Speculation: Henson is going to be Released in the next two weeks!!

coco2 said:
And on the topic of inside sources...

If I had a friend who worked at VR I would still be very cautious about how I shared supposed inside info. Decisions and timing etc get modified all the time. And do you really believe there are very many people inside VR who truly have access to real sensitive information? I don't. Honestly I doubt the circle is much bigger than BP & the Jones family.

MikeD17 may indeed have a source there but I'm just saying I wouldn't hang my reputation on everything a supposed source supposedly divulges.

I think its Jerry Jones Jr. he is pissed he is stuck sellin T-shirts and wants to be a bigger role with the Boys, while he uses this board to gain confidence in his opinions!
I think MikeD is the guy who writes for the RanchReport.com and Jerry Jones Jr. is his close friend/source!!!

If he starts to post with a soft porn avatars...

I wont say I told ya so!!!
The Answer said:
Ironically Houston (who originally drafted him) might be a good place too because former #1 pick David Carr has faltered thus far in his career. Buffalo has 3 bums on their roster and could be a fit for Henson as well.

The Answer wishes Henson well in his future endeavors and thanks him for the hard work and effort he gave us trying to make it as a Cowboy!

~The Answer

So, are you implying that the Dallas Cowboys have to NOW develop players for the Houston Texans! :eek:

How come the Texans need Henson to come for three years to the Cowboys to learn ball?

See, this is just another example of...there is only one PROFFESIONAL NFL team in Texas! And we know who that is....

You really don't like Henson if you want to send the poor guy there to get lobotomized by the worst excuse for a O line in NFL history.
While I firmly believe Henson is on the bubble, I don't see Bill giving up that NFLEL roster exemption a whole month before training camp. If he is to be cut, I see it happening right before or during TC. JMO.
MikeD17 said:
he told me its definatly going to happen. He said Dallas is just keeping him around so he has time to recover completly from his injury from europe this way he will be able to pass another teams physical.
i certainly beileve you Mike....your source has been on before.
Geez. I was only kidding about QC. I had no idea the conversation would get so in-depth about the possibility.

SkinsandTerps said:
I can think of a possible replacement. QC.

Now that would be interesting.

And all this wasted draft pick talk about the Commanders. They didnt guive up a 3rd rounder for Henson.

LOL... perhaps that's because they haven't HAD a third round pick in this millennium...
kartr said:
Some people feel that the draft is a crap-shoot anyway, so why not go and get players who have a proven track record

Yeah, look how well it's worked for the Skins...

The draft is only a crap shoot if you don't do your homework... if you're diligent and shrewd, you're going to add 3-5 quality players every year... unless, of course, you're the Skins, and don't HAVE 3-5 picks a year...

And of course, going that route means paying MUCH more than you would for draft picks... you should think of draft picks as cheap labor for the first couple-three years of their contract, and being cheap, they leave cap room for you to go get quality backups...
MikeD17 said:
the two other reports I gave you were accurate. My friend said Vanderjaqt would be signed and he was that day , but the deal wasn't announced until the following day. That dallas was going to draft a qb, I said if one fell down near there spot , and there has been numerous reports by reporters dallas was looking into drafting a qb but they didnt fall far enough for them to draft one in the first. so everything ive told you people has been true. im telling you henson is going to be cut soon.

Nothing you've told us has been true, Mikey... the closest you came was the Vanderjagt rumor, and by that time, it was widely known that the Boys were likely to sign him...

Now, as to your bogus claims about the Cowboys drafting a QB, here's EXACTLY what you said:

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Well, if Parcells is saying he wished he'd seen more from Drew over in Europe, he clearly didn't "light it up"... and yet, no QB was drafted... further, while you threw Vince Young out as an example, saying "Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round" clearly means that Vince was NOT the only option the Cowboys were considering...

But it was a nice try at weaselling out of what you said back then...
wileedog said:
Don't forget Palmer has been working with him for a while before mini-camps.

Not saying you are wrong, but they have seen a lot more of him than just the rookie and mini camp practices.
The guy who has selected two qb's with the top overall pick in the draft(Tim Couch and David Carr).
How's that worked out so far?
His work with qb's has not impressed me at all.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Well for your sake I hope he is right, because everytime someone comes in to post an inside tip, that turns out to be wrong (whether by their fault or not)...god kills a kitten.


As long as it's not puppies...

That would be wrong...
RealCowboyfan said:
lol he's a QC fan but he's not talking about QC right now.. he's talking about Drew Henson getting cut something which his friend the General Manager/Owner Jerry Jones told him in a conversation they were having.:lmao:

Maybe Fonoti told him, over a hand of Texas Hold 'Em...
coco2 said:
MikeD17 may indeed have a source there but I'm just saying I wouldn't hang my reputation on everything a supposed source supposedly divulges.

His record for making self-aggrandizing claims is well established by now... if you believe him, he regularly plays poker with Toniu Fonoti, and he makes six figures selling light bulbs... and now, this resident of San Diego is claiming he has a friend inside Valley Ranch... a friend who makes predictions that don't seem to come true...

And lo and behold, this time his "friend" is predicting that player that Mikey clearly HATES with an irrational passion, is going to be cut in the next 2 weeks... never mind that doing so will cost the Cowboys an NFLE roster exemption...

Don't eat that, grandma, that's horse manure...
parchy said:
Don't listen to him, folks. If Henson is getting cut, you won't have found out from this character.

Just for clarity's sake, Parchy, have YOU heard any rumors out at Valley Ranch about Henson being sent packing?? I'm not asking about the two week time frame or any of that, just if there has been any talk at all about parting company with Drew...

At least we know you DO have contacts out there...

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