Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Thread

I liked TLJ much better than the TFA......TFA was too much forced member berries

Now that we know Rey, Finn, Po and Kylo the story was much stronger

Most of us that loved the Trilogy forget we were 8-15 years old when they came out.... I don't think we should overthink the new ones as Middle aged fans....... just enjoy the Good vs Evil, Dark vs Light battle
I liked TLJ much better than the TFA......TFA was too much forced member berries

Now that we know Rey, Finn, Po and Kylo the story was much stronger

Most of us that loved the Trilogy forget we were 8-15 years old when they came out.... I don't think we should overthink the new ones as Middle aged fans....... just enjoy the Good vs Evil, Dark vs Light battle

TFA story was better. As for Good vs Evil. The Evil in this triology is lame. Snoke is nowhere near what Palpatine was. And the others in the FIrst Order, have no depth. Maybe Kylo has some depth, but that's about it. I feel no real evil presence with the First Order.
I always thought Anakin fulfilled this. It just wasn't what people thought. When he came around the Jedi were numerous and the Sith were down to the master and apprentice. After he became vadar, they were evened out.

Sidious didn’t follow rule of two.
Luke has been a dork in every movie. He wasn't portrayed as a murderer because he didn't follow through. He knew it wasn't the right thing to do. In ROTJ, he was about to murder the emperor, but Vader blocked him.

I don't think you need to be a fan of this film. I just do not agree at all that Luke's powers and abilities weren't that great. He is much more powerful in this movie than any of the others.
I rest my case...I think I will side with the gent who has been playing this character the past 40 years.

The actor has been very open in the past about how he was totally taken aback and even uncomfortable about the direction Rian Johnson took Luke’s character arc in. However, in a recent interview, he gives his most candid thoughts on The Last Jedi yet, making it clear that he has “fundamental differences” with the film’s take on Luke and even goes so far as to say that the character presented is “not my Luke Skywalker.” However, he does concede that maybe the franchise needed such a shake-up to keep it fresh.

“I said to Ryan, I said, “Jedi’s don’t give up. I mean even if he had a problem he would maybe take a year to try and regroup, but if he made a mistake he would try and right that wrong.” So right there we had a fundamental difference, but it’s not my story anymore. It’s somebody else’s story, and Ryan needed me to be a certain way to make the ending effective. That’s the crux of my problem. Luke would never say that. I’m sorry.”
I rest my case...I think I will side with the gent who has been playing this character the past 40 years.

The actor has been very open in the past about how he was totally taken aback and even uncomfortable about the direction Rian Johnson took Luke’s character arc in. However, in a recent interview, he gives his most candid thoughts on The Last Jedi yet, making it clear that he has “fundamental differences” with the film’s take on Luke and even goes so far as to say that the character presented is “not my Luke Skywalker.” However, he does concede that maybe the franchise needed such a shake-up to keep it fresh.

“I said to Ryan, I said, “Jedi’s don’t give up. I mean even if he had a problem he would maybe take a year to try and regroup, but if he made a mistake he would try and right that wrong.” So right there we had a fundamental difference, but it’s not my story anymore. It’s somebody else’s story, and Ryan needed me to be a certain way to make the ending effective. That’s the crux of my problem. Luke would never say that. I’m sorry.”

How does that show that Luke isn't powerful in this movie? The acts of force that he demonstrated were far greater in this movie than any other.

But since you changed topics, Yoda quit. He went into exile.
How does that show that Luke isn't powerful in this movie? The acts of force that he demonstrated were far greater in this movie than any other.

But since you changed topics, Yoda quit. He went into exile.
Yoda went into exile to wait for Luke to grow up to become his last padawan and fix things.
How does that show that Luke isn't powerful in this movie? The acts of force that he demonstrated were far greater in this movie than any other.

But since you changed topics, Yoda quit. He went into exile.
The movie had a terrible plot not only the most fans in the history of SW films but actors have expressed disappointment with the movie. You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't think he was powerful and left "me" with a nothing more than complete disappointment. Personally I think after CF's unexpected passing he could have changed two scenes. Let her die with general akbar and keep Luke alive at the end. Anyway it is what it is.
How does that show that Luke isn't powerful in this movie? The acts of force that he demonstrated were far greater in this movie than any other.

But since you changed topics, Yoda quit. He went into exile.
They portrayed Rey and Ren to have more raw power than Luke. Luke was scared of them both, that alone was laughable because he had already faced the 2 most evil characters in the Star Wars universe.
Notttttttttt “Sith” powers...... per........ say.....

There is a point. You repeatedly choose to evade it. Lol

Mah, you ARE completely STUPID. I said he shoots electricity. Sith lords shoot electricity. I said he HAD FORCE POWERS EINSTEIN. Nothing more than that. You are on ignore.....
Mah, you ARE completely STUPID. I said he shoots electricity. Sith lords shoot electricity. I said he HAD FORCE POWERS EINSTEIN. Nothing more than that. You are on ignore.....
I think he’s trying to say that force lightning is a dark side power but not specifically Sith. Sith is a subset. Hope that helps
This was the first movie without a light saber duel.......sabers were used but not against each other

The sand didn't go red under Luke's feet......a clue

Luke used his green saber and Rey's blue saber

BB-8 carried on the "I have a bad feeling" quote spoken in every movie
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Ep 1 - Sidious and Maul
Ep 2 - Sidious and Dooku
Ep 3 - Sidious and Vader
Ep 4 - Sidious and Vader
Ep 5 - Sidious and Vader
Ep 6 - Sidious and Vader

Yes. I stand corrected. He would bend rules. Not break them necessarily. He like rule of one best ;-)

Ep 1 - Sidious and Maul (I thought Maul was closer in the timeline to Dooku, but he wasn’t)sidious never really considered Maul an apprentice though... he’s know as a Sith assassin-type.

Ep 2 - Sidious and Dooku (all along he is getting Anakin ready to be his apprentice, so there is overlap there)

Ep 3 - Sidious AND DOOKU and Vader (sidious and Dooku, then Dooku realizes there never any plans for him and sidious)

Ep 4 - Sidious and Vader

Ep 5 - Sidious and Vader

Ep 6 - Sidious and Vader (again sidious is planning to get rid of Vader for Luke (Dooku dejavu)

Palpatine never would let an apprentice get to the point of overthrowing him. Throughout the prequels he considered himself rule of one. The TWO or THREE were always pawns.

Even in OT with Vader. Vader was underling to Palp and that was ALWAYS going to be that way. Palp has Vader’s kryptonite.
I think he’s trying to say that force lightning is a dark side power but not specifically Sith. Sith is a subset. Hope that helps

Yoda used Force lightning in Revenge of the Sith. The force isn't dark or light. It is an energy field.

"The Force, early known as the Power of Cosmos by the Kwa, was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark side, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force, and the Physical Force."
They portrayed Rey and Ren to have more raw power than Luke. Luke was scared of them both, that alone was laughable because he had already faced the 2 most evil characters in the Star Wars universe.

Was it “THEIR” power or was it Snokes power?

Just want to see it again.

Snoke is the greatest puppet master of all time.

If you can’t/don’t/won’t see it now....


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