*Spoiler* Why WWE sucks...

DallasGirl50;3947079 said:
A TON of people die from addiction to pain killers....it's a felony to be caught with them illegally...and there is a list somewhere online of all the drugs had in his possession & I am pretty sure he had massive amounts of painkillers. I would say that if there were alot of wrestlers doing far worse as you state it would be news. It's not like he was being singled out or anything...and please tell me how one can say this many wrestlers are doing pot without knowing them? You can't even guess at such with any accuracy. Jeff has been in trouble for a long time. It is his fault & he needs to get clean. WWE gave him plenty of chances & they finally had enough.

yes his vice's are Alcohol, Weed, Crystal Meth(not sure if he still does) & somas.
Romo 2 Austin;3947089 said:
yes his vice's are Alcohol, Weed, Crystal Meth(not sure if he still does) & somas.

Lordy...as they use to say when Taker came out DEAD MAN WALKING.
Well I wish him well...I have enjoyed watching Jeff thru the years. I do wonder how much enabling has gone on in his life but the cold hard bottom line is he's a grown man & responsible for his own life.
RoyTheHammer;3946986 said:
It was not.

It simply said that the one idea was a load of baloney. Again, i have already defended her knowledge and rationality on this subject matter. You arn't a knight in shining armor dude lol. Rational posters can disagree and not get bent out of shape over it. She and i disagreed over this one particular issue and the only one getting bent out of shape over it.. is you.
Never said I was and I'm not bent out of shape at all. You're simply wrong.
Hostile;3947194 said:
Never said I was and I'm not bent out of shape at all. You're simply wrong.

Sigh.. :rolleyes:

If i apoligized, could we move on good sir knight? Since you're the only one who was offended by anything that was said here.

I disagreed with her statment, i thought it was baloney.. so i said so. Nobody is assulting anyone's character.. move onnn.
RoyTheHammer;3947230 said:
Sigh.. :rolleyes:

If i apoligized, could we move on good sir knight? Since you're the only one who was offended by anything that was said here.

I disagreed with her statment, i thought it was baloney.. so i said so. Nobody is assulting anyone's character.. move onnn.
You don't need to apologize for being wrong. But you do whatever you want to do. Again, she has never said TNA sucks and has never bashed TNA. You went all TNA knight in shining armor over nothing.
DallasGirl50;3947181 said:
Well I wish him well...I have enjoyed watching Jeff thru the years. I do wonder how much enabling has gone on in his life but the cold hard bottom line is he's a grown man & responsible for his own life.

Guy started wrestling at like 16 if im not mistaking, lived on the road since around 18?? It had to be expected he would have some problems.
DallasGirl50;3947143 said:
Lordy...as they use to say when Taker came out DEAD MAN WALKING.

The "American Bad-***" gimmick is my favorite incarnation of the Undetaker, im probably the only one in the world that will say that though lol
Romo 2 Austin;3947345 said:
The "American Bad-***" gimmick is my favorite incarnation of the Undetaker, im probably the only one in the world that will say that though lol

well as a long time Taker fan I did not like it but I knew it was coming & it is his real personality. He knows what his fans like & it was just a phase. Now close to the end of it all I would be glad to see him period.
Romo 2 Austin;3947345 said:
The "American Bad-***" gimmick is my favorite incarnation of the Undetaker, im probably the only one in the world that will say that though lol

For once we agree :D

I liked that gimmick also mainly because he came to the ring on some nice bikes.
Yeagermeister;3947479 said:
I liked that gimmick also mainly because he came to the ring on some nice bikes.

I liked it as well.

Let him talk on the mic which he is great at.
RoyTheHammer;3946824 said:
Lets please not compare Kurt Angle with drug addicts. He had a problem with perscription pain meds, hardly the same as a recurring drug habit.

Yeah well supposedly pain meds is all that guys like Curt Henning and Davey Boy were on too and all those did was eventually lead to health problems that killed them.

But hey who cares about that, right? Wouldn't want Kurt and his problems lumped in with others who have other problems.

RoyTheHammer;3946833 said:
Big time? Really?

To my knowledge, he's been arrested for drunk driving one time, and those charges were ultimately dropped. He was also arrested one time for "operating a vehicle under the influence" and plead guilty to that even though he wasn't found operating the vehicle.

Hardly seems like an alcohol obsession..

If you can't drink without having to drive as well that doesn't necassarily make you an alcoholic or obssessed with it. I agree.

It just makes you stupid.

DallasGirl50;3946886 said:
Kurt has issues..I think there was a domestic problem with Karen...and he has physical problems with his neck...same as Edge, Cena. He's a great wrestler/athlete. It was a big loss for WWE when he left. He had alot of problems though. Still does.

Yeah I remember reading about the physical abuse thing. Now that doesn't necassarily mean it happened, I am not niave I know that those complaints can be false but I generally give the benefit of the doubt to the woman until proven false.

Kurt has issues and he knows he has issues which is why he supposedly wanted out of his WWE deal in order to get them dealt with.

Romo 2 Austin;3947043 said:
I'm not too sure that'll happen, he may have problems but as far as I know its not heroin/oxy/ any of those types. Its crystal meth, and i'm far from an expert lol(know nothing) but I don't ever hear about people dieing from crystal meth or pain killers.

He has his problems and most likely will never be vice free, but there are wrestlers doing far worse and it gets far less attention. Jeff's popularity and the amount of times he has ****ed up gets him alot more attention, but WWE doesn't suspend for weed(they drug test 4 times a year, and the fine for weed is $500.. Next to nothing when nearly all the guys are pulling 6 figures plus), if I had to guess i'd reckon more than half that roster smokes weed.

Any of those drugs, outside of maybe weed, if you abuse them is going to cause you a great deal of harm and eventually kill you.

And jeffs pain killer problems will eventually kill him. That was reportedly a big part of the issues that caused the deaths of Curt Henning, Davey Boy, and maybe even Brian Pillman.

Pain killer abuse doesn't do anyone any favors, especially over years of doing it.

RoyTheHammer;3947076 said:
That's quite a huge assumption. I doubt not even close to half the roster smokes weed. Also, the stereotype of all wrestlers being known as party animals during their careers is overblown because of a few.


RoyTheHammer;3947081 said:
Then its opinion against opinion, but i bet if we looked at the roster right now and counted how many guys are doing illegal drugs right now, the number wouldn't be close to half.

I agree with you again here. I would be shocked to find it's anywhere near half.
Romo 2 Austin;3947345 said:
The "American Bad-***" gimmick is my favorite incarnation of the Undetaker, im probably the only one in the world that will say that though lol

I enjoyed Ministry Undertaker the most. Especially his theme music during that era.
windward;3947578 said:
I enjoyed Ministry Undertaker the most. Especially his theme music during that era.

When I was younger I didn't really like the darker Undertaker, he was suppose to be a good guy but just didn't really get it. The American ****** was just an awesome character, they should revive it with a younger performer it would easily get someone over as a monster babyface.
Gothic Undertaker (all forms) 1990-1999

biker Undertaker (all forms) 2000-2003

Gothic Undertaker 2004-2011

My son was born in 1993 ...... he was 7-10 years old when Taker was his biker gimmick.
zrinkill;3947602 said:
Gothic Undertaker (all forms) 1990-1999

biker Undertaker (all forms) 2000-2003

Gothic Undertaker 2004-2011

My son was born in 1993 ...... he was 7-10 years old when Taker was his biker gimmick.

Same. I was born in 1993 aswell lol.
Romo 2 Austin;3947595 said:
When I was younger I didn't really like the darker Undertaker, he was suppose to be a good guy but just didn't really get it. The American ****** was just an awesome character, they should revive it with a younger performer it would easily get someone over as a monster babyface.
Mark is a man of few words & he doesn't like doing the mic work...one of the best things about the Taker character is that he doesn't have to speak to be intimidating. I can say this from experience...there is nothing quite like Taker coming out. The gong..fog..organ music..& he really is a monster of a man. Matt Hardy said once that Mark rarely talked to him but when he did he listened.
DallasGirl50;3947611 said:
Mark is a man of few words & he doesn't like doing the mic work...one of the best things about the Taker character is that he doesn't have to speak to be intimidating. I can say this from experience...there is nothing quite like Taker coming out. The gong..fog..organ music..& he really is a monster of a man. Matt Hardy said once that Mark rarely talked to him but when he did he listened.

in Jerichos book he calls undertaker "The Fonz" "the Sage" of the backstage, when he talks you listen.

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