Twitter: Stephen Jones On Trades


What's it going to be then, eh?
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No it's you is delusional if you think any team at any time take where the draft is being held as any reason at all in helping to decide what they may do during the draft. It is only wannabe GM fans thinking that think this.
You could say this.

But it was an amazing coincidence that everyone knew the previous offseason the draft last year would be held in Philadelphia.

At that time, the Eagles had no first round pick thanks to the Wentz trade and it looked like it would be dull for Eagles fans.

Then they pulled off the Bradford trade. Bingo. Back in the first round again.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You could say this.

But it was an amazing coincidence that everyone knew the previous offseason the draft last year would be held in Philadelphia.

At that time, the Eagles had no first round pick thanks to the Wentz trade and it looked like it would be dull for Eagles fans.

Then they pulled off the Bradford trade. Bingo. Back in the first round again.

Because if the draft we're someplace else they wouldn't have tried to get their 1st round pick back.


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You could say this.

But it was an amazing coincidence that everyone knew the previous offseason the draft last year would be held in Philadelphia.

At that time, the Eagles had no first round pick thanks to the Wentz trade and it looked like it would be dull for Eagles fans.

Then they pulled off the Bradford trade. Bingo. Back in the first round again.

There's a huge difference between a team without a 1s round and a team who does have it. Also a HUGE flaw in your logic. I'll bet anything that if the draft was in some other city that same trade would have happened. Again, real GM's unlike wannabe GM fans, aren't motivated on their drafting by where the draft is being held. If that was the case more recently the bears would have made some block buster trades both years it was in Chicago and then year after year both the giants and jets would have been doing block buster trades all of the many years the draft was in New York. Now the Giants did do a big trade when the got Eli but again that trade would have happened no matter where the draft was held.


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And Stephen Jones will probably hold him back like he did in the Manziel situation.

That is one place I think they will show some restraint.

Again, they don't have to actually pull off the big splash, but they will certainly whip things up into a frenzy for this draft.

It is the first one being broadcast on network TV (Fox). They are going to want to be very visible, important and above all relevant.

There is another possibility.

Them staying at 19 and picking someone out of left field.

Remember the reaction from the TV personalities and the crowd when they announced Jaylon Smiths name? People were stunned.


Chris in Arizona
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"we think too highly of our guys and not enough of someone else's guys" at least sums up the majority of the Fan Boys here.

Our guys are all amazing and other team's guys are yucky.

We would win if it wasn't for that pesky NFL bias against us.

Chuck 54

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On draft night, Jerry can make a splash by moving up in round 1....that splash lasts about 30 minutes. Or he can sit back and bask in the glory of being on TV for 10 selections over 3 nights.

I definitely don't see them moving up in round 1 for a LB, certainly not into the top 10. There are two very good LBs up there from Georgia and VA Tech, but are we going to pour multiple resources into that selection and then sit Lee or Smith? I don't think so. We don't need better starters at LB; we need depth. You don't draft for depth in round 1.

Any moves will be subtle ones, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he moved back from #19, gathering more picks before selecting a G, WR, or DL.


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stephen is jerry 2.0, except he's much tighter with the purse strings. At least with Jerry, we get a splash. If we're going to be mired in mediocrity, at least make it entertaining.


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I would LOVE it if we drafted the Rhode Island QB Kyle Lauletta. He has some Tony Romo to him and I believe he can start one day in this league. He's a little raw but has huge upside, I would roll the dice on him as early as round 2 or 3. I wouldnt be afraid at all.
My second rnd target would be Settle. I don’t think they will take a NT type at 19 and he is a good run stuffer who does get some pressure to

Chuck 54

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I could see us trading up to around #16 if a player we really want falls especially if they are not sold on Dak and a highly coveted QB falls. I don't think they are ready to move on from Dak obviously, but that is one of the situations we might move up.

It would eat up way too much of our draft rss to move up much higher than 3 or 4 spots tops.
If we drafted a QB in round one, I'd be completely distraught, no matter who it is. I want to complete this year, so I want a draft pick who will start or play in a serious rotation at his position.


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You could say this.

But it was an amazing coincidence that everyone knew the previous offseason the draft last year would be held in Philadelphia.

At that time, the Eagles had no first round pick thanks to the Wentz trade and it looked like it would be dull for Eagles fans.

Then they pulled off the Bradford trade. Bingo. Back in the first round again.
the eagles move was brilliant, no doubt about it. just as was their move the year prior to leap frog us and get wentz. makes me wonder what the Vikings might do having 3 potentially starting qb's on their roster and an interest in playing the kirk cousins game.


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lol, so not having anyone in the FO that is capable of making a trade couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.
just making a trade in today's nfl is hard enough. but throw in the perceived "hoodwinked" factor and it becomes even more difficult. you can't just make a trade, you have to give the perception you made the other party look like a fool.


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On draft night, Jerry can make a splash by moving up in round 1....that splash lasts about 30 minutes. Or he can sit back and bask in the glory of being on TV for 10 selections over 3 nights.

I definitely don't see them moving up in round 1 for a LB, certainly not into the top 10. There are two very good LBs up there from Georgia and VA Tech, but are we going to pour multiple resources into that selection and then sit Lee or Smith? I don't think so. We don't need better starters at LB; we need depth. You don't draft for depth in round 1.

Any moves will be subtle ones, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he moved back from #19, gathering more picks before selecting a G, WR, or DL.
We don't need to sit Lee. He will sit himself by week 3. I think LB may be our most pressing need


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right at the top. especially considering the odds are hitchens will leave and won't be easily replaced.
If our FO can sit there and think we can lose hitch and Lee will stay healthy for 16 games and we don't need a LB in the first round. There really is no helping us. Unless they fill the need thru FA. But I don't see any names there that make up for hitch nevermind filling in for Lee