Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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blow it up baby...blow it up.


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Aven8;2481619 said: my "I'm done with TO Thread" has come to fruition.

I told you I was done with's too bad.....would have liked to see him turn over a new leaf.....but he's back to his old selfish self that I said I'm tired of.

Miles Austin.........suit up

That's better.


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Chocolate Lab;2481612 said:
Like I said just a few days ago, that's what's so dangerous about TO. He does have some charisma and some people are drawn to him... Just a few scary people on this board, one of whom told me I was a lunatic because everyone on the team loves TO.

But like IR said, the good news from this article is that you didn't hear from anyone on TO's side.

I dunno. One the one hand, this is obviously bad news. But on the other, I don't doubt that this has gone on to some degree from the time TO got here. I suspect most players know TO is a paranoid loon, but they put up with him because he's such a talented player. And that's not so unique -- I'm sure many Giants players were sick of Burress, but you're not going to hear a big story about that.

I also would bet you good money that Werder has been sitting on this story and released it right now before a big game. You know he'd like to get back at TO for "next question"ing him all year.

Didn't the Giants win a Super Bowl with Burress?:confused:


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Wood;2481613 said:
seriously...thats the bigger issue Carp really Romo best friends...if so....I think that explains alot of the head scratching plays for Romo. Maybe time to choose better, more sane friends.

Carpenter and romo are very close and you know who else was a real close friend of romo's, Anthony fasano.

I think it is laughable that people are questioning him for who his friends are. There have also been tons of posts where people have seen carp, fasano, romo, mcbriar and witten out after games in restaraunts.


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theebs;2481633 said:
Carpenter and romo are very close and you know who else was a real close friend of romo's, Anthony fasano.

I think it is laughable that people are questioning him for who his friends are. There have also been tons of posts where people have seen carp, fasano, romo, mcbriar and witten out after games in restaraunts.
why is everybody writing this off? do they really think this guy(Werder) just decided to make this up?


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Personally, I believe every word of it.

Look, I don't think Romo and Witten are having secret meetings. But the article didn't say they were. It said that TO was a paranoid freak who thinks he's being minimized and left out.

There are a lot of quotes from named players and a couple of quotes from players who aren't named. But it's not a stretch at all to know that every player on this team knows what kind of guy TO is. He's all about himself, and there's no doubt that his relationship with Tony is strained. The best news about this is that most of these players know how TO works, and they won't let it bother them much. They'll just go about their business and hope TO helps them at some point...

What I worry about is the lockerroom politics. I worry that a guy like TO is in the ears of some of these players talking about how Romo isn't treating them right. I particularly worry about guys like Roy Williams11, Martellus Bennett, and Patrick Crayton being swayed by TO's comments. But, admittedly, that's the paranoid fan coming out of me.


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theebs;2481633 said:
Carpenter and romo are very close and you know who else was a real close friend of romo's, Anthony fasano.

I think it is laughable that people are questioning him for who his friends are. There have also been tons of posts where people have seen carp, fasano, romo, mcbriar and witten out after games in restaraunts.

What do they have against black people?

Maybe romo is a closet racist and that's why he is not throwing to TO? :eek::rolleyes:


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theebs;2481594 said:
Some of you guys are not going to like this, but Ed Werder stands on the field during warmups and spends the most time talking to Jason Witten and john garrett.

And the person I would most expect to defend Tony if Owens ever decided to pull his act is Jason Witten. So maybe witten has mentioned something to Ed in passing. With all the heat Tony is getting, maybe witten is doing what he can to stand up for Garrett and romo seeing that owens is allowed to bad mouth anyone he wants. Maybe witten and others are just tired of it.

and if bradie james has said he has had to get between romo and owens to keep the peace, that means owens is jumping romo after every game. Owens has called out Garrett and romo repeatedly this season and no one does anything about it. THe owner said he doesnt worry about that stuff.

Sounds to me like it is time for everyone to start worrying.

and of course I turn on my radio for a few minutes and on two diffferent stations, every fan is calling in and taking owens side saying romo doesnt throw him the ball and garrett doesnt know what he is doing.

Lines are being drawn and the idiots all flock to owens, and this will probably be the segway to a bad ending.


Doesn't look like Witten is the one talking...


Double Trouble
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Rampage;2481636 said:
why is everybody writing this off? do they really think this guy(Werder) just decided to make this up?
Because they're total homers and wish that it weren't true.


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ddh33;2481637 said:
Personally, I believe every word of it.

Look, I don't think Romo and Witten are having secret meetings. But the article didn't say they were. It said that TO was a paranoid freak who thinks he's being minimized and left out.

There are a lot of quotes from named players and a couple of quotes from players who aren't named. But it's not a stretch at all to know that every player on this team knows what kind of guy TO is. He's all about himself, and there's no doubt that his relationship with Tony is strained. The best news about this is that most of these players know how TO works, and they won't let it bother them much. They'll just go about their business and hope TO helps them at some point...

What I worry about is the lockerroom politics. I worry that a guy like TO is in the ears of some of these players talking about how Romo isn't treating them right. I particularly worry about guys like Roy Williams11, Martellus Bennett, and Patrick Crayton being swayed by TO's comments. But, admittedly, that's the paranoid fan coming out of me.

I have a feeling we'll win our 2 games next week, and we'll all have forgotten about Werder by then, whether it's true or false! :)


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Rampage;2481636 said:
why is everybody writing this off? do they really think this guy(Werder) just decided to make this up?

Yeah, no way does he mind TO dissing him every press conference. There's no way he would retaliate against TO's "Next Question"!

Why he works for ESPN, the most unbiased, source-checking journalistic organization in the whole world...


Hardwork and Dedication
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This doesn't shock me, we lost a big game last week so players are fustrated, he felt he was open and that pass to Witten was a bad pass. But I always considered Witten the teams No. 1 Receiver. The problem I have with TO is it seems the team or Tony goes out of their way to get him the ball. The pick by Taylor from Pitts. last Sun had no busniess being throw.

I'm glad Crayton and Williams also met with Garrett because they make this offense more expolsive when they are envolved.


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Double Trouble;2481643 said:
Because they're total homers and wish that it weren't true.

Nah, we just aren't so full of venom to believe every bad thing about this team that somehow furthers our opinion that the whole season is lost, Wade sucks, TO sucks, Garrett sucks, Romo sucks, Witten sucks, we overpaid for Roy, the other Roy sucks and Jerry sucks.


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come on people. Don't you have faith in the ring master of this circus?

Jerry's gonna keep it all under control, isn't he?

If this is all true and the TO thing is about to blow up, 3 years is longer than I thought he would last.


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InmanRoshi;2481611 said:
Please tell me how these quotes could have possibly been minscontrued.

And they didn't twist anything Jerry said ... Jerry said something stupid. They may not have been what he meant, but that doesn't change the fact that the stupid words came out of his mouth, and it's not the media's job to read through Jerry's stupid words that come flowing out of his ever-yapping mouth and try to decipher their hidden meaning. It's Jerry's job, if he continues to make himself the mouthpiece of the franchise, to not say stupid things.

LOL, now go back and read those things you have highligthed, and pay attention this time.

Witten and Romo are best friends on the team it has been said many times before, why do you think they room together on the road.
Witten is the one the reporters always talk to to get inside info on Romo.

Jerry, said he would be surprised if Barber did not play, because of his Dislocated TOE, Jerry said what he said what he said, and went on to another question the reporter put his own interpretation on what Jerry said, when. We all know that they will do that, at least I think we all know, (you I do not know about, reading your posts).

finally, you nor I, and this mysterious reporter with these mysterious quotes from this supposedly mysterious person.
Too Funny, but it is your prerogotive.