Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Thread

I can certainly see where it looks that way. Especially when Abrams introduces storylines that Johnson seemingly discards. But, again, this stuff isn't happening in a vacuum or without Disney's input.

I can't blame any fans who might be upset with the decisions made, but likewise, I don't get on Johnson for making them either.

What was “established” by JJ that was dismissed by Johnson?
Because Ben Solo's turn to the darkside forced him to abandon all the Jedi mythology and he tried to murder Ben. Completely dumb writing and story telling. You took the second most powerful Jedi and turned him into a homeless looking, grouchy, hermit who now wants to end everything he was about in ROTJ.

IMHO Rian Johnson destroyed all the Jedi mythology with this movie. Plus in TFA we were told Snoke wasn't a sith and yet he has the same abilities as the Emperor. Not to mention they completely stole the throne room seen from ROTJ very lazy writing. They should have used the premise from Lucas for these movies.
Luke thought about killing Kylo. He did not try to kill him. There was nothing which could have prevented Luke from slicing Kylo into hor d'oeuvres if he had chosen to do so. The thought of killing Kylo passed almost instantly when Luke's Jedi teaching kicked in.

Luke was standing over Kylo with his lightsaber drawn. He had ample opportunity to murder the boy if he so choose. He did not. Additionally, Kylo did not prevent his own assassination-that-was-not-carried-out because he woke up, discovered his mentor standing over him, and reacted. It was the pivotal moment that Kylo thought (understandably) Luke would kill him but he was wrong.

I do agree with much of your other assessments.
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What was “established” by JJ that was dismissed by Johnson?

Oh, plenty of things. From the moment that Luke casually tosses that light saber over his shoulder, to the out of nowhere death of Snoke with no answers about him, to the anti-climactic reveal about Rey's parents. Several of his choices differed from Abrams' and fans expectations as well.
I think I responded above.
My apologies. I do not recall Luke murdering anyone.

had Luke self-exile himself, which prevented him from ultimately becoming his nephew's executioner. The boy's turning to the dark side filled him with doubt and depression about the Jedi's role. his role, in the galaxy. In my opinion, Luke's actions were not motivated by cowardice for his own self-preservation. He simply lost his way. The subplot could have been done much better though because it was poorly explained.
Luke thought about killing Kylo. He did not try to kill him. There was nothing which could have prevented Luke from slicing Kylo into hor d'oeuvres if he had chosen to do so. The thought of killing Kylo passed almost instantly when Luke's Jedi teaching kicked in.

Luke was standing over Kylo with his lightsaber drawn. He had ample opportunity to murder the boy if he so choose. He did not. Additionally, Kylo did not prevent his own assassination-that-was-not-carried-out because he woke up, discovered his mentor standing over him, and reacted. It was the pivotal moment that Kylo thought (understandably) Luke would kill him but he was wrong.

I do agree with much of your other assessments.
That depends on which version you believe Luke's version or Kylo's. That's your right not agree.
Why would anyone believe Kylo's?
The same reason we're supposed to believe Leia now all of the sudden has force ability other than telepathy. The same reason we're supposed to believe that Snoke wasn't a sith but now he is but who cares he's dead now?? Too many empty plot points from TFA that TLJ just ignores or quickly throws out. Rey's parents were nobody and yet Luke's/Vadar's lightsaber just randomly called her (a random girl abandoned on a desert planet) in TFA and Luke throws it over his shoulder like it meant nothing. If they wanted to just move away from the original's they should have just done that.
The same reason we're supposed to believe Leia now all of the sudden has force ability other than telepathy. The same reason we're supposed to believe that Snoke wasn't a sith but now he is but who cares he's dead now?? Too many empty plot points from TFA that TLJ just ignores or quickly throws out. Rey's parents were nobody and yet Luke's/Vadar's lightsaber just randomly called her (a random girl abandoned on a desert planet) in TFA and Luke throws it over his shoulder like it meant nothing. If they wanted to just move away from the original's they should have just done that.

To be honest, when I read that they were making a new trilogy, I expected the characters from the originals to be around simply to hand off the baton. I'm surprised that they've been as heavily involved as they already have.

And in their plans, they decided to make the third episode in this trilogy to be "Leia's". As Force Awakens was "Han's" before he died, and this one was "Luke's" before he died. But fate had other ideas, and now they're forced to scramble and readjust.
To be honest, when I read that they were making a new trilogy, I expected the characters from the originals to be around simply to hand off the baton. I'm surprised that they've been as heavily involved as they already have.

And in their plans, they decided to make the third episode in this trilogy to be "Leia's". As Force Awakens was "Han's" before he died, and this one was "Luke's" before he died. But fate had other ideas, and now they're forced to scramble and readjust.
I agree and thought the same thing. I honestly think my expectations were very high because of how good a job I thought they did with Rogue One. I don't care that fan theories were wrong in TLJ. I'm disappointed that they basically destroyed the Jedi/Sith mythology.
I agree and thought the same thing. I honestly think my expectations were very high because of how good a job I thought they did with Rogue One. I don't care that fan theories were wrong in TLJ. I'm disappointed that they basically destroyed the Jedi/Sith mythology.

I agree about Rogue One. Best one for me since Empire.

And I don't blame any fans for being upset about certain changes and decisions made. I wasn't happy about everything either, but there was more I liked than what I didn't like.

They weren't the choices I would have made, but when would they be, right?
Oh, plenty of things. From the moment that Luke casually tosses that light saber over his shoulder, to the out of nowhere death of Snoke with no answers about him, to the anti-climactic reveal about Rey's parents. Several of his choices differed from Abrams' and fans expectations as well.

This is a very important line... not just from character to character.

“This is not going to go the way you think”

Its for YOU, the audience, too!
The same reason we're supposed to believe Leia now all of the sudden has force ability other than telepathy. The same reason we're supposed to believe that Snoke wasn't a sith but now he is but who cares he's dead now?? Too many empty plot points from TFA that TLJ just ignores or quickly throws out. Rey's parents were nobody and yet Luke's/Vadar's lightsaber just randomly called her (a random girl abandoned on a desert planet) in TFA and Luke throws it over his shoulder like it meant nothing. If they wanted to just move away from the original's they should have just done that.

It’s not all of a sudden.

Snoke was never a Sith.

When was the other time threw a light saber away?
It’s not all of a sudden.

Snoke was never a Sith.

When was the other time threw a light saber away?

Snoke had Sith abilities to use electricity. So he had very strong force powers, how he developed those powers, we don't know.
You need expand your thought process on powers. Now if they are a Sith with powers,

I said Force powers. You don't have to have the title of Sith to use the dark side of the Force. You need to expand your thought process on that.
That depends on which version you believe Luke's version or Kylo's. That's your right not agree.
Kylo wakes up, turns over and sees an activated lightsaber. What should he think in that situation? I believe it would be the same reaction as anyone waking up, turn over and see a gun hovering a few feet away. Anyone would think that the person with the weapon was trying to kill them.

Of course, Kylo’s own account that he shared with Rey verifies that he ‘defended’ himself after suddenly noticing his uncle standing beside his bed where he was laying—presumably asleep.


The one thing that has always bugged me was the slo mo lightsaber scenes in the first trilogy. In the second trilogy, lightsaber fighting was outta this world fast.

So... thinking back to that pivotal scene in TLJ... I should believe that Slow-Poke-Lightsaber-Luke did not have enough time to slice Kylo in those moments before he awaken. That is plausible since he has never shown quick reflexes in any prior film. A two foot swipe with a lightsaber? That would take a LONG time.

Okay. I am outta this thread.
She's gonna be the chosen one of Jedi prophecy who will bring balance to the Force

I always thought Anakin fulfilled this. It just wasn't what people thought. When he came around the Jedi were numerous and the Sith were down to the master and apprentice. After he became vadar, they were evened out.

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