Twitter: Stephen Jones on KRLD Calls out Claiborne

sure on 10 yard routes...Safety should have not time to get over there....but to look at a Safety and CB within 3 yards of Dez and just throw it up for grabs? That is NOT a solution? What are we PAYING offensive architescts for? Why are we watching film? Why take a week between games and have advanced scouts? If the best thing we can come up with is sandlot football. Bunch formations. Sending him motion. Putting him in the slot. Do you recall TO running wide open down the field in Dallas? I do! You have to call the right plays and let them develop. You have to move Dez around. You have to have an effective running game. And sure...sometimes the situation calls for taking chances. But Dez will be doubled ALL season...and they KNEW this...and KNOW earn your salary and come up with something!

Well you won't get any argument from me that this offense is not very good. But i've come to grips it won't change. We refuse to put Dez in motion like we use to put TO when eh couldn't get off the line of scrimmage. This offense isn't aggressive at all and its content with the 4 or 5 yard passes they complete. That type of gameplan is how and why you put up 14 a game.
Organizational cohesion matters. You've hired coaches to do this job for you, it makes no sense to meddle in that area and disrupt everything.

Again, if someone can logically explain to me how the owner's son having his own radio snow does anything good for the franchise (and inflating Stephen's ego doesn't count) I'm all ears.

Yes you hire coaches and? Stephen or Jerry demanding more out of a players is not undermining a damn thing. As for the owner having a show so did Tex no one cared, Tex had his own TV show no one cared. You don't like the guys fine but this non sense about how they are hurting the team by demanding better from the team is crazy they have every right to demand. Fans have a right to demand
How about the media ask Jerry and Stephen about the terrible job they are doing? i listen to these interviews, and all i hear is these soft balls question. 1 playoff win in going on 17 years should have the Dallas/Ft. Worth media foaming at the mouth. yet all we hear is how bad players are playing. WHO BROUGHT THESE PLAYER HERE?
He did not say Mo was the reason we lost, those are your words you put some spin on this but saying a player needs to step up and play that is not trashing him or blaming him for any loss. Jerry has taken the heat he has admitted mistakes he had never blamed someone else but yes he and stephen as the top people in the organization will demand that those working and getting paid by the organization perform better.

When you single out a player, it's indirectly laying the blame on him. There are at least a dozen Cowboys players who could be called out for how they played yesterday. Let's not even get started on the coaches.

But Stephen chooses to take aim at the low hanging fruit in Claiborne.
How about the media ask Jerry and Stephen about the terrible job they are doing? i listen to these interviews, and all i hear is these soft balls question. 1 playoff win in going on 17 years should have the Dallas/Ft. Worth media foaming at the mouth. yet all we hear is how bad players are playing. WHO BROUGHT THESE PLAYER HERE?

So its Jerry and Stephen's fault their players are underachieving? When they leave here they sure don't seem to have a problem getting a job elsewhere.
What's stopping us from winning games are the people in charge of this organization. When the people in charge of this organization try to deflect the blame onto other people, that's a problem.

The radio show has nothing to do with wins and losses. I was just making a comment about it. Sorry if that offended you. Are you a big fan of Stephen's show?

They said the same things 3 years ago when Wade was canned - coaches/GM can't make players play, horse to water, ect. ect.
The owner, Jed Clampett, and his son, Jethro Bodine, must constantly be visible. No matter how correct Jethro's comments on Claiborne are, why he is on the radio calling players out is beyond me. That's the coaches job usually, but our coach has been spade and neutered. Whenever I hear Jerry or Stephen speak I'm reminded of the old saying "Better to be thought an idiot, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Like the coaches haven't noticed Claiborne struggling?? Pretty sure they didn't need daddy's boy to point that out to them.

Is that what Stephen was doing? I'm sure Claiborne is up this morning listening to a 10 minute Stephen Jones radio show lol.
When you single out a player, it's indirectly laying the blame on him. There are at least a dozen Cowboys players who could be called out for how they played yesterday. Let's not even get started on the coaches.

But Stephen chooses to take aim at the low hanging fruit in Claiborne.

He did not point only at Mo, this is stupid they own the fricken team they pay the money and you damn right they expect players to do the job. I too expect players to do their job that is what they are paid to do. If that hurts a feeling then so be it. Fact is you are going to complain about Jones anyways so what the hell does it matter.
They said the same things 3 years ago when Wade was canned - coaches/GM can't make players play, horse to water, ect. ect.

So what's the one constant from now to then? The people leading the organization. Claiborne at this point, does not appear to be the elite player people thought he was going to be. The Jones boys need to be a little introspective and understand it was THEIR mistake trading up for him in the first place, rather than expecting him to be something that maybe he was never going to be.
He did not point only at Mo, this is stupid they own the fricken team they pay the money and you damn right they expect players to do the job. I too expect players to do their job that is what they are paid to do. If that hurts a feeling then so be it. Fact is you are going to complain about Jones anyways so what the hell does it matter.

Of course they can do what they want, it doesn't mean it's not a completely amateur thing to do. But that's what the Jones boys do. They try to meddle in everything, and hey, they own the team so they can do it if they want to. Doesn't mean we can't criticize it.
Yes you hire coaches and? Stephen or Jerry demanding more out of a players is not undermining a damn thing. As for the owner having a show so did Tex no one cared, Tex had his own TV show no one cared. You don't like the guys fine but this non sense about how they are hurting the team by demanding better from the team is crazy they have every right to demand. Fans have a right to demand
Stephen and Jerry both need to shut up and look in the mirror. they brought these players and coaches in here. it's easy to blame Carter, MO, T. Williams and others. but how about taking responsibility?
MO is not the Answer, he is what he is...A overrated high draft pick.

He's not a huge playmaker and does not have elite athleticism.

He is an average maybe above average corner at best. At least O Scan has elite speed to stick to a WR.

To many times a WR will break inside, and there is MO, looking like a lost puppy
Stephen and Jerry both need to shut up and look in the mirror. they brought these players and coaches in here. it's easy to blame Carter, MO, T. Williams and others. but how about taking responsibility?

That is just stupid, they brought them in so they should say nothing? They should not demand better from them, they are not giving up on Mo they are not giving up on coaches but of course they want and demand better. In the end Jones does take the responsiblity he has never shied away from it.
Of course they can do what they want, it doesn't mean it's not a completely amateur thing to do. But that's what the Jones boys do. They try to meddle in everything, and hey, they own the team so they can do it if they want to. Doesn't mean we can't criticize it.

in your amature view? lol

If they said nothing I'm sure it would be spun they don't care. Jerry and Stephen are not undermining anything they give the coaches what they want and yes they demand better so does everyone else.
in your amature view? lol

If they said nothing I'm sure it would be spun they don't care. Jerry and Stephen are not undermining anything they give the coaches what they want and yes they demand better so does everyone else.

Calling out a player should be the coaches job. Nobody else's. But that's why this organization is dysfunctional as it is. You don't need me to explain that to you - the results speak for themselves.
Calling out a player should be the coaches job. Nobody else's. But that's why this organization is dysfunctional as it is. You don't need me to explain that to you - the results speak for themselves.

Saying they expect more out of Mo is not calling him out, as for coaches they are the ones rotating Mo and scandrick in and out of the game. Stephen and Jerry are not rotating these players in and out coaches are all he is saying is they expect more from these players. Nothing dysfunctional about it, fact is you like complaining about them so spin away
About time we start calling some players out you can tell frustration is setting in.

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