Spector Calls For Independant Investigation Into Spy-Gate

Chocolate Lab;2082245 said:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

You knew Ernie Adams was involved somehow.

And even more, you knew Goodell wouldn't admit anything even if he knew this.

Gawd, this pisses me off. :mad:

Me too.
HardHittingRoy31;2081892 said:
Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) has called for an independent investigation into the Spygate matter.

"It's my judgment that there ought to be an impartial investigation, an outside investigation, like the investigation that baseball had with former Senator George Mitchell," he said. Specter wouldn't rule out a Congressional investigation. Specter says Matt Walsh told him Patriots offensive players would memorize opposing signals during games and relay them to Charlie Weis. With that in mind, Weis would then instruct Tom Brady on the field. Walsh reportedly estimated it helped the Pats anticipate 75% of the defensive plays being called.
Source: Boston Globe

Spector is a complete freak'n moron! I guess the cancer must be effecting his judgement. He is more worried about football than this countries issues! There are men and women dying everyday overseas, people can't keep their homes and our X-Military persons are living under bridges without food and a roof over their heads after sacrificing their lives to give us freedom and Spector, the Tool he is, is worried about if the Pats cheated.

How is the war in Iraq giving American's any freedom you let the news sway you way to much you should think a little more and do some reasearch befor you call some one else a tool. Had you brought up the budget crisis then your points would have been valid however since you didn't so they aren't. With this said full scale investigation ahead i hope we can get Godell impeached.
joseephuss;2082140 said:
What if Wade Wilson were lying? That he not only took performance enhancing supplements, but was also distributing them to the players. There is that possibility and it could lead to a competitive imbalance on the field. We can take Wade's word(and I do), but the possibility exists that he was lying. That is what his suspension was about and why I had no problems with him missing 5 games. He knew the rules and broke them and he is now an example of what coaches can expect when it comes to performance enhancing drugs.

Wade Wilson and all coaches should be held to a higher standard. That is why I thought BB should have missed a game or two to go along with the heavy fines and the #1 draft pick that was stripped from them. That was the only thing lacking in his punishment. At least a one game suspension. I don't think it was on par with steroids based on everything we have heard about. If the actual secret tapes matched the hype about them, then I would say Bill should be suspended for a full season, but those new tapes were not damning at all.

Can the same not be said about BB my friend...

Also wasn't the WW probe an FBI investigation and the amount of steroids bought was consistant with personal use and not distribution...
Zaxor;2083140 said:
Can the same not be said about BB my friend...

Also wasn't the WW probe an FBI investigation and the amount of steroids bought was consistant with personal use and not distribution...

Yes, which is why I supported him receiving at least a 1 game suspension.
I'm 100% for a investigation!

This isnt just football like a lot of you believe! This is a billion dollar business and should be under investigation if the NFL wants to sweep stuff under the carpet.

Think how much money people lost betting on the 3 Super Bowls alone they were in.
You also have to take in account the people who gambled on thier games (Legaly in Vegas) People who have bought NFL tickets and merchendise... I mean when ya add it all up thats alot of money not to mention investors who where backing a bunch of cheaters. As for all the problems listed is Specter supposed to cure all our problems?

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