*Spoiler* Why WWE sucks...

Corleone;3940865 said:
Wow! This happened on RAW? Gotta be kidding me, that is so ridiculous. I had to stop watching WWE almost two years ago, I got back into it when Rocky and Austin came back, along with Taker but it went back to being the same old WWE apparently. Christian definitely deserved it, the E wouldn't even let him win it himself, they had to have Edge come in and help. He main evented in TNA, he should be given a shot here.

Smackdown not Raw
What's worse? Christian, a questionable a list wrestler, losing a belt or bringing in a 40 year old drug addict Chyna?

Chyna hands down
Yeagermeister;3944845 said:
What's worse? Christian, a questionable a list wrestler, losing a belt or bringing in a 40 year old drug addict Chyna?

Chyna hands down

Jobbing out your most over babyface.

Chyna is apparently on a deal until July 1st, and on a tight leash. Christian will be with the company for years to come and now looks like an idiot. Which one is worse for business?
Romo 2 Austin;3944907 said:
Jobbing out your most over babyface.

Chyna is apparently on a deal until July 1st, and on a tight leash. Christian will be with the company for years to come and now looks like an idiot. Which one is worse for business?

Hiring Chyna because Christian can always comeback. Chyna is a train wreck and makes TNA looks desperate.
Yeagermeister;3944909 said:
Hiring Chyna because Christian can always comeback. Chyna is a train wreck and makes TNA looks desperate.

The reason they did it is to relive the Jeff Jarrett-Chyna feud, is it stupid? Yeah. It was 10 years ago and not entertaining then. But its atleast logical, making Christian, the most over performer in the company, job so super orton and super cena can reign supreme is absolutely ********.
I would not put much into this belt change until it is found out why they did it. It is most likely storyline related. They moved Orton to SD for a reason...probably to feud with Christian.
Yeagermeister;3944909 said:
Hiring Chyna because Christian can always comeback. Chyna is a train wreck and makes TNA looks desperate.

Again with the Chyna thing.. the company that hired her is an underdog company trying to gain ground in their market. For that, hiring someone widely known by wrestling fans is a good move. Its a short deal, so there's hardly much risk associated with it, and there's much attention to be gained. Everyone who watched WWE back in the day knows who she is, and she's a big name in the industry. Already in her first appearance she drew a huge pop from the fans in attendance, so its already off to a good start. Even if she only brings in a few more fans and they decide not to give her another short term deal after the current one expires its still a good move.
Romo 2 Austin;3944907 said:
Chyna is apparently on a deal until July 1st, and on a tight leash. Christian will be with the company for years to come and now looks like an idiot. Which one is worse for business?
Chyna because it makes you look desperate which they basically are.
big dog cowboy;3945367 said:
Chyna because it makes you look desperate which they basically are.

Well it's around $750-$900 an appearance for her, til July 1st, thts what 5 tapings? So like 3.5k for the amount of attention it is getting? Reportedly the third biggest pop of the night after Angle & Foley (show w.o major role from Sting or Styles)? I'll call that a win for TNA.
Romo 2 Austin;3945437 said:
Well it's around $750-$900 an appearance for her, til July 1st, thts what 5 tapings? So like 3.5k for the amount of attention it is getting? Reportedly the third biggest pop of the night after Angle & Foley (show w.o major role from Sting or Styles)? I'll call that a win for TNA.

the reality is that whole Kurt/Karen/Jeff story is lame...lame...lame..lame. I watched the show the other nite & it was awful. For all the insistence that TNA is more about the wrestling there was an awful lot of talking on there. They have ruined Kurt. It was awful.
DallasGirl50;3945459 said:
the reality is that whole Kurt/Karen/Jeff story is lame...lame...lame..lame. I watched the show the other nite & it was awful. For all the insistence that TNA is more about the wrestling there was an awful lot of talking on there. They have ruined Kurt. It was awful.

The storyline was fine, should've ended at Lockdown.. Now its dragging on too long
DallasGirl50;3945459 said:
For all the insistence that TNA is more about the wrestling there was an awful lot of talking on there.


And I laugh at people who guess at what someone is making money wise.
Both products are terrible right now.

I tried to watch a TNA show in its entirety and it was just painful.

The WWE isn't much better. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rock offered a TON of money to come back on a more regular basis.

And I'm sure Goldberg is on Vince's speed dial as well.
Aikmaniac;3945534 said:
Both products are terrible right now.

I tried to watch a TNA show in its entirety and it was just painful.

The WWE isn't much better. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rock offered a TON of money to come back on a more regular basis.

And I'm sure Goldberg is on Vince's speed dial as well.

Only way im back is if Steve Austin is back which aint happenin
Guess the storyline between Jeff & Angle is NOT over. Much of the stuff on there the other nite was about or involving them. Even the stuff with Styles as Flair Jr. wasn't as lame as the Angle storyline.
DallasGirl50;3945587 said:
Guess the storyline between Jeff & Angle is NOT over. Much of the stuff on there the other nite was about or involving them. Even the stuff with Styles as Flair Jr. wasn't as lame as the Angle storyline.

I found that stuff pretty entertaining, and Styles has been tenfold improved on the mic since then so it paid off.
Romo 2 Austin;3945591 said:
I found that stuff pretty entertaining, and Styles has been tenfold improved on the mic since then so it paid off.

to each his own. I found it very silly.
Stop worrying about the poor kid where TNA storylines are concerned. He'll defend them till he's dead as entertaining, logical, or something like that.

The Angle/Jarrett storyline has been, and will continue to be, stupid beyond belief. It's an idiotic storyline, it's never been good or entertaining, and adding Chyna to it, for the stupid crap with Jarrett from 10 years ago, only makes it even more stupid.

And stop over valuing the amount AJ has improved on the mic. He's improved, slightly, in the last couple of years. That makes him slightly more bareable on the mic than Matt Hardy.
I never have liked Matt Hardy. Jeff...when he's right...is much more entertaining than Matt.

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