Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Thread

Fellow cowboy fans,

I say this in all seriousness. Not trolling.

I think my friend and I figured out Snoke and what really was happening and what ultimately happened after Rey and Ren and Snoke meet.

It’s soooooooo good. I actually bummed that we may have figured this out with 2 years to go for last movie,

It’s friggin brilliant!
I don't follow. Luke is portrayed as a much more powerful jedi in this movie than he was in any of the other films. I have some criticisms of this movie. Luke's abilities are not one of them.
First Jedi I have ever seen astral project.

Next level ****
Someone correct me if I am wrong but Luke astral projected from the planet he had exiled himself TO Crait. How many parsecs was that??? Plus, his astral form looked like it had physical mass and density. Heck, Han's dice, that he 'handed' Leia, looked like they were freaking real too. AND they did not instantly fade away after The Force consumed him.

No. My hangup with Luke in the movie is that he did not really TEACH Rey anything. 'Just breathe' practically sums up his entire Jedi Master training. Obviously, Luke was a good teacher (despite his failure with Kylo) since he taught his sister to withstand and navigate the vacuum of space itself. If that was just one example of his teachings, why was the movie shortchanged in that aspect?
Someone correct me if I am wrong but Luke astral projected from the planet he had exiled himself TO Crait. How many parsecs was that??? Plus, his astral form looked like it had physical mass and density. Heck, Han's dice that he 'handed' Leia looked like they were freaking real too. AND they did not instantly fade away after The Force consumed him.

No. My hangup with Luke in the movie is that he did not really TEACH Rey anything. 'Just breathe' practically sums up his entire Jedi Master training. Obviously, Luke was a good teacher (despite his failure with Kylo) since he taught his sister to withstand and navigate the vacuum of space itself. If that was just one example of his teachings, why was the movie shortchanged in that aspect?

She spooked him.
Didn’t resist the dark, went towards it!

Luke was like what the heck?
She spooked him.
Didn’t resist the dark, went towards it!

Luke was like what the heck?
I was spooked Luke went the Emperor Palpatine (while pretending not being Sith) route and cut himself off from The Force. Of course, both did so in order to remain 'hidden' from those who were Force sensitive. Even so, it was very sad to me learning Luke did not have the slightest clue Han had died.
I was spooked Luke went the Emperor Palpatine (while pretending not being Sith) route and cut himself off from The Force. Of course, both did so in order to remain 'hidden' from those who were Force sensitive. Even so, it was very sad to me learning Luke did not have the slightest clue Han had died.

Understood. Yeah, that hurt.

If you want... actually... anyone who wants too?

Peruse the internet sites for Easter eggs.

If you research one egg in particular it leads a bread crumb trail into a trove on info on Snoke.

It’s a whole new world. Genius.
Understood. Yeah, that hurt.

If you want... actually... anyone who wants too?

Peruse the internet sites for Easter eggs.

If you research one egg in particular it leads a bread crumb trail into a trove on info on Snoke.

It’s a whole new world. Genius.
Which egg is that
Fellow cowboy fans,

I say this in all seriousness. Not trolling.

I think my friend and I figured out Snoke and what really was happening and what ultimately happened after Rey and Ren and Snoke meet.

It’s soooooooo good. I actually bummed that we may have figured this out with 2 years to go for last movie,

It’s friggin brilliant!
You have got to give us more than that...

Leave it to Disney to kill a mythical movie franchise. I mean....who would have thought that even possible. But let this sink in....

Luke Skywalker milked an alien....and then drank it.

Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

I mean if your gonna do that why not go full out breast feed mode? :rolleyes:

Honestly...I won't be able to watch another Star Wars in the same way again. Disney could have made a great was all set up. Instead you get a movie w/ barely a plot. Roles for B-stars just so they can say they were in Star Wars...Not to mention all the political innuendo. It was just a bad movie all the way around...that left open way too many questions....that no way in hell they will be able to answer in episode 9.
I don't follow. Luke is portrayed as a much more powerful jedi in this movie than he was in any of the other films. I have some criticisms of this movie. Luke's abilities are not one of them.
Sorry don't agree at all with that take. He comes across as a coward, quitter, and murderer.. not one of these traits he demonstrated after his training with Yoda. Like I said my 11 year old son who I said nothing to who has watched every film on his own many times immediately asked me why Luke was as he said such a dork in this movie..we all have our opinions and this is mine. I'm a diehard SW fan we lined up and waiting on opening night like all the other recent ones as a family. After TFA we walked out doing cartwheels the crowd inside was cheering after this people coming out were quiet, no cheering inside during the movie, and when it was over there were even some boos...the fact is this is the lowest rated SW film rated by fans the lowest. I don't think I am alone here. Very disappointed am I.
Leave it to Disney to kill a mythical movie franchise. I mean....who would have thought that even possible. But let this sink in....

Luke Skywalker milked an alien....and then drank it.

Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

I mean if your gonna do that why not go full out breast feed mode? :rolleyes:

Honestly...I won't be able to watch another Star Wars in the same way again. Disney could have made a great was all set up. Instead you get a movie w/ barely a plot. Roles for B-stars just so they can say they were in Star Wars...Not to mention all the political innuendo. It was just a bad movie all the way around...that left open way too many questions....that no way in hell they will be able to answer in episode 9.

They are going to make Star Wars movies well after you and I are gone.

Fortunately and unfortunately... watching these movies requires a Star Wars mythos/history education.

Believe me I was in same boat as you.

But... if you want to understand what’s happening and why.. it’s based on “good stuff” lol
Research Star Wars.

Things make sense and for good Star Wars reason. Maybe not for regular you and me joe reason... but Star Wars reason.

Remember it’s scifi and requires suspend your disbelief.
Leave it to Disney to kill a mythical movie franchise. I mean....who would have thought that even possible. But let this sink in....

Luke Skywalker milked an alien....and then drank it.

Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

I mean if your gonna do that why not go full out breast feed mode? :rolleyes:

Honestly...I won't be able to watch another Star Wars in the same way again. Disney could have made a great was all set up. Instead you get a movie w/ barely a plot. Roles for B-stars just so they can say they were in Star Wars...Not to mention all the political innuendo. It was just a bad movie all the way around...that left open way too many questions....that no way in hell they will be able to answer in episode 9.
Hollywood moralizing is like Jeffrey Dahmer lecturing on cuisine

Really amusing on how self righteous they were in this film and others especially as it comes after all the outing of sexual predators that have been allowed to do what they want in Hollywood since they make money and sound like they are on the progressive side of social issues
Leave it to Disney to kill a mythical movie franchise. I mean....who would have thought that even possible. But let this sink in....

Luke Skywalker milked an alien....and then drank it.

Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

I mean if your gonna do that why not go full out breast feed mode? :rolleyes:

Honestly...I won't be able to watch another Star Wars in the same way again. Disney could have made a great was all set up. Instead you get a movie w/ barely a plot. Roles for B-stars just so they can say they were in Star Wars...Not to mention all the political innuendo. It was just a bad movie all the way around...that left open way too many questions....that no way in hell they will be able to answer in episode 9.

Let's face it....these new movies are in no way geared towards you, me or anyone old enough to have seen the original SW trilogy as a kid. I saw it last night and my wife and kids liked the movie as a stand alone sci-fi action flick while I tried to fit what I was watching into the original SW mythos and cannon. It just doesn't work.

They took Luke, the Jedi and the force and made them into something completely different. Disney could have done so much more while some of the original actors are/were still alive. The way they closed out Luke Skywalker's story line is a complete joke. And while I understood much of this going in, I tried to watch the movie as just an action flick and hoped to enjoy it but it just fell way short. People were getting up out of their seats. They were using their phone, leaving the theater, etc. It just wasn't a very good movie IMO.

The whole casino scene was just a waste and dragged out. A camel/horse chase scene? The future of the rebellion rested on finding this hacker and they settle for a stuttering fool they meet in prison? They get captured for illegally parking their ship at the casino and it draws the attention of security forces? I mean, really?

Disney will equate profits with a successful SW film but these guys are living off the SW reputation and attracting audiences who see the movie to continue a story line many people watched in their youth. I doubt you'll get many people who will go back and see the movie again and again like they did the originals. It's a completely wasted and lost opportunity.
How was Luke portrayed as a coward and murderer in the film in your opinion?

Because Ben Solo's turn to the darkside forced him to abandon all the Jedi mythology and he tried to murder Ben. Completely dumb writing and story telling. You took the second most powerful Jedi and turned him into a homeless looking, grouchy, hermit who now wants to end everything he was about in ROTJ.

IMHO Rian Johnson destroyed all the Jedi mythology with this movie. Plus in TFA we were told Snoke wasn't a sith and yet he has the same abilities as the Emperor. Not to mention they completely stole the throne room seen from ROTJ very lazy writing. They should have used the premise from Lucas for these movies.
I more expect that she will be the person to train and usher in any possible next generation of Jedi.

It seems to me that this next installment will possibly feature those Jedi, in addition to recruiting various forces to create the next incarnation of the Rebellion/Resistance.

That sounds like a good possibility. I hope it does go that way. I expect the next one will have a significant time jump between the end of this one and it.

My prediction of the next chosen one was a bit tongue in cheek.
Because Ben Solo's turn to the darkside forced him to abandon all the Jedi mythology and he tried to murder Ben. Completely dumb writing and story telling. You took the second most powerful Jedi and turned him into a homeless looking, grouchy, hermit who now wants to end everything he was about in ROTJ.

IMHO Rian Johnson destroyed all the Jedi mythology with this movie. Plus in TFA we were told Snoke wasn't a sith and yet he has the same abilities as the Emperor. Not to mention they completely stole the throne room seen from ROTJ very lazy writing. They should have used the premise from Lucas for these movies.

I thought they abandoned it too.

It goes deeper. We just can’t see it yet.
I thought they abandoned it too.

It goes deeper. We just can’t see it yet.

I think that there are people who like to think that it goes deeper. Much like those same people felt about Snoke's origins and Rey's parents. And, thus far, none of that speculation has been proven to be the least bit accurate.

The possibility still exists for JJ Abrams to undo the choices that Rian Johnson has made in this film, but it's important to keep in mind that these directors have been in constant contact with the studio and one another during this process, and these films aren't being made in a vacuum.

Fan speculation is interesting, and sometimes more interesting than what they decide to put on film. But that's all that it is - fan speculation.

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