Vintage said:
Its more than that Rack, and you should know (weren't you a Insider at the Ranch once, before you got banned? Is this the same Rack that used to post there a couple of years ago?)
Its about getting the news AND supporting a site I like to visit. RR is not the only site I make donations to. There is a basketball message board that I also give money too, as part of me saying "thanks" for allowing me to post there.
It helps support the site, a site I enjoy. You do the same here apparently.
Should I call you foolish too, no?
I have never, and never will, give 100 bucks a year for free information.
If I ever do that, then yes, you could call me foolish.
RP's true colors are shining through now...
RoyPhilpunk said:
There are other Cowboys websites out there that pretend to have the traffic we do here at ******** They pretend to have the personalities that we have developed here over the course of the last five years.
They inflate their numbers, their moderators/admins read private messages sent between members, and they pretend to have a clue about what's going on with the Dallas Cowboys. And they even try to sit back and bash all of our information ... the same information they try to figure out on their own site.
Here's a newsflash if you haven't figured it out by now: they don't have a clue. Never have, never will. They just have a bunch of moderators who have nothing better to do than to read our stuff and to try to make sense of it all.
You good folks here at The Ranch keep in right here and you'll be just fine. Let all the other wanker sites fall by the wayside where they belong.
You've got to be f'in kidding me. Accusing the mods/admins here of reading others' PMs? I didn't even think RP could stoop that low.
RP is the cowboys fans' version of Art.
Here you get good conversation, there you get trolls and bufoons.
Hey now, don't go dissing the buffoons. The Buffoons are alright.
Philpott would definetely be sticking it to a lot of people in this thread talking down on him for no reason
For now reason? You f'in kidding me? Did you read the crap he posted about this place over there? Accusing mods of reading others' PMs, calling WG, etc...
RP is a punk. Plain and simple. Before today I knew he was ripping people off with that "exclusive" crap he charges for, but now I know he's a much worse human being then I thought.
No class.