...


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44,387 my "I'm done with TO Thread" has come to fruition.

I told you I was done with's too bad.....would have liked to see him turn over a new leaf.....but he's back to his old selfish self that I said I'm tired of.

Miles Austin.........suit up!