Stephen: The team doesn't have a culture problem

These people are so oblivious. Either that or they do not care, I mean look at the money they’re making hand over fist. Why change it? Winning ain’t important. Its headlines, just staying relevant and doing enough to keep fans engaged. That’s the winning profit formula and they’ve got that down. Losers.
A restaurant Owner with rats and roaches will tell you they have a clean establishment. Same thing here.
He almost busted out the “if you aren’t first your last” talladega nights line
Welp, if Tommy boy said it, then it must be true.
He's right.

It doesn't have a culture problem. It has an owner problem.
I envy Stephen. I mean, I used to work for my Optometrist dad, but I didn't get paid MILLIONS to do it, regardless of whether I was actually good, or not. In fact, I just left for more money, lol. It must be nice. At the same time, he's also a POS that cheats on his wife, which I don't envy because I have no respect for that.
Pocket personality is a remedy for what ails Stevie. Which sounds like, and appears to be just about everything.
And yet y'all continue to follow and buy into their product.

Looks like y'all have been proving Stephen Jones right all of these 30 years.

:laugh: :popcorn: :hammer:
Good luck getting either of the Joneses to criticize the culture.

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