*Spoiler* Why WWE sucks...

Ren;3940996 said:
Seems the WWE have just decided to be lame this year :bang2:

It's looking more and more like they're going to let Cena hold the title until WM which *spoiler* means it's even more obvious that he's winning that match too and now they couldn't even wait a week to pin the belt on Orton.

Was really hoping they'd give Sheamus a push and have him feud with Christian for a few months before they handed the belt to Orton, it would have been a great opportunity to push a few more people on the SD roster now wasted

I hope they put Sheamus back in heavyweight title contention where he belongs, and i've not seen wrestling fans so united in their agreement about an issue in a long time, but pretty much every site ive been to agrees that this is the stupidest thing they've ever seen, and that Christian deserved better.

Again, just horrible writing and Vince not liking the guy for whatever reason.
Vince doesn't dislike Christian..for goodness sake. They hired him back!

Christian will get more title shots..and be champ again probably.
DallasGirl50;3941239 said:
Vince doesn't dislike Christian..for goodness sake. They hired him back!

Christian will get more title shots..and be champ again probably.

I should rephrase that i guess.. its not that he "dislikes" him, its just that he's never thought Christian had what it takes to be a main eventer. Never did, still doesn't, and probably never will. Its completely unfounded, just how McMahon sees him for some reason.
DallasGirl50;3941239 said:
Vince doesn't dislike Christian..for goodness sake. They hired him back!

Christian will get more title shots..and be champ again probably.

I doubt it, they would have at least let him hold the belt until the next PPV which is no more then 3 weeks away if that was the case

What could have been a pretty awesome and unpredictable summer will now most likely be 3-4 months of Orton/Kane
RoyTheHammer;3941254 said:
I should rephrase that i guess.. its not that he "dislikes" him, its just that he's never thought Christian had what it takes to be a main eventer. Never did, still doesn't, and probably never will. Its completely unfounded, just how McMahon sees him for some reason.

I'm not so sure about that. Not so very long ago Christian was hinting at retirement due to medical problems (he was giving very similar interviews to Edge.."I'm getting old..it's been hard keeping up with the other younger guys, etc")

then he had to have surgery on his shoulder. I will wait to hear what happened. I would not be shocked if this is a medical problem but don't know that...they may have told Orton to move to SD and we'll belt you the next day. I do not know. And what's ironic is Orton has chronic shoulder problems as well...
DallasGirl50;3941264 said:
I'm not so sure about that. Not so very long ago Christian was hinting at retirement due to medical problems (he was giving very similar interviews to Edge.."I'm getting old..it's been hard keeping up with the other younger guys, etc")

then he had to have surgery on his shoulder. I will wait to hear what happened. I would not be shocked if this is a medical problem but don't know that...they may have told Orton to move to SD and we'll belt you the next day. I do not know. And what's ironic is Orton has chronic shoulder problems as well...

Its been pretty common knowledge.. google "Christian/ Vince MacMahon" and im sure you'll find at least a few articles about it.
DallasGirl50;3941264 said:
I'm not so sure about that. Not so very long ago Christian was hinting at retirement due to medical problems (he was giving very similar interviews to Edge.."I'm getting old..it's been hard keeping up with the other younger guys, etc")

then he had to have surgery on his shoulder. I will wait to hear what happened. I would not be shocked if this is a medical problem but don't know that...they may have told Orton to move to SD and we'll belt you the next day. I do not know. And what's ironic is Orton has chronic shoulder problems as well...

Rth is right, Christian went to TNA because Vince said he didn't think Christian had "it".

How he could not like Christian but like the miz, ziggler and del joke is illogical.
Well then it makes no sense for him to hire him back..just let him go. Don't worry about it..worked here once, didn't work out..have a good life but do it somewhere else.
Romo 2 Austin;3941297 said:
Rth is right, Christian went to TNA because Vince said he didn't think Christian had "it".

How he could not like Christian but like the miz, ziggler and del joke is illogical.

Don't lump Ziggler in with those other two goofballs lol.
Romo 2 Austin;3941123 said:
Did you see the pop he got? It was bigger than the Cena pop at the end of the night, the fans want christian as champ. He's arguably the most over face as people are getting sick and tired of SuperCena and Orton at the top for the past 5 years.

I'm agreeing with you man. I've followed Christian since his days with the Brood.

He's got all the tools to be a great champ.
Don't care either way. But it did remind of the old days of wrestling, when the house show was a test ground and the TV shows were all taped. They'd have a feud going where a guy would drop the title one night at a house show, then win it back the next night at the next house show.
Maybe it sucks because it is merely a troupe of bad actors on steroids pretending to participate in an athletic competition.
big dog cowboy;3941052 said:
He was tag team champs with Edge for a long time. Then the WWE brass figured out it was Edge who was the draw not Christian next thing you know they were split up. You can see how each of their careers went since then.

Edge was clearly the more talented, I'll give you that, but I don't think Christian sucks or anything.

I do believe he can draw and would do very well in the role of World Champion if given a real shot to run with it.

Edit: As a matter of fact, as I recall, Edge was blasted initially as some tag team specialist who would never make it as a world champion. Shows you what those people knew.
Stautner;3941794 said:
Maybe it sucks because it is merely a troupe of bad actors on steroids pretending to participate in an athletic competition.

And yet you entered the thread knowing exactly what it was about.
zrinkill;3941903 said:
And yet you entered the thread knowing exactly what it was about.

Yep, I did. The title "Why WWE Sucks" caught my eye.
Stautner;3941794 said:
Maybe it sucks because it is merely a troupe of bad actors on steroids pretending to participate in an athletic competition.

Cool story man.

I remember when Matt Hardy came back after getting fired, only to job out to Edge. People were so angry, and no one understood why you even bring Hardy back if you just want him to job out to Edge. At the time, the word from everyone was "there are bigger things planned".

Fast forward to people getting so angry at the stupidity of having Christian do a Bob Backlund impersonation, and the same thing is being said.

Ultimately, Christian will go back into the mid-card scene, and eventually get lost in the shuffle like has happened to so many other guys.
DallasGirl50;3944660 said:
Yes that Christian

how the hell did he ever get the the championship? i guess its true its not who you know its who you....

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